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Excellent, innovative work. Need more. ;)

OK, well, the first part is a bit silent, still a good intro though. Guitar very nice. Everything in the middle is top notch I think, very nice. Last bit is interesting, I think it might be better if the dissonance were more... organized, but meh, not like I could do better. Very nice :)


I always give songs a chance, even if they give me that "bitter beer" face when it first plays. I hate it when people call others close-minded or simpletons because they can't "broaden their horizons" to accept something they just don't like. The instrumental version of this song may be decent, while not incredibly groundbreaking. Still, it's a catchy ska/polka style spin on the game tune.

The vocals, however good the vocalist is, totally ruined the track for me. It reminded me a lot of how Japanese bands put vocals over video game tracks... just seems misplaced, unless they originally contained the lyrics. Now, had the lyrics been funny, as sort of a spoof song, it would've been mildly entertaining. But you just can't make fun of Ninja Gaiden. I think the only other instance where you can get away with alien vocals is if you can't really interpret the language of the lyrics (say, Latin chorus addition to One Winged Angel). That way it's an addition to the work, something that supports and refines the original piece, not vocal graffiti sprayed over top of the music, completely drowning out most of what was originally there for most of the listening experience.

Instrumental... enh. With vocals, pppppbbbbbttttt. However, I think any original tunes your band has might be interesting to listen to.


Well, as you can see, I'm a bit new to these forums. But I've been visiting OC Remix for a little less than a year, which is when I discovered it. Since then, I've downloaded more than 300 Remixes, but have kept only an approximate 60, the others not fitting to my...taste. :P

That said, InTheAtrium rocks. I like the guitar, and I'm a obsessed with finding good guitars and pianos. This song has the former, and I'm thoroughly impressed. I enjoy the lyrics, and I've even tried singing along, but, I sing as well as Kurt Cobain would if he were to get severely drunk, high and took a few sleeping pills. Jason has an okay voice, and while I think he should take lessons to develop it, it's still enjoyable. My only problem is the ending. It should have ended at 5:26 or within that little space of emptyness. So, to start my ratings whenever I talk about a Remix, I give this song an 8/10. -1 point for the voice that needs a wee bit of work, and -1 for the ending.

  • 2 months later...

Okay. I signed up finally, and I guess this was the song that did it. At first I was put off by the lyrics because I was so used to OCremixes being totally instrumental (or electro-instrumental) but after a listen or two, this became one of my favourite songs. Up there with The Wingless's Godspeed, Beej's Fragments of Gold, and Jared Hudson's... well, everything. The best part of the song, IMHO, begins right at 4:45, when he starts by almost speaking and slowly breaks into song midway through "resistance". Booya! Awesome song. Alas, I have to agree with a number of the other complaints about the strange ending. Although I get the feeling that was the purpose, sorta, out of breath finale, but I could have done without it. But hey, who am I to judge. Well done!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
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  • 2 months later...


I'm stunned. And I mean that in a bad way.

Man, I hate to be offensive because I love the older version so much and this...I can't think of what to say other than something mean. It's a pile of shit. First off, your voice is much better when it was raw and natural, not effects laden. Not only that but it sounds like the tempo of this was raised and it makes it sound really rushed. The original sounded relaxed, like there wasn't a care in the world any more. Plus certain instruments are way too loud and some way too far in the background, like the guitar right before the vocals start.

Now, as we transition into the soft part, I start to dig it again. It sounds like you're singing from maybe a bathroom or somewhere dark and damp, lonely and the like. Then your voice goes severely off-key several times and I want to shove sharp objects into my ears. However, the revamped ending with just the guitar rubs me the right way and is one of the few good things I like about it.

I don't mean to sound like a complete hardass but I think this is sort of the same deal that was with the remake you did of Tororian Love Song (Over and Under). Your original recordings of both are so many levels above the remakes because they concentrate more on YOU and YOUR playing rather than on trying to be fancier and sounding more like say, a more well-financed effort by a more upscale musician. I think that's your strongest point is your ability to completely expose yourself and come out completely strong. If you were signed onto a label, I think your live show would be so much better than your CD. Get the picture?

I miss the organ. :(


Actually, I think I'm liking this one better than the original.

First of all, I have know idea what Wicked was talking about when he said the original was relaxed and the tempo felt rushed. I think you nailed the feel of the original, while upping the quality quite a bit.

Intro rocked. I loved it, sounded 100% better from the original.

I love your voice, but I gotta agree with Wicked about the effects; I like it better when it was raw and dirty and not effects laiden. Same for the accoustic guitar at the end. But the whole effects thing is really a minor complaint.

Your (sorta clean) rhythm guitar that you're strumming on the off beats needs to be turned way down on the verses.

Also, the acoustic guitar seems to just completely drop out at the end of the song. Leaves you hanging, in a bad way. Needs an ending, even if it's just a singe diamonded tonic chord.

That annoying miditechnocrap thing that comes in at the climax (2:50-3:02) needs to die. This is my only major complaint. I'd rather chew and swallow a sardine flavored glass grenade than listen to that again. This is the kind of thing you use to interrogate prisoners. Delete it completely. The ending has enough energy on its own to sustain itself. Sometimes less is more.

Honestly, this has always been one of my favorite songs. I always hoped you go back and re-record it, and it seems today is my lucky day. It probably seems like I'm railing on this song a lot, but that's only because it's almost perfect. Good job.

  • 5 months later...

You have some serious talent boy 8O

The parts where you sing "and maybe someday both of us will see" and the one from 5:02 to 5:24 are sung with so much feeling I can seriously consider you one of the singers with the best potenital I've ever heard. There are still things you need to polish, but with time you can become a huge singer.


okay - im sure you've heard this several, if not hundred times; I love you.

secondly, Your Second mix sucked - the More raw first version was AWESOME - So much emotion, less bullshit.

It makes me tingle every time I hear you hit those high notes. This is easily one of my favorite songs, ever.

Please become famous, so you get the fame you deserve.

  • 10 months later...

This just randomly came up on my playlist and I was very impressed. I immediately added this to my favorites after hearing it. I totally dig this type of stuff and I was delighted when heard it. Great stuff! I didn't like the ending, so I cut the ending off and put in the ending of your newer version. Overall, I like the old (OCR) version better. I didn't like the vocal effects you put in the new version, and I just dig the raw sound. However, I must say that the drums sound a lot better. This easily became one of my favorite songs on this site.

Edit: The second version really grew on me. The introduction has a lot more character and the drums are just a lot better.

  • 2 years later...
  • 11 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01068 - Ninja Gaiden II "In the Atrium"
  • 1 year later...
7 hours ago, WorkSnakes said:

Ah, this takes me back to the early days of remixing. I remember that remixes with lyrics were extremely unique at that time. Heck, remixing as a whole was unique at that time.

I always liked the first verse here, in particular; fits the melody like a glove, angsty-but-still-interesting... good stuff.

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