woekitten Posted August 24, 2003 Posted August 24, 2003 Well, I'm a fan of Tull, Trigun and Trigger, so how could I lose? It's a great remix. Quote
Holy Warrior Azar Posted August 24, 2003 Posted August 24, 2003 I'm love Jethro Tull, their music is great(with the exception of Aqualung, anybody who knows the lyrics should know what I mean). Chrono Trigger also had alot of great music...and this mix overall is just great...It's what you'd expect from Dj Pretzel, only the best. Quote
CyberDuck Posted August 24, 2003 Posted August 24, 2003 Yo Dj Pretzel, what the $@%^ ? I've come to expect more from you, but for the last 3 or 4 remixes you've totally failed to deliver. This song was absolute crap, there was nothing original or entertaining about it. The remixing was decent quality but so what? You used to be so good, but now you're barely on par with most of the remixers on this site. This song pales in comparison to starblast's recent chrono trigger robo remix. Sorry but this is just worthless remix garbage. Which others didn't you like? (hopefully you'll come back and see this, but probly a slim chance cuz u already said everything there is to say on a forum like dis) Quote
incinerator Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 Mmmm....Trigun and Tull. On a Chrono Trigger song. *thinks for a while...* Good stuff, pretz. Continue the good work in your new home! Quote
Rodin Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 And DJP once again shows us why this is his site, damnit! An excellent song, I can hear the Trigun influence, although I've never heard Tull. However, the thing that strikes me most about this remix is the flow. It just drags you in and gives you that overall mellow feeling. This is one of the tracks that I could just loop over and over. <does so> Mmm....<Homer Simpson drool> Quote
Itinerant Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 Well, Pretzel, I can definately hear all of the different influences. The music from the fair was awesome. Trigun just rocks. Jethro Tull is okay. Somehow, though, I expected more. Maybe you should have left the supercharger on there... Hmm... I'm going to revise my opinion. Now that I have listened to it a few times, I like it a bit more. It's kind of catchy actually. It's something I would put on a CD to listen to over and over. Quote
Tansunn Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 I don't know about Trigun, but when I listen to this, I keep expecting it to break into LAHAN from the Xenogears Creid album. The acoustic guitar and drums are what do it for me. A very enjoyable, light-hearted tune, but a little disappointing because it reminded me of Creid so much yet failed to deliver that same "holy shit, this rocks" feeling. I'd still recommend it. Quote
*Drasiir Posted August 25, 2003 Posted August 25, 2003 And perhaps the most important thing about djp's mixes is this: none of it sounds strained, forced, or contrived. This sounds like a band just chillin' on a saturday afternoon with no audience but itself.Here's a mix with that special something -- when you've analyzed all the beats and chord progressions and articulations, when you've put it through the meat grinder of thought, you won't have gotten to it all. Just listen again, and there it is, whatever we listen to music for is right there from the founding father of oc remix himself. This says it all. Quote
Akai Suisen Posted August 26, 2003 Posted August 26, 2003 Once again, DJP brings his stuff to the table and has apparently whipped up another masterpiece. The funniest thing was that I was watching Trigun when I finished dling this song, and couldnt quite figure out where that song was coming from, TV or speakers. Amazing work, its so calm and never loses sight the intentions of the mix. The fact that its so fluid solidifies this blended piece. In short: amazing. Quote
SnappleMan Posted August 26, 2003 Posted August 26, 2003 Tis pretty good. I like the style of the mix, too bad it had to be used on another Chrono Trigger song... But yeah, not a bad mix. I've gotten really sick of the music from Chrono Trigger, but the mix was enjoyable to the point where I didnt care what game it was from, it was just a good track. I think it's got more of a Chrono Cross vibe, not so much Trigun. Overall, a good remix, not spectacular, but above par. Quote
Eccles Posted August 26, 2003 Posted August 26, 2003 I havent seen Trigun as of yet (yeah yeah, blasphemy I know) so I cant comment on that aspect, but thats nothing major so no biggie. I really like this one... I noticed it was getting a little repetetive by about halfway through...but it was a good track so I hardly noticed it, which was further emphasised when you has the flutes and drums play on their own. Im not too keen on the ending, I must say...Im not sure but I think perhaps a couple bars of sustain on that last note would've really done a better job of it, but thats nto to say that the ending you have is a bad one...just not my cup of tea. Quote
Daltonius Sigma Posted August 26, 2003 Posted August 26, 2003 That's really cool, it sounds like something you'd hear going on a journey somewhere in a good rpg quest. I know it's from the Chrono fair, but that doesn't take away. Quote
Vasek Pavel Posted August 27, 2003 Posted August 27, 2003 I think that it's a very good remix, fun and enjoyable. I definitely heard the Tull in it, plus I love the chrono trigger music. If any of you haven't listened to Tull do because they're really really good. Ian anderson invented the 'Rock Flute'. Aqualung's a key hit of theirs. Quote
Fieari Posted August 27, 2003 Posted August 27, 2003 I can hear Tull, Trigun, and a lot of Chrono Cross's style in this. This could fit RIGHT into the Cross soundtrack for a town somewhere. This is not a disparagement of any sort, since I -love- Cross's music with a passion. It's great! Sounds wonderful! Might have been better on live instruments, but then, what wouldn't be? I likey! I likey! Quote
Dopey Posted August 28, 2003 Posted August 28, 2003 I usually don't post reviews for mixes....But after a few days of playing this song nonstop I feel as if I have to just to get what I have to say about this mix off my chest. And what I have to say is that this just might be the best production the Pretz' has ever put out....The title intrigued me....And I'll admit I'd never thought Chrono Trigger's Millenial Fair Theme was anything to write home about....But man!! Everything about this mix is top notch. The guitar and flute sounded especially sweet...As soon as the drums kicked in the song actually made me think for a second that he actually threw a part from the Trigun soundtrack in there....(Maybe he did and the two songs just sound similar..I haven't heard all of Trigun's music.) And of course, myself being a Tull fan, as soon as the flute kicked in it had me hooked. Easily my favorite mix on the site...A big kudos to you DJ Pretzel...You're doing a damned good job. Quote
KeeperS Posted August 28, 2003 Posted August 28, 2003 Having never seen Trigun or heard Tull, I really can't comment on the inspiration. Still, I really liked this remix. The instruments just seemed to really fit well together. At times, this mix almost sounded a little Suikodenish to me, which is definitely a good thing. *shrug* Quote
Paragon Posted August 29, 2003 Posted August 29, 2003 You call this having a Trigun influence? Where are the crazy-weird tom rolls? Heh. Overall though, honestly, I do like this. It doesn't really have the western feel of Trigun IMO, but it does have a synthed guitar that sounds good in its own right. I haven't heard anything from Jethro Tull so I can't comment on relation to that. Quote
Trump Ice Posted August 29, 2003 Posted August 29, 2003 I would just like to thank DJPretzel's house for ispiring this really great remix. It was really worth the 20 minute download time Quote
Willpower Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 Quite a refreshing take on one of my favorite songs from CT. I'd just like to chime in with my thoughts on the Trigun side of the inspiration (not to downplay Tull at all, mind you.) Definitly some Trigun-style in there (but only from the last episode ending, really)... I totally agree with zircon here, while most of the music from Trigun uses much more distortion on the guitar melodies, the song that immediately sprang to mind when I listened to Jethro and Vash at the Fair was the Trigun song: Fool's Paradise (the finale end credits) I even had to listen to the two songs back to back a few times to feel satisfied. Sadly, this brought to me what I feel to be the only weakness of pretzel's mix: the synth instruments here come up a bit short compared to the sound (and subsequently the feel) produced by both sources of inspiration. Overall, I quite enjoy this mix. The arrangement is brilliant, while I would love to hear pretzel bring us a live instrument version (or a more polished synth even) I will happily add Jethro & Vash at the Fair to my playlist. Thanks! Quote
Wonder_Hamster Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 This is one of my favorite tracks now, but I think "Good Tuna" would be a really appropriate name for the mix Quote
JorJorMogBoi Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 Just wanted to say that while I didn't like it at first (I thought it had too much ornamentation, but I was being skeptical), I do now! It's very addictive. I think I can hear all of the sources too. The guitar at the beginning actually doesn't remind me of Trigun, but more commercial rock. The bass does, however. I also agree with the person that said it sounds very Xenogears Creid-ish; I think that's the bass in the background too. That's one of the best parts of the song, but everything is just really good, especially "Jethro the flute". I think the ending is okay. It kind of reminds me of "Palm" from the Grandia OST. Great job! Quote
liquidsm0ke Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 ":o" I -need- more mixes like this...anyone know of any? Quote
th1rdeye Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 I worked at the Renaissance Faire this year, and since it ended I've been missing the lovely music we had at the dances. This song conjures up fond memories of those days. =) Quote
Romeos Protege Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 ................................... ......................................... ..................................... ..............tooo hot! Errr im suprised no major gaming company hasn't like tried to hand cuff you with a contract Simply amazing quality and sound pretz. You need to get some kinda recognition for all this crazy work. Anyways keep em coming. Quote
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