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GoldenEye: Source Beta 3 is now released! It is a dramatic upgrade from the previous Beta, now at the technical level of Half-Life 2: Episode 2. To play, all that is required is at least one Valve game purchased and a free download of the Source SDK Base - Orange Box tool (in the Tools tab of Steam).

Download mirrors for Beta 3: http://forums.goldeneyesource.net/index.php/board,18.0.html

I produced about half of the current Beta 3 soundtrack along with Basstronix. We blended the old-school GoldenEye feel with orchestral and electronic elements for a fresh new take on the classic themes. Also included are several of our own "original" remixes of the bond theme.

The soundtrack can be downloaded here:

Mirror 1: http://ryanlobbins.com/mods/goldeneye/downloads/GES_Beta3_OST.zip

Enjoy! This has been a project I've been working on for quite some time and am proud to have it finally released. Here's a video preview of the soundtrack:


Ahh, I remember this mod. I haven't played it in a while due to seemingly always empty servers, but I guess I might have another look. Here's to hoping they don't get taken down by an overzealous legal team. Also Audix, the friend function on Steam doesn't seem to find the ID you posted. Are you sure that's right?


To all who read this thread: I highly recommend downloading both the OST and GoldenEye Source. GE:S is a blast to play and is really nostalgic while at the same time bringing a few new elements to the game. There is a certain old-school shooter mentality that I like and the new touches to the maps and the aesthetic in general are quite good. And props to Audix for his great work on the music. :D

Personally, I'd like to see more of OCR on GE:S. I think we could all have a blast with that when we're not playing TF2 or L4D. It comes with a high recommendation. A few bugs are still present, but the Beta 3 is very playable and a lot of fun.


So good! I remember in the days before I had internet access putting a tape recorder up to the speaker on my TV to record the game soundtrack. These arrangements bring me back to the good old days! Thanks!


Thanks guys!

Ahh, I remember this mod. I haven't played it in a while due to seemingly always empty servers, but I guess I might have another look. Here's to hoping they don't get taken down by an overzealous legal team. Also Audix, the friend function on Steam doesn't seem to find the ID you posted. Are you sure that's right?
Empty servers are hardly the problem now. We almost have "too" many people for several of the maps. And yeah, that's the correct ID. Just try a search for Audix and scroll until you find it.

Also, thanks for the recommendation, Triad. It was good to see you in-game last night. I would also love to see more OCR people in the mix. Especially on License to Kill, it's an absolute blast to play, very fast paced.


I was just playing the game and awesome soundtrack, was it mainly your tracks Audix? Or how was it split between you and Basstronix? You die really fast in that mod... :tomatoface:

I've played an early beta, but lag, and glitches affected play. I enjoyed what little I could play. And great job guys!!

Thanks! Though you may be interested in knowing that Beta 3 is 100x better than Beta 1. It's an entirely different experience.

@ Zephyr - The tracks are split about 50/50 in the game, though he has a few more in the released zip because I've only been with the mod for about a year and a half. I did nine tracks and seven of the achievement/win/loss jingles. And yes, you do die a lot. :razz: Optimum game size IMO is 8-10 players per map (except in complex), and with most of the servers doubling that number it gets a little crowded.


Ok, tried the beta. Wow, what a horrible mod. License to kill sucked, man with the golden gun sucked, deathmatch sucked. Character movement is about as awesome as it was in say, Half Life 1. Sticky as hell. Still lagging on a lot of servers. And annoying people playing.

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