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Freshly Baked ReMixer Challenge 2009 (It's OVER!! More details coming soon...)

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  Salluz said:
WIP (Bless the Dweller) needs obvious work in the highs + structuring and song duration. I'll have to warm-up before singing in the vocal fry register again.

MIDI file that won't work unless you go to the VGMusic index yourself

No offense, but your WIP is the QUIETEST thing ever! I had to turn my volume up to maximum to hear it on headphones, and it doesn't register anything on Winamp's oscilloscope (except for a tiny pixel vibration once or twice).

As for my WIP... I guess technically it's even quieter because it is nonexistent. Well, aside from those three WIPs I've since abandoned. Don't worry challenger, I'll get started on this again eventually!

  RocketSniper said:
Could I have a D&B flavored sundae?

Absolutely... as soon as my igpu stops flirting with the 212° F bar, shuting down my computer every 12min or so.

Now it can almost make water boil, which could be convenient for cooking purposes and all... but it just isn't much practical for remixing. :mrgreen:


I haven't even started yet. And now, my midi controllers are both acting up, I don't know if they're just not getting enough power or what. Hell, it could even be Vista...

  Sockpuppet5 said:
Damn it, I have writers block again. :-x I dunno if I can finish this on time. Sorry Monstro Town requester.:sad:

Aww, that's too bad. I requested Monstro Town. But I understand, these things happen. I don't know, try anyway? :puppyeyes: Maybe just lay down the melody and chords and see what comes of it? It doesn't have to be brilliant, it's not like we are getting judged. Mine's certainly not a masterpiece anyway :?

  diotrans said:
Aww, that's too bad. I requested Monstro Town. But I understand, these things happen. I don't know, try anyway? :puppyeyes: Maybe just lay down the melody and chords and see what comes of it? It doesn't have to be brilliant, it's not like we are getting judged. Mine's certainly not a masterpiece anyway :?

I will try to do it, but my attempts so far have led nowhere. And I foolishly started a Remix Collaboration on another forum on top of the other stuff I have to do.

If I don't do it for the challenge, I'll do it for you later anyway. It's not really fair if everyone else has there requests done and you don't.

  RocketSniper said:
I do have to say though, thank you to whoever requested Oppression. it's a fun song, but I would have definitely skipped over it if not for this contest / your request. Back to FL nao!

You're welcome, glad you're enjoying it :D


Ok guys. I opened back up the WIP posting system if anyone wants to post anything they've been working on on the compo hosting.

Again, this is totally optional, it's just a way for you guys to get free convenient hosting if you want to check-in anything for the mid-way point.

The link again is:


And keep up the good work (assuming you've started any =P)

  friendlyHunter said:
Hmm, no wonder I'm having so much trouble with my remix - I got one of the worst songs on the entire Tyrian soundtrack :puppyeyes: It's certainly a challenge....

So I finally downloaded and beat Tyrian today... ahh, memories ^_^ And the game is more fun than I would've expected... probably because yesterday I downloaded some other DOS classics that I remembered being good and they just SUUUUCKED!

But I'm really posting here to say that the song I got sounds much much better in the game when you're shooting the crap out of things in that final level. I should be taking another stab at the remix soon...

  friendlyHunter said:
Wait... are you:

a) someone other than Luke who's going to remix Luke's song.

B) referring to yourself in third person.

c) switching posters half way through the post.

d) you must construct additional pylons.

Answer: B and D

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