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it's kotor + guns. similar to the last game + guns to come out (aka fallout 3, which was knocked as a more modern oblivion), it's pretty cool what they did with it. it's got a good storyline and creative characters with a lot of backstory. good example of an american rpg, imho.

Hopefully I, as a JRPG-nutter, will enjoy it as much as I did Bethesdas titles.


After reading so many posts mentioning SSBB, L4D, and next generation console games, I felt stumped in thinking what my most epic moments of gaming have been. After playing games now that I've been playing for years (DotA mainly), I remembered the game that had me hooked for a greater part of the year:

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Having clutch bomb plants with 45 seconds to go (where a bomb takes 40 seconds to blow) on a very tough defense, and then having to wait 40 nailbiting seconds to hope that your team can defend the bomb, and then finally being rewarded with a huge "RedFusion has successfully bombed the target." is the most exhilarating and rewarding thing you can get - especially when your team cheers wildly and your opponents cry in frustration.

Also, completing a map's three objectives singlehandedly, against competent teams. Hehehe.


Got my friend SSBB, remember that game? Good times, good times.

Kill of the year: caught his faggot Toon Link's bomb in midair with Lucas and exploded it on both of us when the time was down to one second. We both died at the same time, and I ended up doing sudden death, where I spiked him to his death with a gorgeous bair...

a damn shame I stopped playing...

Nope, still can't tell what game DS was talking about.

Sorry, there are a few candidates, and I'm not sure which one you meant.

I wasn't talking about a specific game. My point is that the subject being discussed is "top video game moment of 2008" not "top video game moment of last week when I played L4D and lost that one campaign."

"Think back to January," meaning, "Go back to January and start from there, because a ton of games came out this year and I'm sure you can think of something better than losing a L4D campaign."

"Think back to January," meaning, "Go back to January and start from there, because a ton of games came out this year and I'm sure you can think of something better than losing a L4D campaign."

I thought you were talking about one game very dear to your heart. The wording lent itself to that.

True, but people do tend to remember more recent things better, so it's entirely likely that's what he did.

But yeah, losing a game should not be a highlight of the year...


wow, I've been sitting here for awhile debating over this, it's hard to come up with a total overall best moment...

There were several moments in MGS4 that were crayZ awesome or made me angry or sad or whatever can a whole game be a moment?

I'm also gonna go mega oldschool here and go with my completion of earthbound, I had never played the game before, but it has totally burned itself into my heart, now I know why everyone who has played it raves about it so much, it was hilarious and heartwarming and Im so happy I took the time to play it!

I know my best multiplayer moment would probably be from SSBB though, in an epic duel against my arch-nemesis(roommate) samus vs falcon, which has been our mega deathmatch since SSB(64). we had 8 or so people hanging around playing on acouple screens, and everyone was watching the match, after like a minute of an edgegaurding battle on our last stock we both knocked each other in opposite directions and i ran onto the stage and somehow managed to get hit with knee, after which he followed me off the stage and followed through with a totally unnecessary FALCON PUNCH!!!!!....because I just wasn't dead enough. yeah, I lost, but it was so hilarious, and everyone was laughing so hard. And to this day, whenever my friends and I mention SSB, it pretty much goes to "hey, remember that time you got falcon punched while you were like 10 miles away from the edge of the stage?".

That was kinda long, but, I think that you gotta include a silly multiplayer moment that lives in infamy sometimes. Moments playing games with your friends can be easily as memorable as the most heartwrenching, or incredible scene from your favorite RPG or FPS campaign playing by yourself.


The late night TF2 fests we've been having on the server for pretty much the whole year, such awesome fun. There've been better and worse ones, but they're all pretty much awesome. My moment goes throughout the entire year...BEAT THAT!


I had some great moments this year. I think swinging my sword in both Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and Twilight Princess were among the most fun I've ever had in my entire life. Then there's my current progress in Chrono Trigger DS and rediscovering the SNES and F-Zero... Great year.


I think the top game moment of the year was when a shit ton of friends and i brought my TV, SNES and Donkey Kong to the public park, and just sat around and played the entire day (there are outlets at the park


Neither of these games came out in 2008, but since I didn't play through them till a couple of months ago, I'm going to have to say playing through Portal, HL2, and both of it's expansion episodes were my favorite gaming moments of the year.

Hard to believe it took me so long to get around to playing through such awesome games!


For me, Left 4 Dead. I'd been following it for like a year and a half (a bit ridiculous for a FPS, but hey, it was supposed to be out Fall '07), and it was worth every minute of the wait for me. Fast-paced zombie survival!

I was very excited for Warhammer Online, as well. That quickly burnt out (-very- quickly), but at release, I was having a blast!

I don't own any next-gen consoles, so I can't speak to a lot of them. Wasn't particularly wow'ed by SSBB, though, for the week I played it. Maybe it takes longer than a week to fully appreciate, who knows! : )

how about when I got star rankings on every single cup in mario kart wii, including mirror mode, and found out that all I got was a character that can also be unlocked by simply owning a copy of another game

oh no wait that pissed me off

Well, I commend you, but yeah... Beating Mario Galaxy and getting all 241 stars is easier than star-ranking Mirror Mode.

Memorization is a big part of speedrunning a game.

Hell, think about old sonic games (and the sonic rush games); memorization is key.

There is generally an inverse relationship between a game's difficulty and how much memorization must be applied to beat it. (Not that simpler games can't be memorized for optimal efficiency.)

Consider that Mario World mod (I forget what it's called- Badass Mario or something?) The people who can run through those levels are not necessarily "skilled." They just remember and commit the levels to memory.

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