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To piggyback on the PS3 thread, I am considering purchasing a PSP, mostly for Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (15 bucks!) and some other older, yet quality games such as the Metal Gear portables. What are people's ideas on good games to own for the PSP?


LOL get teh DS insted duh

Seriously, you should pick up Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness. And supposedly Dark Cloud 3 was supposed to be in development for the PSP, but I haven't heard anything about it in years.


I was going to suggest Monster Hunter Freedom 2, but Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is supposed to be coming out withing the next few months. Phantasy Star Portable is also supposed to be released March 3rd, so I'd say pick that up as well :3


Star Ocean First Evolution & Second Departure

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII


Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max

Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles

Jeanne d'Arc


God Of War: Chains of Olympus

Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero?

Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War

Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness


Resistance: Retribution

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Final Fantasy Dissidia

Final Fantasy Agito XIII

Parasite Eve 3

Patapon 2

I'm probably missing a bunch more, but those are my recommendations anyway.


Both Wipeout games rule, but if you buy Wipeout HD for PS3, that's basically got most of both of the PSP game's content in it.

Lumines rocks.

fl0w on PSN is cool, and PixelJunk Monsters is coming out for PSP soon.

Apparently Midnight Club LA is very good for a psp racer.

Also, you can get Suikoden on PSN for $6!


Hm, on top of the obvious ones that everyone else will mention, I'll chime in and say that the US 'remake' of DJ Max is out soon, and it's basically a combination of the two DJ Max Portables (1&2) which were really popular in Korea and Japan. If you're a fan of beat/DDR style games, it's heaps of fun on the PSP, tricky to learn, with plenty of unlockables, and has a rather good independent OST.


I'd like to add another comment about Crisis Core, and to be a little more descriptive of it. If you are in to the whole Final Fantasy 7 thing, it does give a lot of background story which is nice. As far as the game play goes... we'll just say that it is really repetitive, and gets to be really annoying if you have a short attention span like I do. The gameplay is fun and all, but after you do the EXACT same "dungeon" for the hundredth time, it really starts to drag. That being said, the dungeon/map layout is very generic, and there are a very limited number of enemy models, which level up and get really annoying as you move along.

The method for leveling yourself up and beefing up your character is almost a game in itself however, and I found it to be lots of fun as long as I wasn't having to steal 100 hp+ materias at a time. If you learn the system well, you can really use it to your advantage to make your guy really beefy and cruise through the plot. And we can't forget the usual Squeenix strategy in game making in that they make the main part of the game fairly easy, but to get everything, it requires a ridiculous amount of work to complete the game with all side-quests and bonus items and whatnot.

In summary, if you don't mind doing the same thing over and over again, and have interest in the back story for FF7, I'd recommend it.


Both Syphon Filter games are fantastic. I think that they're the best the system has to offer. Both are pretty cheap, too. I really enjoyed Megaman Maverick Hunter X and Dracula X Chronicles as well.

  Sag Ee Mana said:
Crack the PSP in order to put on a SNES or GEN emulator + convert or download Playstation 1 game like Chrono Cross or Legend of Mana, and I think you will be happy for many years.

If he gets a psp-3000 or a later-made 2000 model, he's going to have to wait for that because they're still working on hacking them.


the most recent homebrew hack and such (m33 line of custom firmware) is up to version 5.00 on the psp 2000. however i believe the psp system firmware is at 5.03 or such.....they keep releasing updates as the firmware is cracked. EASY FIX is don't update, but it defeats any online capabilities of the psp.

  Red9 said:
the most recent homebrew hack and such (m33 line of custom firmware) is up to version 5.00 on the psp 2000. however i believe the psp system firmware is at 5.03 or such.....they keep releasing updates as the firmware is cracked. EASY FIX is don't update, but it defeats any online capabilities of the psp.

You can still mod from that high. What I'm talking about is hardware changes in the psp slims that prevent from being modded at the moment. Recently made psp-2000 models use a different board than release-day ones.

OH, almost forgot. The Phantasy Star Portable demo is now available on PSN :3


Damn, half of these I would have never even known about without you guys, keep it coming!

I can live w/ slowdown, I've been around since the NES era so I know the deal with that.

Also, I admittedly have a soft spot in my heart for fighters and platormers to go along w/ rpgs any ideas in those sectors?

EDIT I already have DS a jam you sillykins. I've been putting some major work in to FFT A2. Speaking of which is tactics for PSP a good buy as well?

  The Derrit said:
To piggyback on the PS3 thread, I am considering purchasing a PSP, mostly for Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (15 bucks!) and some other older, yet quality games such as the Metal Gear portables. What are people's ideas on good games to own for the PSP?

I love my PSP, The most addictive experiences i have had on it are Lumines 1 & 2, Patapon, Loco Roco, SFA3Max, Homebrew... and Puzzle Quest.

Oh yea!

As far as up and coming? I simply CANNOT wait for the new Prinny game from NIS.


  Bahamut said:
I'll give a warning - be ready to put up with some slowdown with a good deal of the RPGs on the PSP.

But many of these games are good suggestions (I'm going to have to be one of the lone dissenters on Crisis Core though, I thought that game was garbage).

Well... each to their own I guess.

I just finished it today and loved it. I wasn't a huge fan of FF7; FF8 is my favourite, FF6 was great, and I REALLY didn't like FFX. Finished all of them. Just to show my tastes I guess.

One thing I noticed was that Square's production values with in-engine cut scenes was of high calibre - there were some pretty cool in-engine fight scenes that weren't even pre-rendered FMVs.


people are way too picky these days, spoiled gamers and their snobby opinions keep people from playing good games. Crisis Core is awesome...

also, you can't really go wrong with either of the Burnout Games, tons of fun. And if you're into retro games, there's a whole bunch of neo geo bundles that are fun, looking forward to Samurai Showdown Anthology.

  Malaki-LEGEND.sys said:
Wait wait wait.

There are people who didn't like Crisis Core?

I... Didn't really care for it <_< (Yes, I caught the sarcasm ;))

I'd suggest giving Patapon a shot. If you like rhythm based games at all it's a real treat. More of a Space Channel 5 gaming experience than a DDR, or Parappa run IMO.

  Elex Synn said:
I'd suggest giving Patapon a shot. If you like rhythm based games at all it's a real treat. More of a Space Channel 5 gaming experience than a DDR, or Parappa run IMO.

Were you looking for DDR or Parappa (or IIDX), I'd suggest Pump It Up, Gitaroo Man, (or one of the iterations of DJ Max for a IIDX fan. Probably Fever since it was an international release)

also if you manage to score an older PSP, I can help you hack it for homebrew and stuff

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