djpretzel Posted December 31, 2003 Posted December 31, 2003 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
GrayLightning Posted December 31, 2003 Posted December 31, 2003 You already know my feelings on this, so I'll leave it only at, really great mix shariq. Keep it up. ^^ Quote
TheBeav Posted December 31, 2003 Posted December 31, 2003 When I first heard this mix, I thought: "this is a happy-type song." Well it still was from start to finish, and it did give me the sense of flying through the air, as shariq wanted the listener to feel like they were. (grammar?) Anyway, I liked it, and hopefully the next person that reads this did too. Quote
DarkeSword Posted December 31, 2003 Posted December 31, 2003 Thanks for the comments; keep them coming! WOOT! mixcount+1!! Quote
Conqueso Posted December 31, 2003 Posted December 31, 2003 Oooooooooh! Sparkly piano! Sparkly bells! It's!!! X_X This mix is AWESOME. The 7/8 meter works really well, and...well, it's just great! spaaaaaaarkly...*rocks back and forth* Quote
Toxic Soul Posted December 31, 2003 Posted December 31, 2003 This is just a fantastic mix. I enjoyed the upbeat opening, and it certainly became more epic as the mix went on. At first I thought "Okay, fine... yeah... millenial faire kind of stuff." but then the horn came in, and backgrounds start building on it, with the (what was either bassoon, clarinet, or oboe), and then the bells and piano and strings come together to make a very emotional point in the song. It really does sound heroic and much like flying. Some songs give you pictures in your mind - and this one made me picture a huge landscape of forest, a majestic castle, and peaceful town... which when I think about it, is exactly the map of Guardia from Chrono Trigger! This really is a brilliantly put together mix, and I think it really showed the strength that some instruments can carry with dynamics. I won't say anymore, but I highly recommend this one to be downloaded. Great work. Quote
Shhteve Posted January 1, 2004 Posted January 1, 2004 After 2:30 into the song, I started to really enjoy this. Being as it was my favorite part from the original piece. It's so eargasmic. I like your idea of converting the song into 7/8, although some parts of the song wound have sounded better in its original 6/8 scale. Wouldn't you agree? Well, probably not. You're the artist. I really like this one.. although I'm not too hard to please. Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted January 1, 2004 Posted January 1, 2004 Wow, nice work changing a piece completely. Not often enough do remixers change song's time signatures. You pulled it off very well, if I do say so myself. And the whole "flying" theme, although a tad cliche, really does come through in the song. 7/8 is a great time signature, and you pulled it off quite well, I must say. Keep the magic comin DarkeSword! And nice work. Quote
PlatformerMastah Posted January 1, 2004 Posted January 1, 2004 McDonald's current slogan is the best way to describe how I feel about this remix. I'm lovin' it. Quote
Gothic Rose Posted January 2, 2004 Posted January 2, 2004 I really enjoy this piece. It's very flowing, smooth, and pleasing to the ear. I love the bells, and the buildup, and, well, everything. It's a nice, Get-You-In-A-Good-Mood piece. After a few seconds of listening, I started grinning, and didn't stop till it ended. Then I hit play again, and grinned some more. Quote
Echo2K4 Posted January 2, 2004 Posted January 2, 2004 Cool mix, best orchestra samples I've heard yet next to The Wingless's Corneria mix...but when the mix hits 0:28 it sounds like a buildup to a newsanchor on CNN. Great mix though, if I had to go on a time-travel adventure, I'd do it to this. Quote
XxSwtDreamerxX Posted January 8, 2004 Posted January 8, 2004 That was great. I love your work. I don't know how you do it, but keep 'em coming. I'll be watching out for them. Quote
Pherexio Posted February 21, 2004 Posted February 21, 2004 In the immortal words of Jim Carrey whilst he was acting in Bruce Almighty, "Queue the cheesy inspirational music!" Good song, a real pick-me-up when you're down. Quote
Timaeus Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 I found this composition building more and more intense and wonderful as it progressed. The smooth transitions are key to this songs success. I do not share the "Cheesy music" factor with the previous guy, I actually find it epic as previously stated. Good work. Make more! Quote
Sam Ascher-Weiss Posted July 21, 2004 Posted July 21, 2004 SWEEEET!! I loves me some 7. I never heard darkesword before but I'm now going to check out all his/her stuff. Quote
DarkeSword Posted July 21, 2004 Posted July 21, 2004 SWEEEET!! I loves me some 7. I never heard darkesword before but I'm now going to check out all his/her stuff. I assure you, I'm 100% man. Quote
Cadmus Posted July 27, 2004 Posted July 27, 2004 awesome...great feel, i love all the orchestral instruments, and perfect title! keep up the good work Quote
DragonFireKai Posted September 1, 2004 Posted September 1, 2004 this remix and zeratul's Millenial fair 2001 perfectly play out for carnivals, 2001 is about the exhibits, and blue skies is about the games and rides, I love it. Quote
jonnydingleburg Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 i could listen to this song all day Quote
RoeTaKa Posted October 1, 2004 Posted October 1, 2004 I don't know why I never reviewed this before because it has always been one of my favourite remixes ever. It's lovely throughout and always keeps a certain loveable charm about it, this song is probably what made me want to get into remixing. Majestic and wonderful, I love it. One other reason why I love this so much is that these were the songs I listened to before doing music, so I wasn't critical about music at all, so even today I don't think anything bad about this. Lucky you DS. I'd rate this the lovely 10/10 cause it's great stuff. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted July 27, 2005 Posted July 27, 2005 Definitely a keeper. I wasn't wild about the original, but this arrangement is beautiful and packed with emotion. One of my favs. Quote
Bummer Posted September 11, 2005 Posted September 11, 2005 I´m speechless.... Okay, maybe not. Compared to the original, which also was very good, this remix is a complete facelift. It´s not a fair, it´s green grassfields below the blue sku. It´s not carnevalish music, it´s philharmonic. And it´s not Gato, it´s DarkeSword. Quote
Trapical Posted December 6, 2005 Posted December 6, 2005 A nicely put together song that has a happy relaxing feel to it. In my top 3. Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted January 16, 2006 Posted January 16, 2006 This song is growing on me, especially since it's release in Chrono Symphonic. The rhythmic liberties taken with the source are pretty strong but they are very effective. It does a beautiful job of capturing the mood of the source tune. Quote
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