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So I was wondering... on a site full of gaming geeks, who has the most video games currently? Don't count ones you may have sold, lost, or given to a friend, whatever. DO count all the games you may have downloaded on virtual console (or something similar), emulators, and all the games on discs/cartridges that have more than one game (like collections, etc. )

My total: 68

Systems included: NES, SNES, GEN, N64, GCN, Wii, GBC, GBA, DS, DOS, PC

lol I have more games than my boyfriend XD (by quite a lot, actually)

So I was wondering... on a site full of gaming geeks, who has the most video games currently? Don't count ones you may have sold, lost, or given to a friend, whatever. DO count all the games you may have downloaded on virtual console (or something similar), emulators, and all the games on discs/cartridges that have more than one game (like collections, etc. )

My total: 68

Systems included: NES, SNES, GEN, N64, GCN, Wii, GBC, GBA, DS, DOS, PC

lol I have more games than my boyfriend XD (by quite a lot, actually)

I would never EVER count ROMs on a thing like this.. especially with all the "complete collections" floating around. It's not only illegal, it's like a couple of thousand extra games you don't really own..

Anyway, in LEGAL games I've got 391. Check them out here: http://anosou.com/games/

If we're counting collections that's probably 420+

I would never EVER count ROMs on a thing like this.. especially with all the "complete collections" floating around. It's not only illegal, it's like a couple of thousand extra games you don't really own.


As far as legit titles, it's been a long time since I updated my backloggery account, and several months since I last counted, but I was well into the 200's last I checked. Like Anso though, if we count collections it'd be even higher.


Dammit, I still have all my games but I stopped counting a few years ago... I ended up having to put most of them away in storage to clear out my bookshelf for magazines and books.

I actually had a table layout in MS Word (I made way before I learned how to use Excel) which listed all the games I had and kept an inventory that I would update yearly or so. I haven't updated (or even seen) that file in years now - if I can locate it or the old pics I had of how my collection used to look when it wasn't packed away in boxes, I'll try and post em sometime.

I can't part with games I buy - as horrible as some of them may be. So I still have all of the games I've had for the 25+ years I've been playing.


I think I still have over 90, but I sold a whole bunch and I'm probably not going to buy many more. It just seemed pointless to keep blowing money on titles I'll eiter play once every few years or not at all.

The ONE game I always wanted but was never able to get was a cart of Mega Man 7.


Lessee here.

I have the NES-Wii, a PS1-PS3, an original brick sized Game Boy, a Game Boy Advance SP, Two DSs, and a Game Gear.

Game wise...

NES: Mega Man 2, Mega Man 4, G.I. Joe, Double Dragon II and III, Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, Super Mario Bros. 3, Strider, Ducktales, Ninja Gaiden 2, The Legend of Zelda, and Kirby's Adventure.

Super NES: Donkey Kong Country 1-3, Super Mario World, SMW2: Yoshi's Island (has anyone else played this game and enjoyed it?), Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, Mega Man X, Mega Man 7, Sunset Riders, Aladdin, Kirby Super Star, and more I can't remember.

Game Boy: Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, and Silver, Metroid II: Return of Samus, Super Mario Land 1, 2, and 3 (wario land), The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, LoZ: Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge, Mega Man 2, World Cup, and Super Mario Bros. Deluxe.

Nintendo 64: Goldeneye 007, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64, Quest 64, Pokemon Stadium, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, Mega Man 64, Paper Mario, Star Fox 64, Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie, and Kirby 64.

Game Gear: Sonic 2, Sonic Triple Trouble, and some golf game my dad bought.

PS1: Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy Origins (I-II), Final Fantasy Chronicles (Chrono Trigger and IV), Final Fantasy Anthology (V-VI), Resident Evil 3, Mega Man X4, Mega Man X6, Mega Man 7 (as you can see I love all things Mega Man), Chrono Cross, and more I [see above]

PS1 is a section I'd really like to expand more. I HAVE FFIX and FFVIII, but both are not in working condition up to a point (Disc 3 on both, I think). I at least beat FFIX but never FFVIII. I'll get them off eBay at some point.

Really, there's multiple games that I'd like, like Mega Man X2 or Mega Man 4 and 5 for game boy. I'll get them off the internet or something.

SMW2: Yoshi's Island (has anyone else played this game and enjoyed it?)
Definitely, that game had a very unique feel to it, both gameplay and soundtrack wise. I don't think it's what anyone was counting on as far as a sequel to SMW goes, but it was a lot of fun, and trying to get 100% of everything was great fun (and very doable without a guide).

Kind of interesting to think about this actually, for me I actually, much as I hate to admit it, I lost (lost may not be the right word, but it's close enough) a number of my NES games, having loaned them to people way back in the day and just kinda... never getting them back. So let's see here...

NES: Zelda !&2, Dragon Warrior, Adventure Island 2, Xexyz (yes, that was how it was spelled), Dr. Mario, Batman, Bart vs the World, Lost my copies of SMB1, 2, and 3 (pains me to admit), having a hell of a time remembering what else I own for this system, back then, I rented games close to every weekend so I never did own a single Mega Man game despite being a huge fan, etc.

SNES: Chrono Trigger, FF6, FF4, FF: MQ, Ogre Battle, Zelda: ALTTP, SMW, Super Metroid, Lufia II, ActRaiser, Lagoon. I rented a lot of games in the SNES era as well and generally only bought the longer games, as evidenced by this list.

PS1 (Never owned a PS1, just bought the classic Square RPGs to play on my PS2): Chrono Cross, FFIX, FFVIII, FFVII, FF: Origins, FF: Tactics

PS2: FFX, FFX-2, FFXII, DQ8, Xenosaga I-III, Suikoden V, Mega Man Anniversary Collection, Mega Man X Collection, Street Fighter Anniversary Collection, Capcom vs SNK 2, Capcom Fighting Evolution. I have never rented a single PS2 or PS1 game so I guess what this list says is that once again I generally only purchased the longer games or collections with a lot of replay value.

That comes out to a mere 38... you could probably safely add a few more to that, as I know there are some NES games I'm forgetting, but I think I'm about right as far as the SNES and PS1/2 go. Now I could add quite a few more (legitimate purchases mind you) if I went outside of consoles and added PC games to the list, but that would be more time consuming than I'm willing to dedicate the time to at the moment :lol: .


Atari 2600 - 36

NES - 10

SNES - 34

PS1 - 4

N64 - 5

PS2 - 18

Xbox - 7

Gamecube - 3

XBox 360- 15

Wii - 5

Game Boy/GBC - 10

GBA - 1

PSP - 2


I used to have a lot more, but I sold them to get other games because I knew I really wasn't going to play them anymore.


OK. I know I'm going to be missing a few games. My collection is a bit split up. I have most of my games and systems here in Arkansas with me, but my entire NES collection is at my parents' house in Texas. So I had to try to remember every NES game I have, and I'm certain I've forgotten a few. There are also a few SNES games there, and while I think I accounted for all of them, I might have missed one. Additionally, I suspect that I've got more Game Boy, GBA and DS games than I was able to find (though I did lose 5-10 of them several years ago), because the damn things do tend to end up in odd places occasionally, and several might be at my parents' house. But here's what I can say for sure:



SNES (I have two)


Nintendo 64


PlayStation 2 (I have two, but one of them mostly doesn't work)



Game Boy Brick


DS (doesn't work at all anymore)

DS Lite

PSP (I have two, one modded original model, one slim not modded)


NES: 20

SNES: 35

Genesis: 4

N64: 11

PSX: 33

PS2: 15

GCN: 14

Xbox: 5

Wii: 4

GB: 9

GBC: 2

GBA: 28

DS: 12

PSP: 4

VC/WiiWare: 3

Total: 199 at current count

Edit: Wait! I just remembered one more. A friend of mine has an Xbox 360 that he occasionally lets me borrow. I bought Lost Odyssey for it so I could play that whenever I borrow the system. Sure, my friend has it right now so that he can play it, since I don't have the system, but I do technically own the game. So I own 200 games that I'm sure about right now.

New total: 200


I use this weird program called Game Collector Pro to keep track of my collection. Sure, it normally costs $30, but I used this weird TrialPay thing to get it for free. It's fun to enter in stuff, and then get a picture of the box art and a description of each game too; I enter in a new one every time I get a new game. The thing can use a barcode scanner too, but...I don't have one of those. Oh well. :)


It says I have a total of 384 games, and that's not including things I've bought on WiiWare or the PlayStation Store, since it doesn't accommodate those things yet. If you added those things in, I'd say the total would go up to 390 - 400, or thereabouts.

Nice topic :) It's always fun to talk about a collection. There's still so much more I'd love to add to it though...*sigh* ...wish I was rich, haha.

So I was wondering... on a site full of gaming geeks, who has the most video games currently? Don't count ones you may have sold, lost, or given to a friend, whatever. DO count all the games you may have downloaded on virtual console (or something similar), emulators, and all the games on discs/cartridges that have more than one game (like collections, etc. )

My total: 68

Systems included: NES, SNES, GEN, N64, GCN, Wii, GBC, GBA, DS, DOS, PC

lol I have more games than my boyfriend XD (by quite a lot, actually)

What about games that have been stolen from you? A classic RPG called Lunar: Eternal Blue was stolen from me! I'm sure alot of people know what one that is. The sad thing is I have the original box that it came in but I dont have the case or the CDs. What a tease!

You have quite a collection of game systems and video games I must say, impressive *clap*...I thought I had alot of games.... your boyfriend better catch up, making male gamers look bad! :P

Though I'm sure theres more female gamers according to a chart I looked at awhile back but it might be different now. Who knows.


I can't tell because it's in a huge stack now. Can't bother to call it a true collection. Just a wall of games or something.

Now I wish all games in the next generation are all digital or something.

I can't part with games I buy - as horrible as some of them may be. So I still have all of the games I've had for the 25+ years I've been playing.

I've regretted every decision to get rid of a game. I've had to go out and get most of them a second time XD

I'm obviously really low on the list of how many games I have, according to you guys, but considering my mom was reluctant to let me have video games until I was eight, and I'm 19 now, and I don't have my original system anymore (Sega Genesis), that means the games I've counted were mostly collected in the last... 9 years? Save for one or two DOS games (Commander Keen I and IV)

Hmmm... a lot of you seem to use this Backloggery thing... maybe I should get one?


Lets see...

My systems include: NES, SNES, Genesis, Sega Saturn, Playstation 1 2 3, Gamecube, Dreamcast, and N64.

I didn't really keep count of all the games, but I can say its well over 100.

I always made it a point to beat one game before I buy another, so my completion percentage would probably be around 95%.

The only games I can think of that I could not beat were the Ninja Gaiden games. Not one single game....:puppyeyes:

Now, if you include my...ahem..."unofficial" copies, that would put me at about 3000 games. I have games I haven't even attempted to play yet.

Dammit, I still have all my games but I stopped counting a few years ago... I ended up having to put most of them away in storage to clear out my bookshelf for magazines and books.

I actually had a table layout in MS Word (I made way before I learned how to use Excel) which listed all the games I had and kept an inventory that I would update yearly or so. I haven't updated (or even seen) that file in years now - if I can locate it or the old pics I had of how my collection used to look when it wasn't packed away in boxes, I'll try and post em sometime.

I can't part with games I buy - as horrible as some of them may be. So I still have all of the games I've had for the 25+ years I've been playing.

aww, and i was looking forward to posting about how you've got more games than any five people in this thread.

i own thirteen games currently, between ps2, 360, pc, and n64. i only keep the ones that make an enormous impression on me.

aww, and i was looking forward to posting about how you've got more games than any five people in this thread.

i own thirteen games currently, between ps2, 360, pc, and n64. i only keep the ones that make an enormous impression on me.

Lol dammit! I know I have those pictures somewhere... I gotta see if they're in my old web files. I love and hate my game collection though - It's nice but not worth all the money I spent on these games I hardly have time to play =(

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