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It does look like Acid for the iPod. I can't care less honestly. It's just jumping into that casuals market for the iPod.

By some long chance, it's MGS4 for the 360. meh, too far fetched.

it's just another little nudge to MGS4 on the 360.

Why is these such hostility at this idea? I'd love MSG4 on 360. I'm sure as hell not buying a PS3 any time soon, so putting the game on a system I have is nothing but good as far as I'm concerned.

if it is Ac!d for ipod

that would be a pretty big wtf, Kojima

Would you really be surprised? There was an ipod IN THE GAME.

I think this is pointing to MGS on 360. I have no idea what the upside down exclamation point is for though.

Also just to make a point; MGS2:Substance on the original xbox was better than the PS2 version if you ask me. I know the 360 isn't as powerful as the PS3, but I think that Microsoft would be as particular as possible with a title like this. If the 360 version is indeed coming, it would be a huge blow for Sony.

The upside down ! mark is probably just an indication that if you spin the ! around in a 360, you get that picture. This pretty much confirms that there's an MGS for the 360, as for what it is, who knows.

Oh, good call.

I am going to laugh at my brother, who told me MGS would never come to 360.


I dunno, I'm going with Ac!d as the IP. It strikes me as most likely, given the symbols in the equation and that there hasn't been a new Ac!d game in awhile.

That said, I would freaking love it if MGS4 gets ported to the 360. I'm probably getting a 360 for Christmas, and it would remove one of the only two reasons for me to even consider a PS3. (The other being Disgaea 3, which will hopefully get ported elsewhere anyway.)


A next metal gear is you!

A next metal gear... is... SPARTA!!!

The two i's suggest that it's MGS for the Wii. The i in the last circle is upside-down because MGS is full of exclaimation marks. And the Power symbol (which is on the Wii) is a hint that MGS will appear in the next issue of Nintendo Power. And what colour is the Wii's power light when the power is on? Green! AND, what do they say about a next metal gear's power level? It's OVER THREE SIXTY!!! Therefore it is clearly NOT three sixty, and since it's also not PS3, then it must be Wii.

But yeah, it's probably 360 or iPod.

The URL contains the letters "mgst" so assuming that MGS means Metal Gear Solid we just have to figure out what the T stands for.

Metal Gear Solid Thing. They're really not revealing much...

The URL contains the letters "mgst" so assuming that MGS means Metal Gear Solid we just have to figure out what the T stands for.


probably just stands for "teaser". but it does have an "s" so maybe it is an MGS game.


I honestly don't know what to think. I see an exclamation mark and I think the "alert" sound, and I see that green (although red is more appropriate) power symbol and I think 360. The 'i' confuses me...but the iPhone is a good guess, I think. It could be both. This might be saying that the next Ac!d game is coming out for the iPhone and MGS4 will be out for the 360. I love symbolism and ambiguity :<

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