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This Xbox Natal thing, if its what they say it is, is absolutely mindblowing. It outclasses the Wii in every way, and the Molyneux demonstration was INSANE.

I already can't wait for this.

I thought it was pretty gimicky.

and fuck that little kid that shit was creepy as hell

The kid did look creepy but so does everyone in the Fable games so it doesn't surprise me.

The paint presentation was basic, but even that shows what can be done with the whole voice recognition and basic motions parts, and there's sure to be more ideas where that came from.


It's all fluff. All of it. Molyneux promises the world and hands us a handful of dirt, and expects us to thank him for it.

The motion tracking system in general, the voice and even the facial recog system, I can see working, but how well it will turn out in the end remains to be seen.

But the whole demo with the kid? Not happening. It will end up being just like everything else he's promised, amazing in the demo videos, but hackneyed and broken when you get your hands on it.

Now, I loves me some game immersion, but walking around, talking to a kid, and maybe splashing some water around? I can do that for free any day I want by going over to my sister's place and seeing the nephew. I'm sorry, but that's a horrible use of this technology.

the damned is bitter because he knows that it being microsoft means he won't actually be able to pet his pikachu

No, I'm not bitter. I'm saying that that creepy kid thing is bullshit. We aren't going to see anything like that when it comes out.

Oh, wait, you're trying to me all trolly. Gotcha.

OK, everyone! bleck is trying to troll a little bit. Everyone just pay him some token attention and then he can go take his nap.


I just thought of something.

You walk around and talk to a little boy, all by yourself. He's not afraid of you, and there are no parents around. You can play together, chat, go out on the ranch by yourselves...

Micheal Jackson must be following this game very intently right now.

Oh, wait, you're trying to me all trolly. Gotcha.

OK, everyone! bleck is trying to troll a little bit. Everyone just pay him some token attention and then he can go take his nap.

the damned goes to excessive lengths to prove that every idiot on ocr thinks they can win an argument by calling someone a troll

oh wait but several grammar mistakes must mean he was pretty eager to get that post off - I must have pissed him off more than he thinks

No, I'm not bitter. I'm saying that that creepy kid thing is bullshit. We aren't going to see anything like that when it comes out.

you know this only really happened with fable, right

everyone else assuming that it happened for every other lionhead game is a perfect example of how people will believe anything they read on the internet


The technology looks promising, it's going to be interesting to see what they actually do with it. After seeing what Nintendo has done (and for a large part - hasn't), I'm curious to see what other companies do with similar (if in some ways enhanced) technology.

I'm not exactly expecting everything to be as seamless as their very wii-inspired PR intro video where the whole family is sitting on the couch and waving their hands around smiling while magical things happen on-screen, but I definitely look forward to the tech and the games that might come out for it. We all know crap is going to come out for it as well... but eventually there will be a few titles that will be innovative, cool, and very fun.

I'm excited for the prospects...


Natal seems like a overreaction yet logical step on Microsoft's behalf. Nintendo already breached the casual market, and the wiimote was designed like a regular remote with the casual market in mind. Therefore, Microsoft wants a piece of the pie and is attempting to one up Nintendo. It's an interesting step in the development of video games in general and will be fun to watch develop.

Still, integrating Facebook and Twitter into Xbox Live is just trying too hard though.

What I can't wait for is what Sony and/or Nintendo has in store later this week to go against what Microsoft presented today.


Sure, the IDEALIZED version of Natal is brilliant.

But do you really think you'll be sitting on the couch with your whole family, and every single person's movements is identified individually to their own character?

Come on.

It's Microsoft hype. The only thing worse is Molyneux hype. Oh wait, he was there too.

everyone else assuming that it happened for every other lionhead game is a perfect example of how people will believe anything they read on the internet

Black and White, while brilliant in concept, was a deeply, deeply flawed game, nearly to points of unplayability at times...

Black and White 2, which promised fixes for everything hated in 1, instead removed most of the first's saving graces...

I never played The Movies, but from everything I've been told, it had a brialliant concept and deeply flawed execution. Hm...

So, not counting expansion packs, or the fable games that spawned this conversation, I think that's Lionhead's full lineup. This is not believing what I read on the internet, this is personal experience with all (bar one) of Lionhead's games that has made me intimately aware of the studio's completely broken production model.

Srsly, though, did you think lionhead games were rare or something? Every single one of them has run a hype train a mile long.

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