I-n-j-i-n Posted December 25, 2008 Posted December 25, 2008 I'm going to be in the cool-kids crowd appreciating all the littler things in gaming instead of namedropping the biggest releases of the year. Maybe except for Persona 4, which stuck genuine love, hate, bittersweet moments. Tales of Vesperia is by far the best overall normal JRPG effort of the year, but Persona 4 simply topped everything in terms of its writing. Fallout 3 had some good moments, but P4's characters felt HUMAN and not like static NPCs doing silly/inane crap. Also, I don't even own a PS3 and I can honestly say that Valkyria Chronicles is the best strategy/niche-Japanese title of the year. The music is just beautiful (by Hitoshi Sakimoto of FFT fame), the waterpainting style, the story, the characters. The gameplay actually works so well and it's like a weird Fire Emblem + World War 2 hybrid. I actually care about Valkyria Chronicles more than MGS4 or any other PS3 game at the moment. Oh, and Braid, even with its blowhard artsy-fartsy idiot Jonathan Blow making it, is simply one of the most illustrative moments of experimental game making and just an accomplishment of what games can be even when made by a SINGLE developer. Cave Story was that success story years ago and in 2008, it's all about Braid. Also, the ending of Braid, while somewhat expected, came close to the Aeris-shock for me. Which says a lot. Quote
anosou Posted December 25, 2008 Posted December 25, 2008 The rediscovery of PlayStation2 is definitely a good moment for me, there's an almost unlimited ammount of good games for that machine and they're all cheap nowadays! I gotta say though, the biggest moment for me is discovering that budget, niche and smaller titles kick a serious ammount of ass for the most part. I started playing Dynasty Warriors, found out about Senko no Ronde, obught Oneechanbara and fell in love with various Live Arcade titles like Omega Five. For some releases that rocked my world I must say Lost Odyssey rocked it the most. Fallout 3, Fable 2, Rez HD and Civilization Revolution were also solid and soaked up a lot of 2008. Good year this year Quote
Brushfire Posted December 25, 2008 Posted December 25, 2008 Rock Band 2's release of the 1986 classic Charlene (I'm Right Behind You) by Stephen and the Colberts is probably biggest highlight of this year seeing as Ghostbusters got pushed back to June. No offense AS, but Lost Odyssey sucked hardcore. Just like Turning Point. And a bunch of other games from this year. Quote
anosou Posted December 25, 2008 Posted December 25, 2008 No offense AS, but Lost Odyssey sucked hardcore. Just like Turning Point. And a bunch of other games from this year. You're a bad person and took your time to both hate on a good game because you hate RPGs (there's no other reason to dislike Lost Odyssey!!!) and to shamelessly link yourself. Boooo Seriously though, you're wrong. Quote
Drack Posted December 26, 2008 Posted December 26, 2008 Guilty Gear XX Accent Core. Edit: Yes I know it wasn't released in 2008. But I didn't play it before this year. Quote
Brushfire Posted December 28, 2008 Posted December 28, 2008 You're a bad person and took your time to both hate on a good game because you hate RPGs (there's no other reason to dislike Lost Odyssey!!!) and to shamelessly link yourself.Boooo Seriously though, you're wrong. I don't hate RPGs, I seem to have shifted from hating WRPGs to JRPGsand liking WRPGs. Maybe I am just fed with angsty protagonist all the time. Commander Shepard wasn't angsty, and got to all over the unvierse. EVEN TO THE FUCKING MOON!! But I don't hate RPGs, I just hate boring ones. Like LO. If I hate JPRGs so much why would be playing through Tales of Vesperia and Disgea 3? And there is nothing wrong with shameless linking to something I posted last July. It's not like I get more than 50 readers a month anyway. Sucessful Defense!! Quote
jayc4life Posted December 28, 2008 Posted December 28, 2008 Having not played any of the Elder Scrolls games (and being heavily persuaded by my friends) I got Fallout 3 when it came out. I was quite surprised how the combination of pseudo-FPS and RPG actually worked. I had never seen anything like it before, I still haven't finished it, and just.. wow. Other than that, finishing Bionic Commando Rearmed yesterday, and destroying (literally) everything in Mercenaries 2 were big parts of my year. GTA4, as fun as it can be, did go through 2 or 3 months of non-play time for me so that can't be ranked up, although these last few days me and a friend finally completed Hangman's NOOSE on Hard. Quote
anosou Posted December 28, 2008 Posted December 28, 2008 Sucessful Defense!! Commander Shepard didn't have hair in his/her face and therefore Mass Effect is sub-par to Lost Odyssey. Also, my opinion > your opinion. That's just how it works! Sucessful Retaliation!! Quote
Thalzon Posted December 28, 2008 Posted December 28, 2008 I like both games, but LO is definitely less ambitious in terms of gameplay than Mass Effect. And Shepherd can have hair on his face, if you want. LO's story is great, but it's probably not apt to compare the two games anyway. They are vastly different in terms of both story and gameplay. It's kind of odd that they're even both under the same genre umbrella. LO bothered me because the battles were too simple. Mass Effect bothers me because the battles are too complex (how do I switch weapons?! Why do they insist on putting the most expensive equipment at the top of the shop menus?! Why do my AI partners act so DUMB?!) I loved LO's characterization and the story's emotional impact. I love Mass Effect's dialogue trees and general adventur-iness goodness. Ramble ramble, blah, blah, digress. My point is, it's not impossible for both games to be fun and enjoyable for different reasons. Quote
alt.slack Posted December 28, 2008 Posted December 28, 2008 mirror's edge? at least, i think so. If you think pressing the same button whenever you see something red, but I really don't. Mirrors Edge was epic fail. Quote
Halt Posted December 28, 2008 Posted December 28, 2008 If you think pressing the same button whenever you see something red, but I really don't. Mirrors Edge was epic fail. Must you contradict everyone and anyone when you get the chance? This is about YOUR Top Video Game Moment of 2008. Not what you think it should be for everyone. If they like Mirrors Edge, leave it at that. Don't contradict everyone. Its just plain annoying and rude. Nobody cares for your opinion either.. Quote
relyanCe Posted December 28, 2008 Posted December 28, 2008 Must you contradict everyone and anyone when you get the chance? This is about YOUR Top Video Game Moment of 2008. Not what you think it should be for everyone.If they like Mirrors Edge, leave it at that. Don't contradict everyone. Its just plain annoying and rude. Nobody cares for your opinion either.. QFT. alt, don't be a douche. Quote
defender!! Posted December 28, 2008 Posted December 28, 2008 mine was playing MM9 with my girlfriend in the room. i played a lot of the early MM games on emulators and whatnot, so while i was playing it for the first time, i still knew that these strategies had been discovered; i subconsciously knew the way through the bosses. with MM9, it was completely different. i kept myself away from strategy guides and forums so i could go my own way. it was extremely frustrating and kind of boggling (seriously? the woman from the water is vulnerable to BEES?), but it was intensely satisfying when i finally completed the game. also, my girlfriend had never, ever heard me cuss that much, and i don't know if she ever will again. Quote
Alexis Posted December 28, 2008 Posted December 28, 2008 Exploding Pants. Fallout 3. Also, I liked the gameplay in Mirror's Edge. Quote
Brushfire Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 Commander Shepard didn't have hair in his/her face and therefore Mass Effect is sub-par to Lost Odyssey. Also, my opinion > your opinion. That's just how it works! Successful Retaliation!! Hair in the face is bad for combat. A nice clean military cut is appropriate for battle. Also Kaim didn't get to go the FUCKING MOOOOOOOOOON!!! Successful Counter!! Also I have more gamerscore, am older, and more wealthy and successful than you making MY opinion more influencial than yours. HA!! Successful Roundhouse Kick !! Quote
Enigma Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 Most definately CoD4 online with my fire team. Great fun, many laughs and lots of graphical shells on the ground. ahhh *bliss* Quote
The Joker Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 Hmmm... 2008 moment. I'd have to say finishing GoW2 on Insane with my buddy. Well, finishing one section in particular. Theres a part in the (spoiler I guess) Locust tunnels towards the end where your forced to splt up. both paths are adjacent to eachother & you bascially just go through 4 rooms. Well, I was paired with Baird & for some reason, he would always run to the end & get killed, or get me killed by a theron guard. It took us forever, & we almost just gave up after like 3 hours of this. Mind you, it was probably like a 7 minute section. New paragrapho! Anyway, the last time, I just said screw it, told my buddy to cover me as best he could, & I went in there chainsawing every friggin Theron guard, drone, & even nading the boomers. It was a rush, & it felt like a real accomplishment. I was friggin flying. Also, playing BK on live is a runner up. It just made me feel like a kid again, as well as reminding me why i love gaming so much. One more thing, let's stay on topic & keep this thread from burning down with us still inside. Quote
linkspast Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 Mega Man 9 was pretty sweet. I felt like a kid again, I got the same feeling form SSF2THDR as well. Also Much love from the VC, 2008 was kinda a weak year for New games for me though, I Got brawl, and played it, and by no means was it lame but, it just did not have the staying power SSBM had (has). Left4Dead. My brother got this for Xmas, and I have not had this much fun playing a multi-player in so long. If anyone has any other games that have multi-player like L4D Id like to hear about them. Also. MGS4, the entire time I was in awe.... Right to the end. easily one of my favorite games. Ever. Quote
Fishy Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 Walking out into the wasteland in Fallout 3 for the first time. Quote
RedTigrr Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 Taking SSBB back to EB Games and trading it in for No More Heroes!!!!! Quote
anosou Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 Hair in the face is bad for combat. A nice clean military cut is appropriate for battle. Also Kaim didn't get to go the FUCKING MOOOOOOOOOON!!! Successful Counter!! Also I have more gamerscore, am older, and more wealthy and successful than you making MY opinion more influencial than yours. HA!! Successful Roundhouse Kick !! Bitch got skills As a JRPG-nut I loved Lost Odyssey to pieces though. Mass Effect is still collecting dust in my shelf but I'll get there Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 Finally finished "Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil" on Lunatic difficulty with no continues a couple of days ago. Defeating Death itself in Persona 3:FES Getting Ragnarok II on Final R-Type and charging that baby through all 7 loops to see it in action. (In L4D) Saving my partners at the house at the end of Death Toll right before the final wave of infected came upon us as the boat parked. Good times Quote
anosou Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 Getting Ragnarok II on Final R-Type and charging that baby through all 7 loops to see it in action. You're now my new bestest of friends! JOLLY GOOD! Quote
relyanCe Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 Order of Ecclesia: Casting the Dominus glyph union on Dracula's smug ass FOR THE FRICKEN WIN, BABY!! Runner up - Guitar Hero World Tour: Singing Ozzy's "Crazy Train" Quote
prophetik music Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 Bitch got skills As a JRPG-nut I loved Lost Odyssey to pieces though. Mass Effect is still collecting dust in my shelf but I'll get there it's kotor + guns. similar to the last game + guns to come out (aka fallout 3, which was knocked as a more modern oblivion), it's pretty cool what they did with it. it's got a good storyline and creative characters with a lot of backstory. good example of an american rpg, imho. Quote
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