djpretzel Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Eino Keskitalo Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Loved this on the WIP boards already. The brooding, chilling vibe is fantastic. I really, really like the rhythmical feel with the drums going and the piano kind of creeping over them. I like the rapping, it sound good, but I've got to critique how suddendly it comes on. It sounds a bit tacked on. There could have been a lot more vocals. --Eino Quote
Dhsu Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Already know I'll be looping this one for a while... The rapping is pretty tight, but I agree that it is a little abrupt not only because of how late it comes in, but the stuff that you hear before it doesn't really indicate anything is coming. For example, it might've fit better sooner after the break at 3:01. And then it disappears as quickly as it appeared. An extra verse would've been appreciated. It also sounds very "close," which probably isn't a bad thing, it just caught me off guard. Overall, very impressed by this remix, and hoping you'll do more. It's only a matter of time before we see a YouTube of this over the House, M.D. intro. Quote
BlackPanther Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Whoa this is a dope piece right here. This definitely has a DJ Shadow sound to it. The broody feel is nice. While I did like the lyrics towards the end, it feels kinda tacked on I probably woulda saved that for another track and left this just as an instrumental either way though this remix is kick ass. Quote
EvilHorde Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 "Guess who's coming It's... Guess who's coming It's... Guess who's coming Dj Shad..." No, wait. It's... The Vagrance! Yeah, I'm not surprised people hear a lot of Dj Shadow in this, and of course I do too. But that's not a bad thing at all. I think its a really cool style for a videogame remix. I really like the overall mood of the soundscape here, great ambience. The rapping didn't feel very necessary in there, but then again it did the song no harm, so I guess its ok. Talking about Dj Shadow though, I think it would've been a cool idea to sample snippets of that rap and place them all over the song to enhance the mood. I think the rap would've made more sense that way too. I've always loved the ambience that short vocal samples bring to this kind of music. You know, the bits taken from old movies on the background or short low-quality hip-hop vocal loops to deliver the groove. But all in all, great stuff. Keep it up! Quote
Palpable Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 I think it would've been a cool idea to sample snippets of that rap and place them all over the song to enhance the mood. I really like this idea, I wish one of us judges had suggested it, since he went back and redid that part anyway. Oh well. Still an excellent piece. Quote
Tex Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 The piano sounds like it was ripped/borrowed from the original. When it plays the main melody in particular; sounds almost (if not, exactly) the same as the original piano sample. Moreover, this whole track is way undeveloped. Weak stereo field over almost every instrument going on, except the suspicious piano. Lots of empty spaces to fill, but not a lot of new ideas. Not very well executed sampling transitions from one part to another. Not a very good ending. Kinda WIP style to me. Unfortunately it did not had some more rework before being posted. Quote
DrumUltimA Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Congrats on this getting posted man! I really liked this one, I remember spending a lot of time with it on the WIP boards. It really sounds great Quote
Canidrianic Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 I found myself really enjoying this piece, but then it hit the lyrics. It's not really my style, and that's fine, but on top of that the lyrics seem relatively out of place and simply tacked on. Likely I would have enjoyed this much more if the lyrics were left out. Other than that, there is a bit more you could have done, adding in a few more parts and making the song more complex and interesting, but over all it's very decent. The lyrics just don't do it for me though. It sounds almost wrong to have them in there, for they're just suddenly there, and then suddenly gone. Quote
PrototypeRaptor Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Yeah, this is tight. Dope, even. I appreciate it...all the way up to the rap. It's not badly done, just not my style. Anyway, this is all about the drums and texture, baby, and it doesn't disappoint! MOAR plz! (/obvious groove bias) Quote
The Vagrance Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 The piano sounds like it was ripped/borrowed from the original. When it plays the main melody in particular; sounds almost (if not, exactly) the same as the original piano sample. Definitely a different piano sample. The under melody was played with a slightly modified Kontakt 2 piano and the melody was played with a more lo-fi Kontakt 2 piano sample (with extra bitcrushing for good measure). And I'm glad to see most people are enjoying it for the most part. I figured the rap would be hit or miss with people but I'm happy to see everyone grooving to the rest of the track. I don't have any more trip-hop WIPs but I may consider doing another based off of the reaction to this one (probably with less rapping tho). Quote
Emunator Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 @ Canidrianic: That's how I felt about this mix too, though I don't really have a problem with rapping in general. If you had the vocals spread out throughout the song, I would have liked it. If you had just saved the vocals for another song and left this as an instrumental, I would have liked it too. What you've got going here is very good, but I'll echo the other opinions that it seems out of place so late in the song. For a first sub though, it's not bad by any means! After listening to it a few times, the rapping itself has really grown on me, so kudos on that. It's definitely left me wanting more of it. And the lyrics are especially tight, that's possibly my favorite part of this song now that I see them in print. Damn fine work, my only complaint after half-a-dozen listens is that the rapping comes in too late. The best line is "Don't bother with her, she's too late to mourn" which I assume was a reference to the point in Twilight Princess when this song is played Quote
LuigiFan Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 This isn't my favorite. The whole beginning part felt like you just changed up the tempo and threw some drums onto the original piano part (I realize that you may have used a different sample but it does sound very much like the original in my opinion). It didn't seem to me like there was anything tying the whole track together. I liked 2:38 with the break, but then after that was the rapping, which sounded extraneous and unnecessary. I think maybe what would have been better is if you had spread some rapping throughout the entire track - that way you may have been able to tie it together better and it would have sounded more finished. Quote
avaris Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 Ahh love the breakdown. Nice to see you on the front page dude! Really enjoyed the chilled groove. The gated synth was a nice touch to the ending. Although crazy enough my favorite part was def the breakdown about 1/3 the way through. Good stuff dude can't wait to hear some more of your stuff! Quote
Dhsu Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 This isn't my favorite. The whole beginning part felt like you just changed up the tempo and threw some drums onto the original piano part (I realize that you may have used a different sample but it does sound very much like the original in my opinion). Yeah, actually now that you mention it, it is for the most part a time signature change with drums. But they are very nice drums. Quote
FinalTrigger85 Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 Very nice, haunting piece you got there, pal. I say you stick to the rap. I thought it was tight. I agree with the side of maybe involving after a possible break down or something. You did kind of just throw it in there. Prepareus for a little bit, y'know? Keep up the good work. Quote
Radiowar Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 I remember hearing this awhile back in the WIP section. Still love how that bass kicks in. I also like the gradual build there is to the piece. The only thing that bugs me is how the vocals are sort of uncomfortably halfway between clean and lofi. If you couldn't get a clearer recording maybe you could've just taken it all the way with the lofi trip hop thing. I don't know. Great job though. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted December 18, 2008 Posted December 18, 2008 Way slow build, and some very sophisticated beats. Nice sound choices and very judicious use of space. I think the rap was decent, the effects were cool but a bit loud in the mix, and i think the suggesting of peppering snippets around would have improved things, but I really love the chill feel on this overall. Great beatcrushing at the end, super cool way to finish it off. Nice work, Pretty awesome debut track. Quote
Nigel Simmons Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 The drum loops and samples, especially the high-pitched hissing piano, are very weak and tinny. I don't know if that's intentional, but it sounds horrible to my ears. The lows are very muddy, as are the vocals. The overall production is very sloppy, and everything sounds slapped together. There's no adherence here. The rapping definitely doesn't work. Unlike the ability to sing, I believe ANYONE has the ability to rap if they have a sense of beat. The quality is all in the production (EQ, Compression, Overlays etc) and the attitude. The main thing that bothers me about the vocals is the mix. The vocals should have been brought up in the mix, emphasizing the mid-highs, rolling off the lows (to decrease muddiness), and adding heavy compression (to beef them up). Quote
BlackPanther Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 Whoa someone definitely pissed in your Cheerios! I definitely did not hear what you heard everything sounded fine to me or they really wouldn't have accepted it according to what you've just said but I guess everyones ears is different I suppose =/. Any not everyone can rap even if you do have a sense of beat. You gotta be able to deliver, there's got to be a voice, noone is gonna listen to a girly sounding man rap about what he did at the mall and you still gotta have the lyrics so all in all you're definitely wrong. But that is as far as I go before this turns into some huge debate, so my apologies to djpretzel and The Vagrance but I had to say it lol xD. Quote
The Vagrance Posted December 21, 2008 Posted December 21, 2008 The drum loops and samples, especially the high-pitched hissing piano, are very weak and tinny. I don't know if that's intentional, but it sounds horrible to my ears. The lows are very muddy, as are the vocals. The overall production is very sloppy, and everything sounds slapped together. There's no adherence here. The rapping definitely doesn't work. Unlike the ability to sing, I believe ANYONE has the ability to rap if they have a sense of beat. The quality is all in the production (EQ, Compression, Overlays etc) and the attitude. The main thing that bothers me about the vocals is the mix. The vocals should have been brought up in the mix, emphasizing the mid-highs, rolling off the lows (to decrease muddiness), and adding heavy compression (to beef them up). Thats cool. I disagree with you on the rapping part though, because if anything this mix proves that not everyone can rap (because I mos def cannot). This was the best of like, 15 takes and I still dislike hearing it. I still practice (privately I must add) fairly often because I love rap music as a whole and making rap beats (I have 20 that I'm shopping around). Still though, everything you said is as valid as everything else and I respect your kahunas to speak your mind. Quote
Zombie Posted December 25, 2008 Posted December 25, 2008 great remix! i dig the rapping. sounds great. Quote
Martin Penwald Posted December 28, 2008 Posted December 28, 2008 Very nice drumwork (the breakdown at 2:40 is wicked). Not much of a fan of the vocals, though. They come in too late and feel tacked on. Furthermore, I like to understand what I'm listening to (if it is in a language I speak, that is), and in some places, the vocals are too distorted for my taste. Lastly, I don't need Alan Greenspan's name dropped in a Zelda remix. Really. However, considering that the vocals are there for only a few seconds, they aren't exactly a deal breaker, so I can live with it. Quote
Lovely Peach Posted January 13, 2009 Posted January 13, 2009 I really liked this mix until I heard the vocals rapping about Alan Greenspan. It really breaks the mood of the Zelda piece and jerks this out of the game atmosphere into present-day real life - if there have to be lyrics, why wouldn't they (neutrally) reflect the game's story or mood? It seems out of place and tacked-on, and it's such a short amount of the piece that I wonder why it was added. I liked where you had been going with the remix on Midna's theme. The instrumental work was great. The rap just kills it for me, and I don't think I'll add this one to future playlists. It's a shame, I really liked it up to that point. I wish there was a version sans rap - that would be a keeper for sure. Quote
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