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Wow, sounds like we missed quite the listening party.

totally makes sense consiering the review of Stevo's track rom originalsoundversion.com :-)

"I imagine it being used in a film during a montage where we see a bunch of burned-out teenagers laying around on floors, couches, and staircases, making a half-assed effort at trying to finish downing their beers and make out with each other."


I hart Sixto and Snappleman. hahaha The party was SO MUCH FUN! Man, I loved it!! It was my first time on the OCR chat and I was so happy when I went to bed. :) Thanks so much guys!! And I didn't know Otaku was a girl so sorry... :? But other then that, (lol) THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!


I only stuck around until the first CD was over, but, man, that trivia was craaazy! I knew a lot of the answers but I couldn't type them out in under one second like a lot of you guys were doing. :P


I would like to give some small details to those curious as to the mentions of some naked-icity at the live listening party. Here is a short summary of the events that occured:

8 PM: Eagerly awating the awesome people at my house. I was antsy with anticipation. Food was ready, house was clean, refreshments were cold, recent OCR music was playing, and the living room computer was tuned into IRC.

8:45 PM: First to arrive - Kiyzur. He won....nothing, for being the first person. Got a call from Wes that peoples was running late, and that DJP had to go home because the OCR-signal was lighting up the night sky and his superpowers were needed. Godspeed, good sir!

9 PM: DA and co. show up, followed later by Bahamut and co. Listening party started in between those two, and I discovered how hard it is to talk to real people AND on IRC at the same time.

10 PM: Things are going great, everyone's enjoying the queso, we're reaching the end of disc 1 in about half an hour, and DA is trying to stick her tail in my mouth.

11 PM: LT is wearing a woman's wig and shaking his booty. Some people are on the mame-box playing gigawing, others are just laughing at some of the IRC comments. I start getting drunk calls/txts from my roomie and his friends because one of them turned 21 earlier last week. I am hoping to put them on my computer and work with someone to "Autotune the drunk-dials" at some point, because I have 10 voicemails from it.

12 PM: Party is winding down a little bit, some people have left because of previous engagements, and everyone's a little tired from Otakon (except me, I didn't make it this year). Everyone's enjoyed all the tracks thus far. IRC is getting ignored a little because of lateness.

1 AM: Party's wrapping up, people are saying goodbyes. With about six or seven people left, my roommate and friends come back and two of them have the brilliant idea to get naked and come in the house. The reason? They were completely plastered and thought it would be funny. They come in. DA looks away, Moguta keeps staring, Kulaman just says "I don't know why he's smiling, it's pretty small". One sits down in a chair, I grab a pretzel bag to cover him up, he moves it and just starts eating it. The other starts walking around fighting a losing battle with gravity, and eventually trips and falls onto where LT is sleeping in my living room on an air mattress. His battle with gravity having been lost, he is unable to get back up. Took me a little while to get him to his feet and off of the tamer of lion's bed. It's at this point that everyone's leaving who's not staying. After everyone is gone, they get their clothes on. Other drama happened afterwards, but it was much more personal between me and them, but having the naked people clothed and away from my violated guest, I'd say that's the end of pertaining events.

I'd give the party an A- rating. Next listening party I have will have to top this one.


For the record, I didn't entirely look away. I was just trying not to laugh.

Also, I would like to note that Larry was also wearing a tail during the butt-shaking. Currently we are working on "Can the Judges Liontamer?"

I would like to give some small details to those curious as to the mentions of some naked-icity at the live listening party. Here is a short summary of the events that occured:

8 PM: Eagerly awating the awesome people at my house. I was antsy with anticipation. Food was ready, house was clean, refreshments were cold, recent OCR music was playing, and the living room computer was tuned into IRC.

8:45 PM: First to arrive - Kiyzur. He won....nothing, for being the first person. Got a call from Wes that peoples was running late, and that DJP had to go home because the OCR-signal was lighting up the night sky and his superpowers were needed. Godspeed, good sir!

9 PM: DA and co. show up, followed later by Bahamut and co. Listening party started in between those two, and I discovered how hard it is to talk to real people AND on IRC at the same time.

10 PM: Things are going great, everyone's enjoying the queso, we're reaching the end of disc 1 in about half an hour, and DA is trying to stick her tail in my mouth.

11 PM: LT is wearing a woman's wig and shaking his booty. Some people are on the mame-box playing gigawing, others are just laughing at some of the IRC comments. I start getting drunk calls/txts from my roomie and his friends because one of them turned 21 earlier last week. I am hoping to put them on my computer and work with someone to "Autotune the drunk-dials" at some point, because I have 10 voicemails from it.

12 PM: Party is winding down a little bit, some people have left because of previous engagements, and everyone's a little tired from Otakon (except me, I didn't make it this year). Everyone's enjoyed all the tracks thus far. IRC is getting ignored a little because of lateness.

1 AM: Party's wrapping up, people are saying goodbyes. With about six or seven people left, my roommate and friends come back and two of them have the brilliant idea to get naked and come in the house. The reason? They were completely plastered and thought it would be funny. They come in. DA looks away, Moguta keeps staring, Kulaman just says "I don't know why he's smiling, it's pretty small". One sits down in a chair, I grab a pretzel bag to cover him up, he moves it and just starts eating it. The other starts walking around fighting a losing battle with gravity, and eventually trips and falls onto where LT is sleeping in my living room on an air mattress. His battle with gravity having been lost, he is unable to get back up. Took me a little while to get him to his feet and off of the tamer of lion's bed. It's at this point that everyone's leaving who's not staying. After everyone is gone, they get their clothes on. Other drama happened afterwards, but it was much more personal between me and them, but having the naked people clothed and away from my violated guest, I'd say that's the end of pertaining events.

I'd give the party an A- rating. Next listening party I have will have to top this one.

For the record, I didn't entirely look away. I was just trying not to laugh."

Duly noted. I still think you stared less than the two males I can remember looking :-P

Wow Level 99...that's quite the story. LOL I wish I still lived in the east coast... Your parties sound like a lot of fun! Poor Liontamer, though... :\

Well, if you and bLiNd are ever in the area again, let me know. You're both more than welcome to visit! Psh, Liontamer had a blast, and for some reason didn't seem to mind when the white naked man tripped into his bed...

Well, if you and bLiNd are ever in the area again, let me know. You're both more than welcome to visit! Psh, Liontamer had a blast, and for some reason didn't seem to mind when the white naked man tripped into his bed...

Wow, go Lar! haha I would've probably flipped out. XD Also, thanks for the kind offer! We are highly interested in going to next year's Magfest...but we're so poor. :cry: It's almost $400 for one plane ticket. We're not sure if we'll go.

Hahaha! For the record, the random naked guy tripped over me and fell on the hardwood floor. With 3 drunk people roaming around, I thankfully saw no butts or nuts. :lol:

Or so the man says....nobody knows the truth but him! Oh, and you left one smirnoff ice at my place. Nobody here wanted it.

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