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Damn, that was quick! Only a year between games? I'm guessing this will be more of a major up-grade than a full out sequel.

Takes place in New Orleans, features new characters, and according to the trailer, a chainsaw for melee!

(In retrospect, according to DS's E3 sticky, this may be better off in the L4D thread. But then, that's more for social stuff than game news lately, so...)


I'm rather amazed, not to mention the use of chainsaws would be awesome. I just hope though it has limited use though otherwise there will be servers filled to the brim with chainsaws whirring around all the damn time.

Next up, fan made download content where you can wield both the chainsaw and shortbarrel version of the shotgun.


Oh wow, a lot of sites are full of people being pissed at Valve for releasing a new game so quickly, and not putting any more DLC for the first game.

Which isn't proven yet, seeing how the new one was just announced, and I bet they haven't even started level design at this point.

But yeah, I can see what they mean. L4D 1 only got two new maps for Versus (which should have been included in the first place), the new mode Survival (which is short as hell)... and that's it.

Maybe it will be some sort of add-on or something. Patch it into L4D 1 and get both games going?



New Mode (no description for it yet), some new weapons, at least one new Special Infected (the "Charger"), and the Witch now wanders around all day, like some homeless woman.

Oh, did I mention all the campaigns take place in broad daylight?

And what may be either the best or the worst idea... the AI Director has the ability to alter the map layout during the game. Suddenly, we may not be able to go the safe route, because it no longer exists.


Im seriously tired of people getting so butt hurt over valve. They give us plenty of free shit through TF2 and L4D, yet its never enough.

I'll enjoy the hell out of L4D2 whenever it comes out though, cause we all know it won't come out on the date annouced probably, but when it's done it's done. :D


Damn, that was quick! Only a year between games? I'm guessing this will be more of a major up-grade than a full out sequel.

No, that's less than a year (November 18, 2008 to November 17, 2009).

I never was a big fan of L4D, but now I feel betrayed for buying it and having them pull the rug out from under us by charging us for future updates.

Left 4 Dead 2? On my computer? It's less likely than you think.

For that matter, I removed Left 4 Dead from my computer, as whatever inclination I had to play it just evaporated.

No, that's less than a year (November 18, 2008 to November 17, 2009).

I never was a big fan of L4D, but now I feel betrayed for buying it and having them pull the rug out from under us by charging us for future updates.

Left 4 Dead 2? On my computer? It's less likely than you think.

For that matter, I removed Left 4 Dead from my computer, as whatever inclination I had to play it just evaporated.

Yeah, that'll teach em. [/sarcasm]

That's cool that you don't like the game, but crying about having to pay for sequels is just silly.

Did you revolt when you had to pay for the next Mario/Castlevania/Zelda/Halo/[insert any other game with sequels here]?

Come on now, really.

It's far too soon. More time is required for a proper sequel of any kind.

Aren't valve the ones who were going on about "episodic content"...

Then again, they're probably bringing out the ones that people are playing the most, instead of, say, the long overdue HL2: ep 3.

I'm guessing this will be more of a major up-grade than a full out sequel.
fucksakes valve
It's far too soon. More time is required for a proper sequel of any kind.


While "zomg you have to pay for shit!?" is a fair attitude, it somehow annoys me that TF2 gets assloads of extra content no charge, while L4D gets basically squat. The Half Life 2 episodes (shouldn't that be Half Life 3 episodes anyway?) I can deal with given that they're single player anyway and thus much more story-driven, which makes paying for new installments at least seem like less of a big deal. But how can they release craploads of stuff for TF2 for free and then turn around and charge for L4D2 and not expect people to be pissed?

Luckily for me I don't even own the PC L4D. We'll see how this shapes up and if it looks as good/better than L4D I'll probably get it.


I still don't understand how everybody feels that they're ENTITLED to get DLC. Sure, it's Valve we're talking about, so great support post-release can be expected, but in case this doesn't happen you shouldn't be complaining about it. DLC isn't an industry standard yet; plenty of companies release a game and then never add content. At least L4D got one DLC package, you should be happy about that.


Yeah, I'm really, really, reaaaaaaly hoping this is an odd-on, or at least you can somehow integrate both versions. I look at L4D, and I wish there was more going for it. I like the game (hell, I had one hell of an awesome laughfest with some guys last night... Survival with sudden "OH SHIT!" moments at the expense of your teammates can really make you crack up), and I do plan top play it as long as I can, but it needs more content. We've had the same four campaigns forever, and the two campaigns they added to Versus should have been there from the beginning.

Sadly, I fear that we will see this as a straight-up stand alone. That sours the whole deal a bit, as it's a lot of money for what other games get for free.

I still don't understand how everybody feels that they're ENTITLED to get DLC.

Well, it's like this.

Sure, it's Valve we're talking about, so great support post-release can be expected

See? Expectations that go unfulfilled causes anger.

Part of the reason why people like Valve and Valve games is because of the post-release support, especially for games focusing on online multiplayer. TF2 is a vastly different game now than it was at release; there's been so much content added, from new weapons and abilities to new maps to new gametypes, etc etc. That's part of the reason people like TF2. It's not entirely unreasonable to expect the same sort of treatment for L4D, another Valve online game. But instead of new weapons, new characters, new infected, new campaigns, or new game modes, we get two campaigns unlocked for vs. that really should have been there in the first place, and we get a pseduo-game mode that basically boils down to "all climax fight, all the time", with one (tiny) new map to go with it. Okay, so they threw us a bone, but it's nowhere near the amount of content given to TF2, which is why people get upset.


I am more optimistic about this than pessimistic and here's why:

Madden football.

If EA adds/changes 5% of the content from one year to another and sells it for $60 and I STILL think about buying it every single year (and everybody else DOES buy it every year), then I'd like to see what Valve can do in a years time to make L4D2 better than the first.

Yes, it's not a perfect scenario, but I owe Valve more money anyway for buying the Orange Box for $20 a year and a half ago.


Entitlement is a nasty word, and it's a very popular notion lately. It's a feeling that more and more people have about more and more things, and it's really starting to catch up to us.

Yes, it's disappointing when expectations go unfulfilled, but so far, people being upset has nothing to do with expectations of the game, only that they have to buy it. It's like, I was expecting Terminator Salvation to be better than it was so I was disappointed. That is a fair use of the "unfulfilled expectation" argument. Expecting everything to always be free just because you don't feel like paying for it, or because you've been fortunate enough to receive freebies before is just naive, selfish, and a bit silly.

It'd be great if Valve released more stuff more often for free. But they can't, and they don't, so why whine about it? It'd also be great if someone anonymously deposited a million bucks into my checking account, but that is also not likely to happen. There's no point and no substance to getting upset over either.

If people would quit feeling like the world owes them everything, there are a lot of problems that would go away. If you don't want to buy the game, then don't. But stop complaining that you're going to have to pay for it if you do want to play it. This is how the world/economy works.

I could spend so much time drawing parallels to similar situations that would seem much more ridiculous, but if you're so dense that you can't do that yourself, I'm not going to waste my time.

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