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So I've been seeing a few new game related threads popping up, but I haven't seen any for new PS3 games and find it slightly disheartening. While I myself do not own a PS3, this little sucker by Team Ico may just change that. I just checked out a 4 minute trailer of it and it looks phenomenal. I still can't quite figure out what the point of it is, but the mood and atmosphere from Shadow of the Colossus and Ico is pretty apparent throughout the whole thing. It looks like similar gameplaying as Ico with a heavy emphasis on companionship between the "monster-guardian" and the boy, mixed with the fact that you are riding on the back of this giant creature that looks like a colossus, only with what appears to be a sligtht Neverending Story feel on the creature design.

Overall, its got my attention pretty solidly right now, and if Kow Otani's once again handling the soundtrack, I think we're gonna have another sleeper hit here folks.

Edit: Adding a link at the top to a trailer if anyone doesn't wish to read my paragraph...


I honestly teared up a bit from that trailer, I love the creature, and the place holder music in it (Miller's Crossing theme I think). I like what I'm seeing. I loved Shadow of The Colossus, and I doubt this will disappoint other than finishing up the Ico Trilogy that they've said this is.

I get the feeling the ending isn't going to be so happy as you might think, and believe me, I don't think I wanna start crying from another death like I thought the horse in Shadow died.

God I'm such a baby, no wonder I have no luck with the ladies... :cry:


I'm torn on the damn creature design. I mean from far away the recognizable face features are very endearing - it definitely seems to have a personality and it seems like the focus of this game might be the your feelings for this animal - creature -thing... And then they go give it feathers and nasty, super-realistic bird feet/claws. Yuck. Ok we get it - it's an imaginary creature that's not like anything we've seen before. But did you have to make it look cute and horrendous at the same time?

The creatures in Colossus were pretty consistent in their design - I wish this creature made a little more...sense I guess. Maybe they justify the nastiness in the story itself but to me the creepy / cute Falcor thing is going to take some getting used to. Maybe they'll let me customize my pet and give it nice furry legs so I don't have to see those nasty bird claws all the time...


Wow. Just... wow. So far, the Ico team is 2 for 2 in games I've given perfect scores. I doubt that they'll be ending that record with Last Guardian. It looks incredible, just from style alone. I LIKE the giant horrendous bird.


I'm sure the storytelling will be top notch as they've always managed to integrate it with compelling gameplay that not many developers have been able to do to the same degree.

I'm calling it now. This will be a prequel to Ico and a sequel to Shadow of The Colossus that tells the story of Xander(or whatever his name is) while he was growing up in the unknown land.

If you own a PS3, this is definitely a game to own. In fact one thing I've appreciated about the Sony system is the fact that these quirky, imaginative games are all over it.

Really excited to see more.


@toadofsky: I'll asmit I was close to it too. I completely missed Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, but on the basis that everyone seems to like them, I reckon I'll be definitely trying this out in some shape or form, be it demo, rent or even just an impulse buy now at this point. It just looked astounding.

But did you have to make it look cute and horrendous at the same time

I'm guessing that's part of the idea: that this is a creature capable of both endearing love and friendship, but also outbursts of terrifying and dangerous ferocity. I anticipate some heart-wrenching ending which plays on this. :cry:


I don't think it looks all that horrendous looking, bird feet and all. But I've been known to think reptiles are just as cute as puppies and kitties so I'm just a little crazy.

I do feel bad for it though, because a lot of it's expressions make me think of a sad lost kitten. Also all those arrows stuck in it's sides don't help much, poor guy looks pretty bedraggled in all. Of course with a 'The Last x' for a title we can all be assured that being the "X" it's going to die or have something more horrible happen to it by the end.

The game looks like it'll be excellent just like it's predecessors, I must shake a fist at Team Ico though for making such excellent yet gut wrenching games.

God damn this looks so awesome.

But do I really want to buy a PS3 for just one game?

Well, I won't lie. I've been on the fence in this matter for awhile now. And its not like they're ridiculously expensive like they used to be. Also, I miss not being able to enjoy new Ratchet and Clank games. In other words, I'll argue there's better stuff besides this game, but after playing Ico and SotC, I'd feel a little...empty I guess if I didn't play the finale of the trilogy of sorts.

But I guess I can see your point in the long run. Lord knows I didn't see a ton of other games for Sony's system that caught my eye (although if they make this new castlevania an exclusive on said system, my fate is sealed).


I'm actually disappointed by this. I'm not gonna go into gameplay since i can't say anything about it but art wise that kid is pissing me off.

They have this realistic creature and gorgeous backgrounds but then there's this kid that's like a walking ball of light... Maybe he is a ball of light I don't know but I'm having a really hard time watching and accepting these two characters in the same screen.

I'm actually disappointed by this. I'm not gonna go into gameplay since i can't say anything about it but art wise that kid is pissing me off.

They have this realistic creature and gorgeous backgrounds but then there's this kid that's like a walking ball of light... Maybe he is a ball of light I don't know but I'm having a really hard time watching and accepting these two characters in the same screen.

Games from team ICO are very thematic, and it spills over into their artistic style. His luminescence must have something to do with some plot element or another.

Well...I wasn't planning on ever buying a PS3...


exactly my thoughts

but then there's this kid that's like a walking ball of light... Maybe he is a ball of light I don't know but I'm having a really hard time watching and accepting these two characters in the same screen.

Hm...wonder if it has any connection with Yorda from Ico.

I'm actually disappointed by this. I'm not gonna go into gameplay since i can't say anything about it but art wise that kid is pissing me off.

They have this realistic creature and gorgeous backgrounds but then there's this kid that's like a walking ball of light... Maybe he is a ball of light I don't know but I'm having a really hard time watching and accepting these two characters in the same screen.

I thought that was just a matter of incompleteness, he seems to be missing some texturing and the like. But I guess we'll see when the game is finished.

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