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I've held out on a DS til now. This might be the time to jump in.

Are those cameras going to have any real purpose?

Developers are probably going to make games out of using it.


DSi ware sounds pretty cool, but it's BS that this version of the DS costs more. The DS lite has been $130 forever. This one doesn't have that much more new tech in it. Low-res camera lenses are cheap, those screens are cheap, SD readers are cheap. It's a big waste of money unless you are super-excited about currently non-existant downloadable games or something.


For me, having a GBA slot is far more important and useful than all the new features of the DSi put together.

So, I'm waiting until it comes out, and then buying a DS Lite (when hopefully the prices will drop) to replace my Phat.


Well, of course. :P Just saying that's probably adding a little bit to the cost of production.

The Nintendo rep at the DSi event last night mentioned about downloading Gameboy games(assuming advance too). Unless she was misinformed, that's awesome news. I mean, it'd make a lot of sense with them removing the GBA slot.


Y'know, the camera and potential online bit and extra features and whatever don't seem that appealing to me. I mean, I buy a system to play games on, not to like, take pictures with or surf the web or watch blu-ray dvds or something. Not trying to come off as bitter, but that's just my opinion.

No :)

Like BluRay, it's not enough of an improvement to get me excited :(

You know, I read an article on IGN about Blu Ray vs. DVD as of right now, and honestly, I don't think I'll upgrade to it. Most of those features of going online for stuff seems a bit unnecessary, not too mention the load times for some Blu Ray players, and there's a good Toshiba DVD player that upscales your regular DVD's rather well.

Getting back to the topic on hand, I think I'll just wait on buying that DSi, see what they'll have on DS Ware. Hate to pass up that deal at Gamestop, that's actually a pretty good deal to trade in your DS Lite for a good 70 bucks (I sound like such an ad):tomatoface:. If they have old GB/GBA games to download, then that might be a good incentive, as long as they're not over-priced like they'll probably be.

I just can't shake the feeling they're going to have some better handheld in another year or two, but oh well.

Besides, I've gotta wait on buying that DSi to pay some bills, and my taxes...


Well, of course. :P Just saying that's probably adding a little bit to the cost of production.

The Nintendo rep at the DSi event last night mentioned about downloading Gameboy games(assuming advance too). Unless she was misinformed, that's awesome news. I mean, it'd make a lot of sense with them removing the GBA slot.

If this turns out to be true, i'll definitely be getting one. Until then i hold off.

Do things like the r4 work on the ds?

You know, I read an article on IGN about Blu Ray vs. DVD as of right now, and honestly, I don't think I'll upgrade to it. Most of those features of going online for stuff seems a bit unnecessary, not too mention the load times for some Blu Ray players, and there's a good Toshiba DVD player that upscales your regular DVD's rather well.

Getting back to the topic on hand, I think I'll just wait on buying that DSi, see what they'll have on DS Ware. Hate to pass up that deal at Gamestop, that's actually a pretty good deal to trade in your DS Lite for a good 70 bucks (I sound like such an ad):tomatoface:. If they have old GB/GBA games to download, then that might be a good incentive, as long as they're not over-priced like they'll probably be.

I just can't shake the feeling they're going to have some better handheld in another year or two, but oh well.

Besides, I've gotta wait on buying that DSi to pay some bills, and my taxes...


I dunno, I'd probably pay 5 bucks each for the 3 Gameboy Zelda games since I only got a chance to own Link's Awakening(still my fav next to Majora's Mask).

I know this is probably false, but I don't think Nintendo really needs to bring out a new handheld to the market just yet. The DS has passed the 25 million mark already with no signs of stopping any time soon. Even more amazing is that games on the DS like The New Super Mario Bros. and Mario Kart DS are still selling new copies like hotcakes. I think the DS could last a few more years personally.

What I'd really like to see are more mature games, and by mature I don't mean something like Call of Duty or Gears of War or whatever. I mean games that deal with mature subject matter. Adult games like Heavy Rain, Indigo Prophecy. More games with darker stuff. Point and click adventure games akin to the Lucasarts stuff of old would be great.


I wish they'd go back to the clicky buttons of the original DS. That's the one thing it had going for it. The DS lite's buttons and d-pad are okay but feel cheap and are too squishy.

I wish they'd go back to the clicky buttons of the original DS. That's the one thing it had going for it. The DS lite's buttons and d-pad are okay but feel cheap and are too squishy.

Funny you mention this. I'm going back to using the 1st gen DS because the top screen on my DS Lite is really screwed up(lines threw it, and the screen is jumpy), and I can't agree more.

I haven't used this DS in so long. It's such a beast, lol.


The DSi is a textbook example of a ripoff. I'm not blowing my cash on a barely upgraded system that tacks on a useless camera and takes away my GBA slot.

I could get really ticked off about it if I obsess too much...


I had no interest in the DSi but there are rumors of being able to download GBA/GB/GBC games. A portable virtual console, that interests me very much as long as its not too expensive.

The DSi is a textbook example of a ripoff. I'm not blowing my cash on a barely upgraded system that tacks on a useless camera and takes away my GBA slot.

I could get really ticked off about it if I obsess too much...

Yes, that makes perfect sense. It's a ripoff because it offers upgraded functionality for those of us to whom the DS Lite seemed like a ripoff, so it must be a ripoff too, right?

I still don't understand this obsession with the GBA slot. Move on, people! If you seriously can't, just buy a freaking used GBASP off eBay or something!

Of course, my interest in the SD slot is different from most people's - as a programmer, I'm interested in running homebrew code on it...

Yes, that makes perfect sense. It's a ripoff because it offers upgraded functionality for those of us to whom the DS Lite seemed like a ripoff, so it must be a ripoff too, right?

I still don't understand this obsession with the GBA slot. Move on, people! If you seriously can't, just buy a freaking used GBASP off eBay or something!

Of course, my interest in the SD slot is different from most people's - as a programmer, I'm interested in running homebrew code on it...

I guess our poor state of existence doesn't make to someone like you. He's right guys! We should just bring 2 different systems with us whenever we go on a trip. Hey, we could also encourage Nintendo's increasing slant towards pleasing the casual market while simultaneously neglecting the hardcore market that's supported them for years. Kill 2 birds with one stone! :<


Yeah, my point's exactly. Of course...this brings up a whole other issue that all the kids around here seem to be graphic whores who care about their 100 gig 360 hard drives, or online content or Halo or whatever. Almost seems people are too focused on gimmicky stuff. Of course...not all gimmicky systems work, remember the NGage and the Gizmondo? :razz:


Meh, I'm extremely happy with my DSi... do not regret the purchase whatsoever. The screens are gorgeous, the sound is better (not HAVING to where headphones for games like Ouendan is a blessing), and the d-pad and buttons have improved exponentially over the other DS models. I don't regret my purchase at all. The DSi is awesome.


You know if the DSi does allow downloads of older games, it doesn't even need the gba slot.

I'd get it, if I could afford it, and well also afford to buy downloadable games on it. It's the main reason I love my Wii, and would probably be a good reason to love a DSi.

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