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  • 11 months later...

This is an interesting song, but it's not exactly a genre I like. The drums are a little boring, and the original melody doesn't seem to have been that good. Unfortunately, djp didn't spice it up as well as he usually does, so this ends up being an unimpressive piece. It has some good points though, and there are certainly worse songs out there. If a slow groove is what you're looking for, this is it. Otherwise, you might want to skip.


Not the kind of genre I like, but the inclusion of the Alex Kid melody is enough to get me interested. This was one of the first platformers I ever played, so it was nice to hear this again. Not a bad piece given how old it is. I'm sure this was much more impressive when it was first released by DJP. It has aged fairly well. Regular listeners may want to check out DJP's newer mixes, but this is a fun listen all the same.

DJP care for a janken match? ^_^

  • 2 months later...

I have some experience with this song and since you, djpretzel, have chosen the route of deep bass and bass-drum then the major key that you are using would not seem to work (all that well). You can do two things, stop the song from trying to be cool AS WELL AS being deep OR keep it being cool etc but to put it into a minor key (the same key, just 3 flats more...). I'm sure you've done this... but...

Good remix none-the-less, it's still enjoyable and, well, yea, fits the short amount of time nicely.

`seraph / segamon

http://www.tonalbliss.com/ <--I made this site.

http://www.abortionfacts.com/ <-- A smarter person than me made this site.

  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

short but fun

this familiar song now has a hip hop, funky style but is very calm

what i like most about this song are the scratches in the first 20 seconds of the song

  • 9 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Somehow this game was awesome. The soundtrack still works for me. But I think this mix could have more instruments and more ideas. The beginning is...like the end: it come and go away, with fade in and fade out effects. But the drums are some cool thing. I wanna tell this stuff have some little problems in the production and velocity. Not a bad mix. However it really can't be compared to one of my favourite songs by djpretzel 'Starfox Fortuna Favors the Funk OC ReMix'.

Sorry, Dave. I didn't got it.

  • 1 year later...

Solid lofi beat, but I didn't think the melody really fits the rhythm used, and the suggestion to take it into a minor key would be a pretty cool mix. Pretty obvious it's an earlier DJP mix, and as he even said himself, not something we completely committed to.

Good bg loopage, but doesn't really shine on it's own.


"Bah" on these lukewarm sentiments. Back in mid'-02 when I was listened to every mix so far in 3 days, this one one of the first ones from a game I never played that caught my attention. Due to being in the A-letter games, it got a lot of repeats as I relistened to stuff I liked before continuing down the list. This does a nice job personalizing the song with ye old djp spices, and the end result was nice and chill. Give it some love.

  • 2 years later...
  • 5 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00208 - Alex Kidd in Miracle World "Eastside Interlude"
  • 3 months later...

I don't think this is terrible, not by a long shot. In fact, I think I would go as far as to say that the low-fi arrangement style and keeping it as a short little ditty probably helped keep it relatively fun. I kinda dig lowfi funky hip-hop sounds, so on that level, it works for me. It is an older ReMix, and it seems even DJP himself wasn't over the moon with this one, but while I may not love it, there was nothing on this mix that really irritated me to the point of complaining about it. Any nitpicking aside, sounds like a decent older mix.

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