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OCR01076 - Tales of Phantasia "Emotions Lost in Time"


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It was lacking brightness, having the sense that it was muffled to the point that I was listening to a speaker with a pillow overtop of it. It was distracting and disheartening. For me, the piece was a bit a superfluous in its phrases (I too have yet to overcome this problem when I write my music.) What I mean, is that the syn brass you use is too relentless, you have to break down the melody into it's phrases. Melodies these long are composed of phrases so that one can follow the song more easily. The backup was okay, the start was a little slow... kinda wanting me to say a little bit of "hurry up, come on/"

The thunder and the rain sound a bit gimmicky, just like the crowd applause you hear in hard house tracks which most of the djs never forget to put it in. (The hardest part of making hard house is actually applying the crowd cheering and applause in the track, believe it or not.)


The syn-brass is not too annoying or superfluous, it just appeared that way when I first listened to the song. Though, there is something bugging me about it. I know it is bugging me.

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I like it!

Its good to see another Tales of Phantasia mix, because IMO, its the finest RPG ever made. I really like the song selected, "Be Absentminded", because it occurs at a very sad and touching moment in the game. Though im still waiting for someone to make an Aviators mix :wink:

What really caught my eye... err, ear about this one is how it starts as a soft, sad song, but then really picks up later into a techno-type mix. It may not be anything revolutionary, but I really enjoyed it. I'd recommend downloading it.

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6.2 mb? :( Wish I could have let my ICO mix go over the filesize limit...had to lower the bitrate. Wah wah!


Pretty kewl stuff here.

Like Xelebes said, I'm not so hot on the rain samples. Not a big deal, but a little cheesey in my opinion.

The volume needs to be turned up. This is a pretty quiet file. I little more high-end would be welcome too, I think.

I like that square wave lead near the beginning of the trance section. Would have liked to hear that more during the rest of the song.

The trance beat is pretty good, though I usually don't like claps. I'm more of a snare 2 and 4 beat man :).

The synths are pretty good, but it seems like there is a whole lot of saw wave stuff going on in here. Not bad, but the lead lacks a bit of clarity as it blends a bit with the rest of the sounds.

The intro and ending are very nice. You've got some good strings samples and you use them pretty well.

Good stuff! You chose a good song, and you put together a quite good remix of it! Yaaaay

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Intro is long but pretty nice. Storm/rain loop reminds me of Nine's Dying Occlo. I really like how it leads into the goods.

Dig the trancey part. I'm big on the long phrases used here.

I like the (fm'ish?) saw synth alot, but like other reviews have said, there seems a lot of high end missing from the mix. The synth used in GLL's Create Your Fantasy mix was alot brighter...although if the percussion was brighter I think it would be ok.

Overall a good remix that needs some work getting the frequency spectrum filled out, but is definitely staying in my playlist.

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The trancey-technoey section is good. It's an interesting mix of genres which I think works.

The introduction could have used more work. The soundfonts used there sounded a bit crappy to me. I love the rain effect though. It needed more effects and compressions over the piano and flute though. The strings needed a bit more reverb so the notes melded into each other rather than sounding so jumpy.

The composition is good, the soundfonts are really what's letting this down for me.

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In response to anyone who thinks this remix is too quiet: do you expect all music to be blaring your speakers or something? Sometimes quiet music is a good thing, especially on a song like this, where it's based on a sad song from the actual game.

Now that I've said that, let me add my own comments.

I think the only thing I really didn't like from this remix is the first second or two where the thunder is a tad bit too flat. Everything else fits nicely, starting soft and gradually crecendo-ing to a more-heavily rhythmed techno. And no, the tempo does NOT increase, before anyone says so. The added counter melody fits nicely, almost indistinguishable from the original song's parts, although there was one dissonating note in it that might have sounded better a half step up (because it was the flat of the bass line note) but I guess it was fine.

The feature I liked most about this ReMix is the way GLL transitioned from the light instrumental section to the heavier techno. It wasn't a sudden, 1 measure change like I've heard in the past, but spanned a full theme length.

Good job on this ReMix. :)

(On a side note, this is the first ReMix I've posted in the forums about — and I've been downloading ReMixes for quite a while now.)

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I think this song is brilliant because the of all the crap that is happening here and there. So much is going on. I just realized it when the trance was starting to kick in and the action was building up, and I was then glad to see that Ghetto Lee doesnt do that boring trance...just...you know what I mean;but with some really well thought out musical ideas he made this trance some damn good trance. I love this song. I am not too fond of the muffledness, but still this gets a cookie.

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In my opinion, this is exactly how trance ought to be done. It has a simple, beautiful melody that's there throughout the entire piece. The melody repeats itself a lot, but it's such a nice theme that I didn't get tired of hearing it.

In a way, it's kind of genre-busting, because listening to the first couple of minutes of the music you really don't expect any trance to follow. Consequently, you couldn't play it in a dance club or anything, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it's a good thing, because this music is more creative and expressive than your average danceable trance music.

Honestly, I can't say I liked either the intro or the body of the song better than the other. Both are well done, and it's the combination of the two that makes this music epic and unique.

One small gripe: something sounds a little off at 4:28 -- the piano melody and the rest of the music don't quite seem to jive for a couple of seconds, and it sounds more like a mistake than deliberate conflict.

Great stuff, thanks GLL :)

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The (almost 3-minute!) intro/beginning section is lovely even though the rain sample is kind of hokey after a while...but I've found that the beginning drags in anticipation of the trance section on repeated listens. It's definitely not something you could get away with playing in a club, and while I applaud GLL's risk-taking and innovation here, I ultimately wish for a more curtailed intro/orchestral part at around 1 minute. As it stands the mix feels too half-and-half--and a bit lopsided.

Also, this mix does indeed have a muddy, washed-out, "muffled" sound during the trance part, as Xelebes noted. That's a shame, since it pointedly detracts from some of the punch the trance section might have had. What happened? I hope GLL releases a remaster, because the arrangement is fantastic, just has oddly dull production.

But hey, this is still good stuff anyhow. I'm keeping this one because it's certainly something different, and the source tune is just damn beautiful. Not bad.

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before I begin my review, I would like to point out that I sorta like this song.

Well I for one liked the rain in the begining, the thunder and the rain represented that you were going for a intrested theme. The quality of the instruemnts are horrible. Just listen to the song. I think this song would have been much more powerful if it was mixed and eq'ed properly, but I can sence that you dont know how to make a good trance song.

Moving on to the melody, very very nice! I kinda hear the main melody and the surrounding melody that are harmonic to the main, but I also hear the wrong notes playing at certain times of the song. Sorry but it's the truth. The whole song seems clouded and it could be fixed with a bit of mixing ... no I take that back, alot of mixing; the only think I hear you do nicely is the mixing in the begining and ending, everything else was WIP. For the mian lead, I suggest possibly more of a bussy feel, for the bridge, I suggest some more creative patterns and tones to go with the instruments you use. the song structure and rhythem is good and fair solid.

Keep trying, Ghetto Lee Lewis, maybe the next one will spark out loud, because this is one song that really needs it's production value worked out.

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I like the beginning and the ending. I would probably like it better if the whole song was like that, but then again that's because I'm not a fan of trance. But from what trance I have heard, the song sounds very good when compared. And as for those "wrong notes" I will assume that intended. Before I knew they were wrong I didn't notice them.

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In response to anyone who thinks this remix is too quiet: do you expect all music to be blaring your speakers or something? Sometimes quiet music is a good thing, especially on a song like this, where it's based on a sad song from the actual game.

....yes, in a "loud" genre like trance, I expect the levels to be as close to maximum as possible. If I'm listening to a bunch of trance, and then this song comes up, I don't want to have to adjust the volume to be able to hear it. Quiet orchestral sections are fine, but just more volume for a trance song like this is something you expect for the general production/mastering.

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Personally, I could have done without the techno... the "three minute intro" sounded like a beautiful song to me, and I loved it. I did like the subtle transition though... the thudding in the background, which the more orchestral style instruments were still playing sounded REALLY good. I'd rather have heard more development in this area, really...

But for all my preferences, I can't deny that this is well done in all aspects, techno and all. Very good, very well done. I thought the volume was fine in general, though I can also hear the "muffled through a pillow" bit too. For the beginning and ending, this is perfect, and fits the song very well... but for the techno, one tends to expect a little more sharpness to the sound.

Given that, as I mentioned, I'd rather do without techno entirely, the softness of it doesn't bother me one whit.

Keep up the good work! Well done.

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I can't deny that this is well done in all aspects, techno and all. Very good, very well done.

Thats a lie! this song needs work in alot of aspects, and is NOT very well done in all aspects as you said. I mean, he might have grasped the techno factor, but considering how much techno and trance I have listened to, take it from me that this is by far not a very good/well done song.

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Well, funny enough, as was the case with another orchestral/trance mix there are mixed feelings, more than likely arising from the duality of the song. As with *takes a deep breath* "CidsendsadreamtotheOceanPalace" I think both parts, while not done immaculately in their respective genres, come together to form one hell of a good song. I thought the "muffledness" befit the total theme of the song, which came across to me as this sort of dream-like energetic moment arising from the straighter orchestral sad song. Also, this is supposed to be a sad song, so I thought the lack of loud piercing saw synths was rather appropriate. (Sure there are saw synths, but they aren't loud and piercing is what I'm saying) The rain samples...well, yeah, they're corny. No getting around that one. But somehow, I think the song wouldn't be as good if they were taken away. The piano does hit some weird notes, but I don't know if I'd call them "wrong", and they aren't glaring either way. When I first heard this song back in IMC I loved it right away. An overall great tune that pulls off melding two different genres very well.

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I can't deny that this is well done in all aspects, techno and all. Very good, very well done.

Thats a lie! this song needs work in alot of aspects, and is NOT very well done in all aspects as you said. I mean, he might have grasped the techno factor, but considering how much techno and trance I have listened to, take it from me that this is by far not a very good/well done song.

I think I have to agree with FF Music DJ this time. The song never really came out quite how I liked it. I don't have a lot of money for expensive gigasamples (or hiring a live orchestra :P ), so I chose the best free soundfonts I could find on the internet. The rain I used (which I was pretty impressed with the sample, btw) because the original song was first played (in the game) during an intense thunderstorm. Maybe I could have had a more intense orchestral section and some layered wind samples, but the arrangement I came up with I was quite satisfied with. As to the trance section, I feel it could have been much better done AND better mastered. I knew little to nothing about professional mastering when I made this song about 11 months ago. As to comparing this with other trance: I find a lot of trance to be far more boring, repetitive, and unoriginal than the type of music I like to arrange, although the mastering is usually much better. Hopefully, I may do a reconstructed/remastered version of this song in the future to really capture the mood I originally intended for the song (something sort of emotionally shattering to portray the feelings of the hero during that scene in the game).

Thank you everyone for the reviews and criticism. I found it very flattering and helpful.


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