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After discovering it, it just seemed like the kind of thing that I'd see countless threads about in here. Has nobody ever tried making their own RPG with a program like that? I for one am VERY curious about it. I've been fiddling around with it a lot lately. So far I've discovered how bad I am at making area maps.

With a good graphic artist and decent "programmer" you can make some good stuff with it. However most people capable of making these games prefer their own engines (if any, indie RPGs are rare). I'm also quite certaing there aren't many people who knowhow much you can customize the system.

Personally, I don't have a PC but my experience with RPGMaker includes a game about a condom machine and a donkey. It was awesome.


Yeah, I did notice several videos on youtube about how customizable the system is if you get down into the nitty-grit of it. One guy has an actiony battle system that he made posted and it has tons of comments with people asking him to share his scripts. It's stuff like this that make me wish I didn't have to work and could just stay home all day improving my rpg-creating.

Yeah, I did notice several videos on youtube about how customizable the system is if you get down into the nitty-grit of it. One guy has an actiony battle system that he made posted and it has tons of comments with people asking him to share his scripts. It's stuff like this that make me wish I didn't have to work and could just stay home all day improving my rpg-creating.

True but if you're REALLY interested I still think learning some basic programming or adopting an engine like Cube ( http://cubeengine.com/ ) if you're interested in real developement. However, RPGMaker IS a good start. I know practically nothing about developing but you gotta start somewhere.


I've actually built a few games with the older RPG Maker programs, but never a full-on RPG. One time for high school chemistry I built a little game, which centered around what we were learning about in class, with RPG Maker 2003 and I won a $50 gift certificate for it. That was pretty sweet.

To each his own, I guess. I looked at some of the lines of code that the other guy wrote and my head about exploded.

Well I do not use this program. I don't know how it works, but I think you can't really learn much from it.

I am talking about actual programming; the real deal, if you will. When you understand how it works, it is a lot more fun:


I made this player a while ago; entirely done by coding. Sure it is a difficult thing at first (there was some stuff that should be improved), but it was quite fun to make. Quite much so. It takes a lot of effort, but hell... the results are very rewarding.


Making RPGs are a lot of fun, but I never use the XP... I'm afraid that I'm stuck on 2k3.

However, it's a choice. I'm fond of the battle system that's only used on that version (side view battles, like the FF series). It makes for much more colorful battles than the other makers can do (due to the single battle animation limit). Yup, I'm working on something with my brother right now, which will be very good if it ever gets finished...

Well, I'm doin' the music for it right now (all MIDI for the sake of space, but I may change that later), and it was coming along great until I lost my program to write MIDI's on (and the free programs out there don't offer the options that I need).

Someday, I'll post a link to it here :)). Until then, I'll just send my music for it via submissions of ORC that I win :)


I first discovered 2K3 back in, conveniently enough, 2003. I spent a ton of time that summer making a game with that program. I had a storyline, characters that fit in and sprites to work with the story, integrated music from outside the program (lots of music by David Arkenstone for general town and field BGM), and other stuff. In terms of the overall total amount of content I envisioned, I probably included about 25% of it before I stopped working on it due to a lack of time. Recently, I played through what I had and discovered that I actually created a fun 4 or 5 hour experience.

I tried using XP, but felt that despite some improvements, there were too many restrictions (though this might have been due to my lack of familiarity with the intricacies of the interface).

Bottom line, if you have the time and a good idea, making an RPG on these things can be a lot of fun and really rewarding, especially if you lack coding abilities. From what others have indicated, it seems that coding the stuff on your own is a lot better, though I personally could never do it. Although I would actually recommend 2K3 over XP, give it a shot. As long as you can get over the tedium (for example, getting an item in a barrel: make an event of getting the item, add a condition or something, and create a follow-up event activated by getting the item that results in something different), it really is a fun and worthwhile experience. One day, perhaps when I retire in 40 years, I will go back and finish my little RPG.


I started making a game in RPG Maker XP once...

But I never really thought up any story for it, so it kind of went nowhere...

I took a semester of C++ recently, and I think that once I learn some more programming, It would be fun make an RPG from scratch.

Still don't have any sort of story thought up though.


RPG Maker is a great program when you don't want to get too in-depth with programming, or if it's just not your thing. However, it should be noted that you're still trying to make a game, and those take a lot of planning and effort if they're ever going to pan out.

The problem with RPG Maker is actually it's selling point in some ways. It's so easy to start whipping up area maps and events, that you end up skipping the preliminary stages. The stages required to make a good game. Pretty soon, you realize what you have is a big mess, and you'd be better off starting from scratch. That's been my past experience anyway. But don't let that deter you from trying the program out. It really is pretty easy once you get into it, and a lot of fun too.

If you're considering which RPG Maker to try out, I would recommend XP mainly because of the fact that tilesets have a limitless capacity. And sure, 2003 has a really cool default battle system, but all of those things and more can be achieved in XP through the use of scripting. There actually are some custom battle scripts that you can download if you don't want to go through the trouble. I tried VX, and I like the style (which you can achieve in XP anyway), but the setup felt more like 95 and that was sort of odd to me.

And sure, 2003 has a really cool default battle system, but all of those things and more can be achieved in XP through the use of scripting


Can you script the battle system from RPG2K3 on XP (or VX, for that matter)? I've experimented on those systems and couldn't get around that whole 'one battle animation allowed on screen' thing (and I can't settle for anything less than the battle animation - those that I'm using are beautiful).

There actually are some custom battle scripts that you can download if you don't want to go through the trouble.

If you have the links to those scripts let me know, you've caught my interest :)


2k3 was awesome. I spent years and year with it and its forerunner, rm2k. Made tons of graphics, and a few games. Most never really got along so far as to be complete, but I did finish one or two (and then never looked at them again because they were so awful and painful to playtest).

My personal best was a game called The Golden City. The main character was a girl named Tess, 16, who returns to her home city after 4 years to rescue an immortal child being used as the city's power source. She's joined by Leonard, her childhood friend who joined the city guard, Nigel, a strange swordsman living in the ruins beneath the city, and Marjoly, a 50-something, level-headed scientist lady.

The game has no world map, instead going for maps all being connected Zelda-style. Encounters occured only after collecting "encounter gems", white crystals lying around dungeon areas. Essentially, you only got in battles if you absolutely wanted to. There were also abilities like wall-hugging to avoid traps on single-tile-wide walkways, ropes for climbing ledges (that would need to be retrieved if you wanted to continue on to the next area), and "stealth dungeons" where you had to be sneaky and avoid guards, search lights, and watch dogs.

Unfortunately, I lost the game when the program corrupted, and I didn't learn I had given a friend a copy until years later, when I no longer cared for it. I ended up losing roughly 1/4 of the entire game. Oh well.

XP never really grabbed me. I'm not one for coding, and it bugged me how features from 2k3 weren't present in XP because they had been replaced with the option of coding them in.


I tired to make a game with RPG maker 2003 but it got tedious with something simple. I did had some fun with it, but I think making a game the real way is so much better. I think it's worth it learning programming and programming games for indie projects.


Can you script the battle system from RPG2K3 on XP (or VX, for that matter)? I've experimented on those systems and couldn't get around that whole 'one battle animation allowed on screen' thing (and I can't settle for anything less than the battle animation - those that I'm using are beautiful).

If you have the links to those scripts let me know, you've caught my interest :)

Sorry, but you're going to have to look on your own. It was a long time ago that I saw it, and I never actually used it myself. I don't think the battle system that I saw translated directly over from 2k3, but it did have animations very similar to 2k3's battlers. The one I remember used Laharl from Disgaea to demonstrate, I believe. You can also look around on youtube for some videos that demonstrate just what the scripting is capable of...Gradius Gravity

Gradius, for example.


Nice to see a healthy discussion about people's experiences with their respective programs. Sorry for not quoting people directly but....

For those of you who were worried about the kind of battle systems one can create in RPG Maker XP, it looks like basically anything is possible. Some people make their original ones and a lot of people copy the scripts for already existing battle systems into their game. For example the FF6 battle system. Check out some videos of different battle systems that I've seen and you'll see what I mean.



So ever since finding this program, I've been toiling day after day with my perfect RPG story. After I finish it, I'd love to have help getting it going into a game. Might be a while though.

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