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If this has come up already, delete/lock this thread mods...

So most here have had a strong distaste for this generation of Sonic games, with good reason. I mean, for me, the last good Sonic Game was Sonic Rush (Though I hold fond memories for Sonic Heroes). Everything since then, has been downhill, and for many reasons.

This article even leads to the potential reason why Yuji Naka left Sega behind. Why for many, Nights was an awful iteration on the Wii. Read and be shocked (well, maybe not anymore), not just at Sonic Team (I actually pity them), but at how Sega pushes their employees...


If all of this is true in the article, then I think it's time to give Sega a little punishment, with our wallets.


That explains a lot. I haven't cared for a sonic game since Sonic the Hedgehog 2, but I always felt like Sonic Adventure 2 could've been good with an overhaul to the voice acting, controls, stop on a dime collision detection, superfluous characters, soundtrack, kill Tails in a bloody and satisfying gorefest....

Nevermind, I lied. Sonic's been broke for a long time, and it could be fixed by stripping off all the layers of crappy paint they've thrown on over the years to make it look new: Shadow, Amy, Werehogs, calling Dr. Robotnik Eggman, giving side characters that have no interest their own stories, THE CONTROLS...

I want Sonic to be good again, I really do. But it's gonna take a lot to fix it. Like a studio that cares about it and isn't sweatshopped into making the games.

S3&K was a terrible game. I don't know how people can stand it; it was the beginning of the end for Sonic. In my view, that marked the beginning of the Shit Sonic era.

Sonic 2 will forever be the gold standard of Sonic games.

S3 and K was actually my favorite of the 2d games. Sonic Adv. 1 and 2, and Sonic Heroes were good (in my opinion), everything after that, well, you get the idea.

S3&K was a terrible game. I don't know how people can stand it; it was the beginning of the end for Sonic. In my view, that marked the beginning of the Shit Sonic era.

Sonic 2 will forever be the gold standard of Sonic games.

Hey, I can understand liking Sonic 2 more than S3&K, but seriously, shit game? Come on; three playable characters, massive zones, branching paths, epic storytelling in the later zones? That was a great game!

I want a Sonic Spinball sequel.

Sonic Pinball Party doesn't count.

I agree, but SPP was still a good game.


To be fair, while I've never been much of a fan of Sonic period, for me, the recent games are definitely up there when it comes to the soundtrack.

I mean, tracks like "In his world" and "Live and Learn" are at near-Gurren Lagann levels of epicness, in stark contrast to relatively forgettable chiptuney stuff from the 2d games (I guess one has to grow up listening to that stuff to appreciate it)

Nevertheless, this is a very interesting read, kind of reminds me of the blogs of (ex-)EA employees. :)

S3&K was a terrible game. I don't know how people can stand it; it was the beginning of the end for Sonic. In my view, that marked the beginning of the Shit Sonic era.

Really? I've always felt the series hit its peak with S3&K. To me, it's a fantastic combination of speed, exploration, graphics, level design, music, and replayability. It's also huge, keeps the cast small yet diverse, and is quite a challenge without being cheap or stupidly drawn out.

I'm not knocking Sonic 2 mind you, as I too think it's a great entry. But it would rank second behind S3&K for me.


I saw this posted elsewhere in the forum, and i think it is far too true.


everything past Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was total crap... I remember having my ultra high hopes crushed when playing Sonic heroes for the first time...

SA2B is probably one of my favorite games...a little too many characters, but if they made a direct sequel and brought back the goddamn choa garden Id be pretty happy. Of course, a direct sequel is impossible because of the sheer amount of characters brought into the sonic universe since the sonic adventure series, but whatever...

Oh, the gameboy advance games werent too bad IMO


I loved the original, Sonic2, Sonic 3 and S&K. I loved the fact that you could pop in S2 and S3 into S&K... it was just great at the time. :)

The LAST sonic game I even bothered purchasing (and also enjoying) was Sonic Adventure 1 for the Dreamcast, which at the time was really revolutionary.

Too bad EVERY Sonic game since hasn't held a candle to those. I tried a the GBA versions and just wasn't impressed, it just didn't control like the older games. And the inclusion of even more characters in the new 3D games really doesn't interest me.


Take a look at this...

It's the archived blog from the article...


Interesting, no?

After reading this, I now have no real desire to buy Sega's games, especially regarding Sonic Games. I'll be getting Outrun Arcade when it hits XBox Arcade, but that's it. Unless they have something good to put out, something worth the time to play it, I'll gladly pass.

But I'll say this, this isn't necessarily just Sega, it's also the company that owns them, Sammy.


I'm going to use the same argument I used to defend Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - if you wanted to see Raiders of the Lost Ark, why didn't you just watch Raiders of the Lost Ark?

Same basic principle applies here. Even if Sega didn't push and punish their employees, the games would still likely not be of the classic quality we want them to have. If you want the gaming quality and experience and overall greatness of Sonic 1 or 2 or 3, you're better off just playing 1, 2, or 3. Saves you time and money in the long run.

I'm not saying the Sonic of today are any good, I haven't played a Sonic game in years, I'm just saying this would've happened naturally sooner or later anyway.


Just curious...could this kind of work condition be much different than the other big game companies? It seems like most of the game companies really push the envelope in getting games out in the market.

I would say that in terms of creating a good game, you should take the time needed to make it good. Too bad that doesn't work for keeping up a company's revenue.

S3&K was a terrible game. I don't know how people can stand it; it was the beginning of the end for Sonic. In my view, that marked the beginning of the Shit Sonic era.

Sonic 2 will forever be the gold standard of Sonic games.

Explain to me how it was a terrible game(s) in your logic? The levels were well done and challenging; the music was gorgeous, and it had just enough new stuff to be unique but not overcrowded. It stuck with the same basic concept of the first two games with a few extras.


I am totally in agreement of S3&K being my favorite sonic game. Hell yes. I have played and beaten it so many times, and I keep coming back for more. Sonic 2 was great as well, but S3&K definitely tops it.

At this point, I bet a couple fans could put together a better 3D Sonic game than Sega.

I don't need anything more than Dr. Ivo Robotnik trying to take over the world while (an average height with the regular shoes) Sonic/Tails/Knuckles (and no one else except maybe Metal Sonic as a boss) travel through various zones with 2 or 3 acts per zone collecting emerals via special stages (which are hard enough that most people don't collect all the emerals the first time through the game) and defeating a boss at the end of each zone, with Robotnik as the last boss. Though maybe walljumping would be a neat addition to gameplay while maintaining Sonic's "Way Past Cool" attitude of the day.

Explain to me how it was a terrible game(s) in your logic? The levels were well done and challenging; the music was gorgeous, and it had just enough new stuff to be unique but not overcrowded. It stuck with the same basic concept of the first two games with a few extras.

The music was a huge (HUGE) step down from Sonic 2. I don't understand the obsession over the music in S3&K, especially Ice Cap. I REALLY don't see what's so special about that zone's music, nor the rest of the game.

Its soundtrack will never, EVER reach the greatness that was Sonic 2's. Mystic Cave Zone? AMAZING. Chemical Plant Zone? ASTONISHING.

Knuckles was just the beginning of the shitty "throw random new characters in!" way of developing new Sonic games. I didn't care for him from day one, I don't care for him now.

The bonus stages were a step BACK in gameplay (hurr let's go psuedo3d!), and the access of them was poorly thought out (giant rings as opposed to marker halos).

Stages for Sonic 3 were pretty terrible all around (Carnival Night Zone? Do I really need to explain why this one is so bad?), and had none of the pizazz of the previous two Sonic games.

Plus, I just don't like it. Period. That should be enough.


Ask and you shall receive Sindra.

Well Nekofrog, I think you got your opinion across, though I do admit, there was more love for S3&K, not to mention a whole remix collaboration on it from here...

Still, I have fond memories of that game, pre y2k madness. I remember buying the P.C. edition of it, had a Y2K compliant sticker on it, not to mention it was in the giant P.C. game boxes (I honestly still miss those things). Even had a fancy Screen Saver of Sonic that you could edit.

Yeah, I'm geeking out now.


I will say for the record that I do like Sonic 2's music over S3&K. Not by much, but I can listen to Emerald Hill Zone for hours and still have a grin on my face.


Im sorry but I'd just like to reiterate that Sonic Adventure 2 was amazing. The soundtrack (disregard Knuckles and Rouge levels) was great, and the level design was hoo boy awesome. Add in chao and extra missions and you have a one player game with ridiculous replay value.

No, the shittiness started with Sonic Heroes, my friends. Coincidentally, the first time a sonic title went on an xbox and ps2, shit went down the shitter.

Still, I have fond memories of that game, pre y2k madness. I remember buying the P.C. edition of it, had a Y2K compliant sticker on it, not to mention it was in the giant P.C. game boxes (I honestly still miss those things). Even had a fancy Screen Saver of Sonic that you could edit.

Yeah, I'm geeking out now.

Dude, I think I bought that game... did it have a screensaver with tails blowing off panels of a sonic picture with his helicopter thingy???


There seems to be either love/hate for SA2 Battle. What'd I like? The Chao thingy was kinda fun to mess around with, and the Sonic/Shadow stages were (usually) good. The bosses blew up until the last two (oh and the Egg Golem thing, mostly because it was the last boss' first form dumbed way down).

Sonic suffers from a design team thats exhausted and a fan base that is inexhaustable. Take a trip voer to a site like DeviantArt and on the front page there's a good chance you'll see a fan-character to pollute the further Sonic universe, and they're typically just recolors. Something inspires the young ones to sign onto these games in droves and unless that is addressed these things will still sell so that Werehog will hardly be the last outrage.

Nutty new-wave fanbase...

Knuckles was just the beginning of the shitty "throw random new characters in!" way of developing new Sonic games. I didn't care for him from day one, I don't care for him now.

What did Tails add to Sonic 2?

The bonus stages were a step BACK in gameplay (hurr let's go psuedo3d!), and the access of them was poorly thought out (giant rings as opposed to marker halos).

Sonic 3 special stages are just Sonic 2 pseudo 3D special stages with another dimension of movement. Giant rings were in Sonic 1. Was it how they were hidden that bothered you?

I'm not saying S3&K is better, but it seems like some of your beefs with S3&K apply to Sonic 2 as well.

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