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so, i just recently discovered joni mitchell even though i'd heard of her before. i'd just never bothered to listen to her stuff for some reason. now i understand why she's such a big deal. i was wondering if anybody had had a similar experience...is there a musician or cd even that's incredibly famous but that you only recently discovered or started to appreciate?


Recently I discovered Stabbing Westward (their Essential album). Very loud, not always melodic, very angry, and very cynical. And I love it. My anthem now is "Save Yourself".

Also, I discovered The Vines ablum "Highly Evolved". A friend lent me a copy a couple of years back, and I remembered kinda liking it. So one day here when I was trolling on the Net, I downloaded it from Amazon, and it's blew me away. No wonder it got so much attention when it was released! My other anthem is "Homesick",


A few months ago I finally got around to listening to Shpongle. I'd heard the name mentioned here and there for quite some time and stupidly, dismissed it. When I finally listened to 'Are You Shpongled?' I was blown away. (Totally psyched for the new album next year!)

The same happened about 12 months ago with Porcupine Tree. These are both now some of my favourite bands.


Found Lordi recently by accident, decided they write catchy hooks and nothing else.

Got into Megadeth late, and discovered Bad Religion last summer at Warped Tour (easily the best in this list).

Paramore's starting to grow on me too. I'd only really heard two songs until recently, and now I listen to them on a regular basis.


You guys ever heard of this Beethoven guy? He did a bunch of songs, and some of them have been remixed into techno and stuff. The original stuff is kind of dry and old, but the guy did compose it all like, two hundred years ago.

I was shocked when I found out A Fifth of Beethoven wasn't an original song. Weirded me out big time.


Ditto on Rush. Neil Peart is magnificent. Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson certainly aren't bad either.

I have a font of new awesome metal coming from my roommate. There's quite a few bands he has introduced me to, including Iced Earth, Amon Amarth, and Mastodon. All pretty famous amongst the metal scene, and stuff I hadn't really dived into beforehand.

I just recenetly "discovered" Rush. I'd obviously heard of them before, but never checked out any of their albums. I've done that now, and they're badass :)

For sure. These guys are so underrated. It also appears to me that a lot of nerd types like them.

For sure. These guys are so underrated. It also appears to me that a lot of nerd types like them.

completely disagree. If anything, I think they're overrated. I dunno, it just seems to me that they get off on their own "prog-experimental-whatever" style too much instead of actually making decent music.

Rush is not underrated... they are multiplatinum artists.

They may be recognized by The people who give awards, but people around my area know nothing about the greatness that is Rush. They just dismiss it as their dads old music. Or when they come on the radio ill ask someone "You like Rush?" and all i get is "oh those guys who had that song on rock band?" Maybe its just me..

Not that I am disagreeing with you. Its just they don't get a lot of air time over here.

They may be recognized by The people who give awards, but people around my area know nothing about the greatness that is Rush. They just dismiss it as their dads old music. Or when they come on the radio ill ask someone "You like Rush?" and all i get is "oh those guys who had that song on rock band?" Maybe its just me..

Not that I am disagreeing with you. Its just they don't get a lot of air time over here.

When I used to listen to the radio while driving to college every day (about three years ago now), the rock station I had on frequently played "Limelight" and "Freewill." As I was driving, I would often think about how cool those songs were, but by the time I got home, I didn't remember to look any of them up. One day, I was at home and heard one of them on the radio when my alarm went off. I immediately turned on my computer, and several hours later, walked out of Best Buy with two of their CDs.

Another one I recently discovered is Bon Jovi. I had a mock trial in high school where the defendant stole a Bon Jovi tape. At the time, I never heard of them (and mispronounced it while doing my cross-examination of one of the defense witnesses). As it turned out, I had heard of several of their songs ("You Give Love a Bad Name," "Livin' on a Prayer," etc.) and never knew who sang them. Several years later, I own a handful of their CDs. Great stuff.


Well...I discovered someone who's not exactly famous, but a critically-acclaimed film composer. Clint Mansell. The only work I was actually familiar with was in Requiem for a Dream and his compositions immediately stood out to me. Eventually, the motif from that movie got so popular lots of other movie trailers used it.

I remember watching The Fountain a year ago but didn't really focus on its soundtrack. Recently, I rediscovered the OST and think that it's one of the best, if not the best, film compositions of all time. Awesome stuff.

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