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Bongo Bill totally called it a month and a half ago

Zelda with a train. I have been saying this for years, and nobody has ever contradicted me: a Zelda game with a train in it.

I haven't bought a DS game since Megaman ZX, but I'm totally going to buy the shit out of this


I just hope to God that I can use the d-pad to make Link walk in this one. I hated Phantom Hourglass for two reasons: the repetitive and overly-long dungeon that you had to keep going back to was annoying, and the touch-controlled walking annoyed the hell out of me (which, actually, is why I hated Dragon Ball Origins). If you're going to put it in, fine, but let the player decide whether he wantes to play every part of the game with the touch controls.


Well yea but thats like 1/5 zelda games that came out since like 2002 that wasn't cel shaded.

Windwaker was pretty cool with cel shade but they haven't done anything to those graphics since and frankly i'm sick of "cutesy" Zelda games.


This really makes me want to get a DS.

I sorta have one because my brother tried to clean his DS with Lysol by spraying directly on the DS.

So uh yeah that happened so he got a new one.

Still turns on and plays games but the actual touch feature on the lower screen is fucked. Still has visual but just useless.

Is it possible Nintendo could fix it for me?


I don't know how I feel about this one. PH was really forgettable for me, because I played it through once, and it just seemed to end and that was it. I haven't ever had an interest in dusting it off and playing it again. I liked the boat, both because it was upgradable and because I never minded sailing places even in Wind Waker. But I didn't like that the story only picked up once or twice and then ended. The ending was good, the rest not so much. And now we're going to be on a train instead of a boat, and I'm not really seeing how that's not a gimmick.

Don't get me wrong, I love Zelda games to death and will probably buy and play the crap out of it when it comes out. But I'd like to play a Zelda game that didn't rely on putting in one or two gimmicks just to sell. Twilight Princess was pretty good for that. It gave me the adventure, let me roam around, and still retain it's Zelda type qualities. The newer handheld games just get a little to lost in making for a "fun time" and I think they tend to suffer for it. Even Minish Cap had those rock things, that while fun, could get rather tedious after awhile because you couldn't find the right damn piece.

Well yea but thats like 1/5 zelda games that came out since like 2002 that wasn't cel shaded.

Windwaker was pretty cool with cel shade but they haven't done anything to those graphics since and frankly i'm sick of "cutesy" Zelda games.

You play as a dude dressed in green with a floppy hat.

They're all cutesy.

Why is link on a train?

Link on a Train is like Snakes on a Plane.

"I'm tired of these M* Links on this M* train!"

Both hilarious to watch, but not worth the money... (imo - the only Celda done right was Wind Waker, for size of game. PH felt like a milk-the-cow game).


I still get a kick out of the audience reactions when a new Zelda game is shown. Powerful stuff, huh? So, so many comments already logged about a game not 24 hours out of the box.

And if Link has to fight a snake on the train I will keep this game forever.

You play as a dude dressed in green with a floppy hat.

They're all cutesy.

Cel-shaded Link didn't fucking bodyslam a ram in the first few minutes of the game.

Prefer older link as well.


Having just beaten Phantom Hourglass, this game looks EXACTLY THE SAME. Swap a boat for a train and it's the same exact game. Same sound effects, same dungeon design, heck even some of the monsters are exactly the same, and I'm not talking octorocks or dodongos.

Oh well.

Industrial revolution for Hyrule?

When is Nintendo gonna move away from Cel shaded Zelda?

What's wrong with Cel Shaded Zelda? I think it was the best idea Nintendo had. Not only that, The Wind Waker had such a fresh new feel. And a good story to boot.

Not every game has to look realistic. Not to mention that it if was like that on the DS, it wouldn't be that good.

I'd actually prefer to have a Cel Shaded Zelda on console again.

You play as a dude dressed in green with a floppy hat.

They're all cutesy.

Thank you, anymore ownage tonight?

And to anyone whining about cel-shaded Link... maybe you didn't play any Zelda games before Ocarina of Time or something...?

EXACTLY. That's where I think alot of whiners chime in about all that. I honestly don't want them to keep a whole "Mature" realistic Zelda going all the time. They need to break free from that formula, shake things up like they did with Wind Waker.

Otherwise it'll be like Twilight Princess, with a bunch of moments that were pretty much like Ocarina. Don't get me wrong, TP had A LOT of great cutscenes, and great new characters like Midna, and, uh, the chicks that ran the fishing/boat shooting game (I botched that for sure).

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