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be slightly disappointed and continue on with Zelda discussion

exactly, there's enough fervor about Zelda, we would probably discuss what would be cool if there was a ______ Zelda game

if it's not a Zelda game. I just like talking about characters.

if there was a futuristic zelda game. you could have a future that is without technology as we know it. sort of like a reverse starwars. starwars was set "a long long time ago" but had alot more technology than what we have today.

future hyrule could be still using mechanical devices and have a lot of time passed. my vision would incorporate tall buildings and electronic devices. but it would be heavily steeped in Hyrulian culture, and what happens in the past games would be myths and folklore.

You could even pay homage to the countless discrepancies that happens between different games that make it hard to put them in chronological order.

(which is why I think they call it "The Legend of Zelda" countless retellings of a simple hero story with details being changed to go along with the hypothectical culture or time they were supposedly made.)

but i would think it could do it by having Gannon seen more of a Brothers Grimm character than a historic character or the different interactions with zelda and link or in the books have them be "a warrior or hero" and "the princess".

exactly, there's enough fervor about Zelda, we would probably discuss what would be cool if there was a ______ Zelda game

if it's not a Zelda game. I just like talking about characters.

if there was a futuristic zelda game. you could have a future that is without technology as we know it. sort of like a reverse starwars. starwars was set "a long long time ago" but had alot more technology than what we have today.

Sounds like FFXII to me. That style would work with Zelda.


You are hereby GANNON-BANNED!




In looking at the clock I've noticed something. The triangles on the points aren't "broken." Bottom left shows one, bottom right shows two, then the top shows three, which inclines me to think not so much of a broken triforce as numerals on a clock face (despite being backward).

In looking at the clock I've noticed something. The triangles on the points aren't "broken." Bottom left shows one, bottom right shows two, then the top shows three, which inclines me to think not so much of a broken triforce as numerals on a clock face (despite being backward).

yeah, i noticed this as well. it leads me to think that the hour hand is eventually gonna move. every three days, maybe?


I like the ideas for the story going around, a futuristic zelda would be intresting. idk about how much in the future though... just not too much.

Something else to add to the clock, if it was like majora's mask, each corner, part of the triforce loses power or something... not necessarily a certain part of it, but randomly, someone get's knocked off, and you have a certain amount of time to save it before it is completely gone.

or flip it better yet, and it shows how much power, say gannon, get's. Another piece of the triforce so to speak.

Still, I know that this is not a zelda game, or like most everybody else, one of the big consol games. I am still going to watch the countdown non the less. lol.

Part of me hopes it's a zelda game, but more of me hopes it's not... I just don't want it to be made by someone else, and ruin the game, or make a complete new game with the name "zelda" stuck on the front.

and the minish cap was a good game lol. Still have to go with ages though.

Zelda Rules!!!


This video is, what, from 2007? 2006? Twilight Princess? Hehehehehe...I seriously doubt that there's anything like this in the works...

Although we were told, in no uncertain terms, that Twilight Princess would be the last of the "traditional Zelda games", weren't we? The only thing I can guess is a departure from the formula that's worked so long.

Like pie. Pie comes in all sorts of different types, but only because every so often, somebody decided to take a risk and deviate from an existing formula, right? Change has the potential to be devastating, or it can be really goddamn good.

The only thing to do now is wait and see.


It looks to me like an attempt to gain free advertising. They put a suspenseful countdown, and throw in the iconic image of the triforce. Zelda fans get excited, and the entire community is soon abuzz about the webpage.

It'd be like if (well, in a few years) an ominous webpage appeared with a countdown and the smashball icon hidden, but not too well hidden, in the image.


Like pie. Pie comes in all sorts of different types, but only because every so often, somebody decided to take a risk and deviate from an existing formula, right? Change has the potential to be devastating, or it can be really goddamn good.

The only thing to do now is wait and see.

Comparison to pie: Successful!

Although we were told, in no uncertain terms, that Twilight Princess would be the last of the "traditional Zelda games", weren't we? The only thing I can guess is a departure from the formula that's worked so long.

If that means no more three starter dungeons, followed by an additional seven, linearly ordered upper-tier dungeons I'll be very happy.


Although I think there's .0000001% chance this is a Zelda game, I will throw my two pesos in: The old formula of Zelda is worn out. WORN. OUT. It isn't innovative anymore, however intriguing it might be. 3 dungeons, major game event, 7 more, and endgame... it worked very well for LttP and Ocarina, they were amazing games. Anymore in a Zelda game, we're very lucky to see one that contains as many dungeons as Ocarina and Twilight Princess. We usually end up with games like Majora's Mask and Wind Waker that have a neat overworld, but only 4 or 5 true dungeons. In today's gaming world of swords, sorcery and questing on a scale as epic and huge as World of Warcraft, and Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, it's time to re-examine things.

I'd like to see Zelda at the very least move to an open overworld type of format, sort of like Fallout 3, to use the most recent example I can think of. You receive quests from characters, and dungeons sort of happen in little parts all over the overworld. You might get the key to the end of a dungeon from a character in the overworld, ACROSS the overworld from said dungeon. Larger scale, at the very least, and probably an even bigger overhaul than that.

Things in Zelda games have become TOO compressed, TOO predictable, and TOO easy. Even playing a new Zelda game cold, I know exactly what I need to do to beat it. Map, compass, key, item, boss, and move to next dungeon. This isn't just Zelda. ALL Nintendo's major franchises are suffering from this stagnation. Zelda hasn't seen anything truly innovative and fresh since Ocarina of Time in my opinion. Mario Galaxy was really cool and very fun to play, but even at that it was merely an extension of the formula introduced in '96 with Mario 64.

Even the Metroid series is beginning to suffer, despite the fact that Retro did a beautiful job with all 3 of them. But when I start any game from any one of those franchises, I know exactly what to do and how to do it. There hasn't been a learning curve for me to conquer in a Nintendo game in 11 to 13 years. It's time for change, and until then I usually end up taking my thumbs to meatier offerings on the PS3 like Fallout 3.


Hmmm... looking at the list of games Marvelous Entertainment has done, it seems they have had a lot of involvement in the Harvest Moon series.


I'm thinking... The Legend of Zelda: The Harvest Moon.

Kidding, kidding.

They also do a lot of anime and music stuff, so this may, if it's even Zelda related at all, be a non-video game thing. It could be some sort of Zelda music collection mega-pack, or a Zelda-based anime.

I doubt it, but it might fit with some of the plans Nintendo had a back a few years ago about getting into animation.


They also do a lot of anime and music stuff, so this may, if it's even Zelda related at all, be a non-video game thing. It could be some sort of Zelda music collection mega-pack, or a Zelda-based anime.

Zelda: The Feather Clock: The Clock. It's a game about an anime about a farmer who buys a Zelda feather clock that plays some sort of Zelda music collection mega-pack 3 times an hour. Three days later the moon crashes to the earth and you have to harvest it, and inside the moon you find the game that HideousBeing posted a trailer for.

And it looks like I'm far from the only person who's thought of a deep Zelda game plot that takes place in the present. (Mine's better though :tomatoface:)

Even the Metroid series is beginning to suffer

Since the clock likely has as much to do with Metroid as it does with Zelda, I'll throw my two cents in here too:

Although Zero Mission is my favourite Metroid gameplay-wise, Metroid Prime really had that "truly innovative and fresh" feeling for me that OOT had for many. While Majora's Mask felt new and fresh to me as well (and a very creative deviation from the rest of the Zelda series), Metroid Prime 2 felt like a cross between Metroid Prime 1 and Hollywood movies (in a VERY BAD way). Metroid Prime 3's story and atmosphere I felt was even more throw-away, and the game overall was (pardon the pun) a PRIME example of the suckiness of today's Nintendo console installments. But while Metroid Prime 3 had its moments of fun challenging combat, Twilight Princess had nothing to offer in terms of challenge (unless you count the optional Cave of Ordeals).

I've posted this before, and I'll post it again: the latest generation of Nintendo games treat you like a 5-year-old who's watching a bloom-filled kids' show with a nonsensical or predictable plot that's supposed to be epic, and you're never supposed to get a game over or go the wrong way because that's not part of the epic story, and any shmoe who plays the game has to be able to get to the epic bloom-filled ending with little to no thinking or challenge. Except you have to play it for 18 hours or else people will think it wasn't worth their money.

Notable exceptions are Super Paper Mario (for the lols and the crazy story), the Purple Coin challenges from Galaxy, and Galaxy's soundtrack - those actually WERE epic.

The other thing that characterizes the bad games I'm ranting about is that they have nearly zero replayability. Meanwhile I'm still playing Super Metroid and random NES titles over and over again. Ok I'm done ranting now

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