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This is probably how the source would have sounded if Mitsuda had more resources to work with.

And this is not a bad thing, not at all... This ReMix is really great! :razz:

Oh yeah and the title is great too lol! :mrgreen:


Well, as usual, it takes a really awesome mix to make me comment on anything. This is really something. I love percussion arrangements. Probably my love for traditional east asian and polynesian music, along with my taste for improvised music (think shows like stomp, or utilizing the environment for percussion sounds). This is really great. I can easily pick out the source themes from 65,000,000 BC (or w/e the original piece was called). Straight percussion is music just as much as melody without percussion is music. Besides, all the drums have their own tones.

Posted (edited)


I was blown away when I first heard this. I couldn't stop smiling the whole track through! I couldn't believe anyone would pull something like this off with flying colors.

I was WIP'ing this for a long time, waiting for the writeup to see how it would fly. I pratically promised myself I'd disown OCR if they didn't pass this master piece. I'm glad to see they came through ;)

Amazing on many levels, this is music in it's purest form, my friend: the drum. Definitely makes the top 10 most memorable remixes on the site.

Edited by metaphist

that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind

great job doug! that's the kind of arrangements that i'd like to hear more often on the site

Amazing on many levels, this is music in it's purest form, my friend: the drum. Definitely makes the top 10 most memorable remixes on the site.

which are the other nine :?:


I received a complaint that this mix's title, "JESUS CHRIST IT'S A DINOSAUR GET IN THE EPOCH," was profane because of its usage of Jesus Christ as an expletive. Here is my response:


I thought we might receive an email like this when I posted the mix. I might direct your attention to the mix previously posted, which contains the lord's prayer in Swahili, as a recent and immediate example of almost the exact opposite situation.

We've posted a mix with "Niggaz" in the title that of course some folks objected to, but it remains on the site under that title, as will this mix unless the artist himself requests that it be changed. We only invoke censorship when it is imperative to do so, in situations where it is obviously a form of hate speech or designed specifically to provoke. In this instance there is no mean spirit or desire to provoke (that we could ascertain), and I think what you're offended by is not really that the name "Jesus Christ" itself is profane in any way, but rather that the usage doesn't treat this figure with the same specific form of reverence that you do.

I believe that when any religion - Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, you name it - demands that everyone else behave and conform to its own set of expectations and beliefs, that's a form of intolerance. When riots & violence ensue because a cartoonist depicts Muhammad, to me that's sad, and while this is a far tamer complaint, it stems from the same idea: that everyone should treat religious figures of any kind with the same respect that members of those religions do, or else it's "profane". That position would leave no room for satire, parody, or even certain forms of analysis & questioning, all of which I believe are part of a healthy debate on religion and spirituality. While in this case the usage of "Jesus Christ" is not meant as satire or parody, but is essentially gratuitous, your taking offense suggests that other more crucial forms of speech would also be offensive and therefore excluded. I recommend that you consider these points, and consider that substance and meaning - neither of which in this case were designed to denigrate or offend - are more important than pomp, circumstance, and sacrosanctness.

Posted (edited)


First off, let me say I have been visiting this site on and off for several years, and I love the community of musicians that have expressed the creativity they possess.

As for the subject at hand...

It is a little comforting to know that I am not the only one that sent in an e-mail when I saw the title. I must adamantly disagree with your (and I guess, therefore, OC Remix's) position on this.

I'd simply like to reword what you have said to show that your definitition of intolerance in entirely subjective. For example, what if I were to say...

I believe that when any [website - ocremix.org, you name it] - demands that everyone else behave and conform to its own set of expectations and beliefs, that's a form of intolerance.
In this situation, that set of expectations and beliefs is that using Jesus Christ, niggaz, etc. is OK to use flippantly and however one would like, and I don't care if it offends anyone or blasphemes anyone or anything.

So, there is "intolerance" all around, and the intolerance we're speaking of is entirely subjective and relative. There WILL BE intolerance in life. It is unavoidable AND necessary. If there were no intolerance, we would have no laws, murder would be OK with no consequence, etc.

I am all for open discussion, debate, etc. That is entirely different than satire or parody. Your lumping together "satire and parody" and "certain forms of analysis & questioning" is not helpful. They are not the same. Satire and parody care nothing for inquiry, debate, and the like. They only seek to make light of something and/or mock it.

Do I believe in Mohammed? No. Do I understand the rioting and reaction? Yes. Even if someone is a post-modernist, they still understand what "sacred" and "holy" mean to a certain degree. Everyone has something or someone that is holy (specially important and set apart) to them. It is not wise to quickly trample all over that, even if they are wrong. That is a hateful thing to do.

Edited by Catharsis
Posted (edited)

Hooray for DJP!

The way I see it is - DJP had a choice here. Do we or do we not force this remixer to change the title of his ReMix because it may offend some people?

And he chose not to. While I have no love for the title myself, using "jesus christ" in this way is extremely common among christians and non-christians alike. To some people, the word "devil" is extremely offensive. Should we show our respect to those people and change the title of the 5 or so remixes containing that word in their titles? Where do we draw the line? How many people should we tolerate to be offended without changing the title?

Edited by Dafydd
Posted (edited)
I believe that when any [website - ocremix.org, you name it] - demands that everyone else behave and conform to its own set of expectations and beliefs, that's a form of intolerance.

OCR isn't demanding that you do anything.

The difference is location; it's unreasonable for a religious organisation to try to make us show that level of reverence here on OCR, because OCR is not a religious organization.

If we were to, say, walk into your church and fail to show proper reverence to your beliefs, you would be within your rights to take offense. But quite simply, this is OCR's turf, not the church's. Therefore OCR's rules are accepted over the church's. Any attempt to censor somebody else's actions on their own turf based on what would be offensive on your turf is, by definiton, intolerant.

I think Dave's post was absolutely correct.

Edited by Geoffrey Taucer

Well said, Taucer.

I might also add that when you appeal to OCR to change the title, you're basically asking for censorship. When you appeal to the artist, you're asking them to reconsider based on the merits of your argument, and it becomes their personal decision. I'm not trying to pass the buck, here, but as a forum for artists I'd prefer decisions come from them rather than me or "OC ReMix" as an entity.


Personally, I've been waiting for this remix for quite some time due to the title (it IS provoking, so it naturally perks people's interest). The title is perfect - provocative and get's my interest before even listening to the music, thus assuring that I (and I'm sure many others) will listen to it in the end (that's the goal of a title, by the way).

That aside, I'm glad that you did this one. It brings OCR a lot of respect from me (not turning down something due to it's lack of traditional melodies/harmonies). Now, all artistic stuff aside, it IS oddly entertaining to listen to, despite the lack of melody. It sounds very African in it's use of drums. I really like African drum circles so I really enjoy this song. Nicely done!


I'm diggin' this mix. Should stay on my play list for a while.

I nearly fell out of the char in laughter when I saw the title. Though this had more to do with the thought of Chrono and the gang first appearing in the past and seeing a towering t-rex, then offending some peoples beliefs.


My thoughts on the title... (I havn't been on in a while, but I saw the Tweet)

I'm a Christian, a strong one. I'm actually going to a bible college here soon (for a bit o background info). I of course dislike the usage of Jesus Christ in a disrespectful and profane usage. But on the other hand, I would not in any way see it right to FORCE a remixer to change it. And I'm gonna download it and listen to it, too.

...and I'm thankful that God has blessed you with such a gift for music ;)


I am all for open discussion, debate, etc. That is entirely different than satire or parody. Your lumping together "satire and parody" and "certain forms of analysis & questioning" is not helpful. They are not the same. Satire and parody care nothing for inquiry, debate, and the like. They only seek to make light of something and/or mock it.

Satire and debate are intrinsically linked. Some of the greatest discussions of topics have used satire as a medium, such as A Modest Proposal or many of Mark Twain and Benjamin Franklin's works.

As for the mix, it's honestly not suited for my tastes. I'm not a particular fan of percussion and rhythm as the focus of songs in general. However, that fault is my own and I can see that it's well made with a clear basis in the original track yet develop and breathing on it's own. Good work.


First off, let me say I have been visiting this site on and off for several years, and I love the community of musicians that have expressed the creativity they possess.

As for the subject at hand...

It is a little comforting to know that I am not the only one that sent in an e-mail when I saw the title. I must adamantly disagree with your (and I guess, therefore, OC Remix's) position on this.

I'd simply like to reword what you have said to show that your definitition of intolerance in entirely subjective. For example, what if I were to say...

In this situation, that set of expectations and beliefs is that using Jesus Christ, niggaz, etc. is OK to use flippantly and however one would like, and I don't care if it offends anyone or blasphemes anyone or anything.

So, there is "intolerance" all around, and the intolerance we're speaking of is entirely subjective and relative. There WILL BE intolerance in life. It is unavoidable AND necessary. If there were no intolerance, we would have no laws, murder would be OK with no consequence, etc.

I am all for open discussion, debate, etc. That is entirely different than satire or parody. Your lumping together "satire and parody" and "certain forms of analysis & questioning" is not helpful. They are not the same. Satire and parody care nothing for inquiry, debate, and the like. They only seek to make light of something and/or mock it.

Do I believe in Mohammed? No. Do I understand the rioting and reaction? Yes. Even if someone is a post-modernist, they still understand what "sacred" and "holy" mean to a certain degree. Everyone has something or someone that is holy (specially important and set apart) to them. It is not wise to quickly trample all over that, even if they are wrong. That is a hateful thing to do.

You do NOT have a right to not be offended.

You do NOT have a right to impose your beliefs on everyone else as a standard of living.

You DO have the right not to come here.

You DO have the right not to participate.

You DO have a right to complain.

We DO have a right to dismiss you for it.


Can we PLEASE not turn this musical review area into a religious flame war? If it offends you, then leave the site and never come back. If you're that sensitive, we probably won't miss you.

I'm a Christian myself, and I don't like seeing my Lord's name taken in vain, but that won't stop me from enjoying this remix. I'm just gonna re-name the MP3 anyway. =p

Haven't actually listened to the mix yet. Knowing DrumUltimA, it's sure to be great. I thoroughly enjoyed his xylophone remix on Thieves of Fate (get that thing posted, already!!), so I'm sure this will be awesome as well! =D

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