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The single rifle shot before the alarm and intro in the bass instruments reminded me of a Novellization I read a long time ago.

4:19-ish is really cool. Really liked 5:30.

Ending was interesting. Alarm fading out with pitch lowering was different. I was almost expecting a final rifle shot and abrubt end to all sound.

Overall a great remix.



I totally agree how each and every track of VotL was epicly awesome. VotL remains one of my most favorite albums, and this track is one of my favorites.

One question: is this a remaster of the original? Or is this straight off the album? I'm assuming it's straight off, so I'm not gonna bother redownloading it, unless I hear otherwise. PLEASE PM ME IF THIS IS A REMASTER.

This is such a faithful recreation of the original tracks, only much more awesome. I love the electronica and sound effects used throughout. The alarms and train squealing really take you back to the opening scene, don't they?

One of my most favorite moments is at 3:02, when the strings and voices do a call-response thing. Sweet.

The percussion throughout never gets boring, even if you specifically listen to just it. There's tons of variety and syncopation. I love it.

At 3:59 is another one of my favorite moments, when there's those synths running wild over the place.

Overall, very high quality and excellently crafted. Extra points to BCG and thanks to zircon for his help!


So I emailed Jimmy like the day after VotL came out telling him how AMAZING this was, and I asked him if he was gonna submit it. He told me probably not. I feel lied to and cheated Jimmy, you ass. No, just kidding.

This is seriously, in the now 12-13 year history of different takes on this theme, the best take on the bombing mission I've EVER heard. The complexity of the melody, and the amazing, frantic flow you gave to this are just awesome. The claxon at the beginning setting the beat was a stroke of genius. I could gush all night, but I'll just say this is EASILY one of the best FF VII mixes on the site. Download it. Like yesterday.


love this mix - not sure why it took forever to get noticed and submitted to the site :/

i always wondered why you decided to change the bass motif so far from the original - you do it quite well - but to think of changing from that very persistent triplet pattern to a sixteenth pattern still throws me how well it works and makes things sound fresh


Wow, this was actually really unexpected. Thanks for the writeup, DJP. Truly thoughtful.

I actually originally did submit this to the panel, but it didn't go up with the initial flood, so I actually took it down because the more I thought about it, the more I figured that it was already available and pretty easy to find on the VotL album, so I thought it was a little too self-whorish (for lack of better words) to put it up as well. I didn't realize it actually was going to be posted. Pleasant surprise though, at any rate :)

Thanks for digging this one, those of you who dig it. My only regret is that I made this mix before I acquired any of my more modern and/or high-end plugins.

Let that be another lesson to you guys who can't afford high-end VSTs and programs at the moment. With the exception of Andy throwing a little HQ-plugin-lovin' on the "Opening" portion (namely the strings and the lead synth, which I think is FM8 if I'm not mistaken), this was mostly free samples, loops, and soundfonts. It takes a good deal of work, but it can pay off :)


Without comparing the two, I'm 98% sure this is the same version that's on VotL. I did have a version that was "just me" without Zircon, and while it's not a whole lot different, Andy's version has that extra sheen and polish to it, so I think I recall pretty much tossing the original by the wayside, because, ya know, why would I not use the version that Andy improved? :)


Listened to this gem awhile back in VotL...had it on repeat a couple of times. Thought it was a really good arrangement. Epic in every word with the orchestral and electronic elements. It rivals Mr. Ishimoto's arrangement of the same tracks in Crisis Core.

Now, I need to go back and give this another listen. VotL nostalgia. Seems like it was released long ago, eh? :P

Speaking of the track itself, BGC...I do recall that you were only credited on the VotL album...so I was kind of surprised to see zircon in this submission. So thanks for clearing that up. Don't need to download this one then.


I absolutely love this piece--it's cinematic, epic, bombastic, and all those other good adjectives. The narrative angle you've taken here is completely brilliant, and I love it because I can sit back and clearly imagine the opening sequence in my head--it's also great for when I'm writing something that has the same tone.

Anyway, I've actually had this track since I checked out VotL, and I was wondering when it would make its way onto the site. Mad props!


One of my favs from the album. At first the expansive and evolving arrangement was both a plus and minus to the overall coolness of the song. But it grew on me over time due to the excellent transitions and attention to varying the timbres and sound design over time while still retaining some sense of familiarity throughout. Good stuff dudes! :nicework:


I'm really loving this piece: very theatrical, story-driven, and all that.

One of the earliest games i remember playing was FF7, and one of the earliest pieces of VGM I clearly remember was Opening - Bombing Mission, so it's always held a bit of special place in my heart, and am glad that this was done justice.

Good work, Jimmy! :nicework:


This is one of my absolute favorite remixes and I listen to it quite often. "Bombing Mission" really lends itself well to remixing, and this and "REAKTR.1" (I'm forgetting the arranger) are vastly superior to the orchestral remixes that are also often made for this piece in the professional concerts.

BGC, please do more like this!

(Though I have a confession to make... I like this piece for the music, not for its fidelity to the FF7 opening. So I find myself skipping through the first 1'20" or so, because while it's part of the game, it's not the most exciting part of the music compared to what follows!)

This is one of my absolute favorite remixes and I listen to it quite often. "Bombing Mission" really lends itself well to remixing, and this and "REAKTR.1" (I'm forgetting the arranger) are vastly superior to the orchestral remixes that are also often made for this piece in the professional concerts.

BGC, please do more like this!

(Though I have a confession to make... I like this piece for the music, not for its fidelity to the FF7 opening. So I find myself skipping through the first 1'20" or so, because while it's part of the game, it's not the most exciting part of the music compared to what follows!)

REAKTR.1 was Tweek and Sephfire, also a very awesome 4/4 take on the Bombing Mission. In fact, I'm going to go listen to it now.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

This confirms one thing: OCR has a dangerous lack of epic concept mixes like this one. This is big, expansive, theatrical stuff with a continuous stream of moments. As a result of this having an aural narrative to tell, the piece is constantly evolving and growing richer. As a listener, there's nothing more satisfying than hearing something gradually metamorphisise both expectedly and unexpectedly.

I really like the electronic approach taken here. It's dynamic and because the sound is constantly being refreshed with new material and interpretations, there's no space left for a single repetitive instrument or phrase. And on the other hand, every element sounds like it is given a substantial amount of attention and room to explore. One of the things I admire most about this is the ability for this to sound neither sluggish nor rushed. Some people may not realise how much discipline and talent is needed in order to make something so fine-tuned when it comes to pacing, let alone everything else a remixer has to worry about.

It would have been a gigantic shame for this to have never reached the site. It's a major release, as far as I'm concerned. It really is a great opening and overall summation of the quality of VotL. Happy to finally have the chance to praise it here.

  • 1 year later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01841 - Final Fantasy VII "Every Story Begins with a Name"

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