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Hey all, looking for suggestions on fun games that may not necessarily be good games. Example: Conan for the 360 is a hack-n-slash game that's really fun to play, but there are a number of factors keeping it from being a "good" game (linear stages, not much of a story, graphical bugs, etc.). However, the game developers seemed to have realized they were making a second-tier game and decided to go for over-the-top action instead of worrying about polishing every detail, and in the end it made a game that was really a blast to play.

So any other games like that come to mind? I'd prefer something more recent so that I might track it down, but anything would be good. I also realize the fun factor of a game is fairly subjective, so I don't blame you if you hated Conan :)


Red Card (xbox, ps2, gc)

I have never enjoyed a soccer game nearly as much as this one. Its not even football really, its more of a fight where a ball is also present. And the fighting arena has the same dimensions as a football pitch. And the referee is blind, deaf and very much hittable. As a sports simulation, its obviously useless. If it were real, there would be more fatalities then goals. It doesn't matter who they are, where they are, what team they're on, or even if they have the ball. If it has a pulse, you can put your foot through its face.

Oh yeah and you can be dolphins.

Video: Whoever is playing this has absolutely no creativity with his tackles. You can do stuff like 2 footed kicks to the face where they actually don't get up for about 2 minutes. They're just flat on their face, presumably dead.



I apologize for this game is far from easy to find.

Also I would consider this game good and fun to play.

Has anyone ever played Gitaroo man? it's a rare find but probably the best rhythm game on the face of the earth, also the hardest game I have ever played, and I nearly beat Dragon Warrior 7. I mean, it's a battle involving different instruments as weapons, with actual life bars! How awesome is that?



Gitaroo Man and Earth Defence Force 2017 gets thumbs up from me too! Didn't find Gitaroo Man very hard though...

Warriors Orochi (360/PS2) is a good hack'n'slash in the vein of Dynasty Warriors but a crossover of Dynasty and Samurai warriors.

Project Sylpheed (360) is a very well made space dogfight game, controls take a while to get used to but otherwise the gameplay is excellent and it's real cheap.

WarTech: Senko no Ronde (360) is a versus bullet-hell that is exactly as fun as it sounds when you play online or with a friend but single player is short and kinda sucks.

Graffiti Kingdom and Magical Pengel (PS2) are quite cool create-a-character platformers that has that magical fun flair.

Steambot Chronicles (PS2) is an open ended sandbox mech/rpg/music game by irem that definitely should be checked out before it dissapears.

Bombastic (PS2) is quite possibly the best 3D puzzler ever made.

Flipnic (PS2) is a quirky and very enjoyable flipper game with some nice graphics, challenges and retro flair.

That's just some of the awesome games I've found in bargain bins or around the web,


Did anyone else besides me play that free 'Doritos T-Rex game' that was on the XBLA?

It was really only fun for a day or so, but still a Cyborg T-Rex is guaranteed good times

However, the game developers seemed to have realized they were making a second-tier game and decided to go for over-the-top action instead of worrying about polishing every detail, and in the end it made a game that was really a blast to play.

With that criteria in mind...

Rygar (PS2)

Haven: Call of the King (PS2)

No More Heroes (Wii) - This one's gotten critical acclaim, despite the very glaring presence of cut corners, so you know it's good

Legend of Dragoon (PS1) - What can I say? The combos grew on me.

Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)

With that criteria in mind...

Rygar (PS2)

Haven: Call of the King (PS2)

No More Heroes (Wii) - This one's gotten critical acclaim, despite the very glaring presence of cut corners, so you know it's good

Legend of Dragoon (PS1) - What can I say? The combos grew on me.

Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)

OK with that criteria my games might not all be the best for you but I concur with No More Heroes and Legend of Dragoon.


Personally, I would recommend Godhand, for PS2...It's a Clover game, by those guys who did Okami :)

The game is...such a mess, technically. I mean, the camera system is awful (Bolted behind you, and the only way to look around is to move your character around), the graphics clip out whenever you're near a wall, the environments are sparse, the game can be REALLY difficult at times (You better be playing on Easy mode!), but for some reason it's so amazingly fun. You just kick the crap out of everything in the most amusingly funny ways imaginable.

I remember having to beat the hell out of a group of muscly bear gays wearing leather bondage strap uniforms as a boss, and another boss were midget versions of the Power Rangers. Yet another boss I remember was a confused gorilla. One move in the game lets you bend a woman over and smack her ass so hard she flies a hundred feet through the air in front of you.

You can also change around all of the movesets by assigning a different move to a different button combination and find or buy new moves, new special moves, like the ball buster or a super drop kick or whatever, and for some odd reason there's even a casino in the game.

It just baffles me how a game with that many flaws could be so damned fun though!

Heavily recommend, it's the most fun I've had with a beat-em-up in a LONG time :)

Here's a video of the game in motion....fun as all hell, and criminally overlooked and underrated:


Umihara Kawase and Sutte Hakkun for the SNES are two of my proudest finds.

Sutte Hakkun is a Nintendo original that I guess they figured wouldn't sell here but it's way better than half of the stuff they DID bring over. It'll be a pain in the ass to figure out the menus in Japanese but it's an platforming puzzle game so it's not pivotal to the story or anything.

and Umihara Kawase is a really really random platformer with Ninja 5-0, Bionic Commando, Worms ninja rope style physics. Very very very addictive.

Nearly every game Midway has ever made. Seriously, Mortal Kombat? Awesome fun, but so unbalanced.

MK vs. DC is glorious fun.

Since Mega Man has barely progressed in terms of originality over the years, you could say it's nothing but just fun. Same goes for Dynasty Warriors. I personally find Mega Man ultra good though.

Personally, I would recommend Godhand, for PS2...It's a Clover game, by those guys who did Okami :)

The game is...such a mess, technically. I mean, the camera system is awful (Bolted behind you, and the only way to look around is to move your character around), the graphics clip out whenever you're near a wall, the environments are sparse, the game can be REALLY difficult at times (You better be playing on Easy mode!), but for some reason it's so amazingly fun. You just kick the crap out of everything in the most amusingly funny ways imaginable.

I remember having to beat the hell out of a group of muscly bear gays wearing leather bondage strap uniforms as a boss, and another boss were midget versions of the Power Rangers. Yet another boss I remember was a confused gorilla. One move in the game lets you bend a woman over and smack her ass so hard she flies a hundred feet through the air in front of you.

You can also change around all of the movesets by assigning a different move to a different button combination and find or buy new moves, new special moves, like the ball buster or a super drop kick or whatever, and for some odd reason there's even a casino in the game.

It just baffles me how a game with that many flaws could be so damned fun though!

Heavily recommend, it's the most fun I've had with a beat-em-up in a LONG time :)

Here's a video of the game in motion....fun as all hell, and criminally overlooked and underrated:

I second this suggestion. I bought this game this Christmas after hearing that it has become a cult classic and it's fun as hell. It only cost $18 at Best Buy completely new. Everything about it is ridiculous, but for a game that doesn't take itself seriously at all, that's exactly what you want.


Thrill Kill. It's not amazing, but it's not bad either. The finishing moves make Mortal Kombat look like a tea party. The soundtrack by Contagion is absolutely amazing. It's good for when you just want to beat the shit out of something.

Gex 64. Maybe this is just my old self talking, but I had a lot of fun with this game, even though it was a giant collectathon. When I was younger I had this thing for geckoes and being able to play as one was the pinnacle of coolness.

Legend of Dragoon (PS1) - What can I say? The combos grew on me.

Oh, man, that game was awesome. The main plotline didn't really pick up until about halfway through the second disc (of four), and the translation was mediocre throughout.... but the whole damn thing was great fun anyway. Had some really great music, too.

Other great-fun-but-terrible-otherwise games? Anything with the name "Zoids" on it. I remember a Zoids game for Gamecube, (Zoids Battle Legends, I think?) which was so horribly unbalanced that it was amazing, but was great fun to play anyway. Anything melee-oriented automatically won, period. Between two melee-based zoids, the one with the better melee weapon won. Between two zoids with the same melee weapon, the faster one won. No exceptions. To put this in perspective, this meant that a Rev Raptor (the epitome of cannon fodder, with only a single weak melee attack) could take out an Ultrasaurus (which was essentially a mobile base, equipping cannons that could shoot down satellites) fairly easily.

Zoids Legacy is a Gameboy Advance RPG, and essentially the zoids equivalent of Super Robot Wars in that it throws together every zoid and pilot (despite the fact that most of them are from different time periods or even alternate universes) into one giant combination of awesome. Terrible translation, nonsensical plot regardless of the terrible translation, and yet so much badass.


Damn GodHand looks like way loads of fun.

A personal favourite of mine has been Chaos Legion for PS2 and PC, great hack and slash gameplay with rpg elements where you equip legions that you summon to the battlefield, with awesome power ups, the more you level up the legions is the best part cause you get to keep their abilities without keeping them equipped when they're maxed out, so eventually you power up your favourite ones whilst kicking ass with your character amazing special moves. Great gameplay, reminded me of classic retro action in a 3D game with cool bosses to boot. Then when you're done you get the option of playing as a girl with guns which still made it fresh for me (for the love of god never play this game on easy mode you will be pissed). It got quite hard with some trial and error to the bosses, and it takes a while for the true gameplay to kick in but there's stuff to unlock on each level with legions and has some good replayability if you love that sort of thing. It's a bitch trying not to use health items, you'd rather spend your points on your legions. Eventually you're kicking small armies of enemies asses with just your sword and some cool legions on your side. Oh yeah then there's a secret legion to unlock, which you use at the start of the game...so kickass.


I wanna play this again now lol.

p.s: fantastic soundtrack, makes me want to remix it again.


Hehe, much love for Godhand :) So sad that it's so overlooked...Even IGN gave it a 3.0 out of 10, which it simply didn't deserve.

But Chaos Legion? ...I remember hearing about that years back, it was hyped up and then basically disappeared from view. I never did get to play it, but it looks really good from the video you posted there :)

I may have to pick it up!

...As for Godhand? I actually found it at a used game store around here for $8.00 - you just can't get much better than that, honestly.

Another weird, confusing thing about Godhand, I've gotta warn you...You watched the video, right? Notice when it says "LEVEL UP!" after so many enemy beatdowns? I was confused because when that happens, you never get more powerful; the ENEMIES are the ones who level up. Basically, the better you do, the harder the game gets. If you get stomped on enough, you will actually get a "LEVEL DOWN!", and the enemies will become easier again.

Took me a good while to figure out that's what was going on :)

Umihara Kawase for the SNES

Umihara Kawase is a really really random platformer with Ninja 5-0, Bionic Commando, Worms ninja rope style physics. Very very very addictive.

I second this recommendation.

For some campy goodness, I would suggest Blue Stinger for the Dreamcast and Deathtrap Dungeon for PSX (or PC). Blue Stinger is just bizarre and interesting, it didn't ever really score well, but it's fun!


Shinobi for PS2 is fun for the first few levels, but the gameplay is so repetitive it wears on you after a while.

I believe Rygar on the PS2 has been mentioned already, but I'll go ahead and second that motion.

I'd put Amplitude on there, too.

I believe Rygar on the PS2 has been mentioned already, but I'll go ahead and second that motion.

Yes this is definately a fun good game, in my opinion this is what a 3D castlevania game should have attempted to be like. It's got some great tunes aswell, all done by orchestra. You get 3 different disk armours all with their unique playing style, and all have a hidden beast within so you can activate some magic. It'll remind you of devil may cry in places, but it definately has its own spin on things. The game is sort of level based but you'll find yourself adventuring around areas, which is what slightly reminds me of castlevania. I recomend this alot. Lol great trailer here:


Another of my classic PS2 favourites is "Way of the Samurai". If you can get involved in this kind of game, you'll be hooked for ages. Basically you play as a wandering samurai that ventures into a town with a feud between two groups, and this is set during the period where the samurai were killed. There's alot of unique interesting characters, and many story paths to take which involve 5 different endings. Basically, the game will take you 2 hours to finish, but you'll repeat it again and again for the stories and the endings. The combat is ace too, awesome sword play action. The best bit about the game? Swords, whenever you finish you keep your swords, die and you lose the one you're carrying. Literally each unique character has a unique sword, there are many swords and some of the common ones have great stats if you're lucky. The longer you train with the weapon the better it becomes, you can temper it at a blacksmiths (heck you can even kill the fucking blacksmith and take his hammer) and you can unlock awesoem powerful moves. You never train the character, its always the swords. The area of the game is small, but necessary. There's even a 100 man battle. There is a sequel too but I found it to be a bit too big and long to replay over and over. Ok Im done talking:


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