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Used to play a decent Guile, want to be good again with him

Enjoyed Cammy for a while but I just tooled around with her whenever I pick her.

Loved using Dudley when he came around, twas awesome.

But no matter what I'd always fuck up on Vega. god fucking damn it...

On a special note for Street Fighter IV...

What happened to Dudley..?


Instead we got Dan..?!

GUTTER TRASH indeed...


why do people like Dudley? He's pathetic imo. NO, pulling up in a luxury car to fight does NOT make you cool, it only says that you will probably lose pathetically.

If they were to take any SF3 characters and put them in 4, it would have to be either be Elena (because animating her capoiera style in 3D would be awesome) or Oro (because he actually interacts with real SF characters).


All of this Street Fighter talk reminded me of GEN from SFA2 when I had it on the... Saturn? Dreamcast? One or the other (thinking Saturn). I couldn't actually get a hang of his multiple fighting stances to save my life, but I ALWAYS had the worst damn times fighting the bastard no matter who I chose >_<. He gave me a ton of frustration.

Actually it would of been cool to learn how to play the last boss guy on Project Justice who's name I can't remember. I just stuck with my little Momo and her crew :3

why do people like Dudley? He's pathetic imo. NO, pulling up in a luxury car to fight does NOT make you cool, it only says that you will probably lose pathetically.

I can't speak for others who like to use Dudley, and yeah the car thing gives off the air of pomposity, however he practically epitomizes the classic boxer style of combat. Heck he shows more technique along with style in his combat that works fluidly in a GOOD Dudley player

Yeah you can maybe argue that the Ryu player sucks donkey dick but you can't deny Dudley's potential.

Plus Dudley is actually lot of fun to wail with on others. Especially those that underestimate him :lol:


Sagat in any Street Fighter- Best back story in Street Fighter I think, but I suck with him.

Robo Ky from GG- He's the best joke character ever, but I can't perform any of his combos.

Falco in SSBM- Pew pewing is fun, but I'm not nearly technical enough to play well with him.


SNK vs Capcom - Rugal / U. Rugal...I dunno why I think he's such a badass but I can't play him for shit.

Lei has a shitload of moves but all you need is the gay ass D+B Circle , Circle move. so gay.....and the falling tree move is so awesome.

EDIT: Sorry it's Capcom vs SNK, Don't flame me plz.

why do people like Dudley? He's pathetic imo. NO, pulling up in a luxury car to fight does NOT make you cool, it only says that you will probably lose pathetically.

If they were to take any SF3 characters and put them in 4, it would have to be either be Elena (because animating her capoiera style in 3D would be awesome) or Oro (because he actually interacts with real SF characters).





Honestly though, I am also kind of miffed at the lack of SF3 characters in IV. I absolutely love 3rd Strike and its wild and wonky cast.


SSBB, I can never get the hang of ZSS and Wolf, as much as I try. And oh, how I try. I finally got the hang of Ness, though (PK Fiah!).

Anyone who isn't Raphael in Soul Calibur I also have trouble with - me and the rapier guy just clicked really well, and I can't pick up anyone else.

For anyone who picked up any version of Jump Stars for the DS, though - how in hell do you play Dr. Mashirito?

why do people like Dudley? He's pathetic imo. NO, pulling up in a luxury car to fight does NOT make you cool, it only says that you will probably lose pathetically.

Put into context with the wildness that is SF3, pulling up to a fight in a luxury car is both amusing and fitting. Also, compared to most boxers that have been depicted in fighting games before, I love Dudley's over the top class and style! He's just a really fun character to use too.

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