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first episode of sailor moon crystal released yesterday

anybody got thoughts on it so far

Flawless, nuff said. On a serious note though, I thought it was the perfect way to start the reboot. I loved the subtle detail changes (a lot of people bitched about certain characters having different hair colors. Like, seriously??) and how close to the manga it is (we already knew that it was supposed to be that way, but seeing is believing after all). The animation quality was amazing, the transformation sequence was really cool imo since they used CG. I just love how they modernized such an old anime into a visually stunning production. Toei wasn't making this reboot just for the fans who had grown up with Sailor Moon, they did it for the young'uns of this generation so that they could grow up with it too -- and it showed.

Posted (edited)
I don't know if it counts as anime, but I was watching a few episodes of "Legend of Korra" and it's entertaining. I hear Platinum Games is making a game based on it.

It's anime-style. I think it counts. A game, huh? Never have watched Legend of Korra but that could be interesting.

Flawless, nuff said. On a serious note though, I thought it was the perfect way to start the reboot. I loved the subtle detail changes (a lot of people bitched about certain characters having different hair colors. Like, seriously??) and how close to the manga it is (we already knew that it was supposed to be that way, but seeing is believing after all). The animation quality was amazing, the transformation sequence was really cool imo since they used CG. I just love how they modernized such an old anime into a visually stunning production. Toei wasn't making this reboot just for the fans who had grown up with Sailor Moon, they did it for the young'uns of this generation so that they could grow up with it too -- and it showed.

My only thing is that this first episode is extremely similar to the original first episode and so I just am hoping this is more of just a starting point and they don't stay too similar to the original series. I want something original, ya know? I heard it's based more on the manga so I'm assuming that means it'll be a bit different.

What I did like is that they made things a tad bit more clear in Crystal compared to the original first episode.

But hey, it's the first episode. There's a lot to go. Hahahaha

Edited by Garrett Williamson

I watched the first season of Korra and was pretty meh about it, but I never got around to watching the second. I keep meaning to give it a chance, since the first season's problems seemed to primarily be pacing issues resulting from the fact that it was unexpectedly extended from a miniseries to a full-length multi-season show, but I just haven't done it yet. Is there anywhere to (legally) stream it?

My only thing is that this first episode is extremely similar to the original first episode and so I just am hoping this is more of just a starting point and they don't stay too similar to the original series. I want something original, ya know? I heard it's based more on the manga so I'm assuming that means it'll be a bit different.

The first episode of the original anime was also very closely based on the first chapter of the manga, which is why both first episodes are so similar.

It's anime-style. I think it counts. A game, huh? Never have watched Legend of Korra but that could be interesting.
I watched the first season of Korra and was pretty meh about it, but I never got around to watching the second. I keep meaning to give it a chance, since the first season's problems seemed to primarily be pacing issues resulting from the fact that it was unexpectedly extended from a miniseries to a full-length multi-season show, but I just haven't done it yet. Is there anywhere to (legally) stream it?

Korra is def worth watching. The second season is way better than the first imo, and there are just too many cool things that you learn about the Avatar universe that will surprise you. My friend and I literally had a spiritual experience with the second season. The third season is already off to a cool start. I know Nickelodeon has full eps on their website, but I doubt they have every episode starting at season 1 ):

What I did like is that they made things a tad bit more clear in Crystal compared to the original first episode.

But hey, it's the first episode. There's a lot to go. Hahahaha

Since the plot follows the manga more closely, the series is going to be radically different from the original anime. Example: There were a few filler eps in between Usagi discovering Sailor Mercury in the original; in the new anime, Sailor Mercury is discovered in next week's episode. So there's no need to fear when it comes to being too close to the original.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Okay. Finally got around to watching Attack on Titan. Man that's a brutal show. It's not the highest on the list of most brutal shows I've watched, I'd have to give that to Death Note or Afro Samurai, but damn.

I also watched one called Noragami that was interesting. Not particularly good, but interesting. Watched Log Horizon, which I like a lot, but need more seasons of.

And I am excite that Sword Art Online is now running a new series! I've been watching new episodes and, so far, it's definitely on better footing than the ALO section.

I'm noticing a trend too. There's a lot more PTSD represented in anime these days. They're really hammering home how messed up it can be, without being trite about it.

Edited by Abadoss

I need to watch Attack on Titan one of these days, if only to see what everyone else has been talking about.

At the moment, though, the only thing on my "must-watch" list is Gundam Build Fighters Try, starting in October. The first series was awesome, so I'm looking forward to Try.


I'll chip in too. We all know that in anime, the guys look like girls. Well I found one where this actually makes sense. I started watching le chevalier d'eon. A show that takes place in 18th century France with king Louis XV ruling where the noblemen really do look like women. In episode 1, we find out the protagonist's sister was killed and her body was pumped with mercury so she wasn't allowed to be buried. Because of this, her soul can't be put to rest and occasionally she possesses her brother's body as he takes up her secret mission she was working on when she died. There are a lot of plot twists (the good kind, not like in Code Geass) and the characters are mostly really good.... except for Robin. And the best part is, it was made entirely by Production IG so you know that animation is going to be top of the line. The only problem being their eyes. They really messed up on everyone's eyes. Maybe they were going through a transition in their technology but I really don't like it.


Here's a link to episode 1

I watched the first season of Korra and was pretty meh about it, but I never got around to watching the second. I keep meaning to give it a chance, since the first season's problems seemed to primarily be pacing issues resulting from the fact that it was unexpectedly extended from a miniseries to a full-length multi-season show, but I just haven't done it yet. Is there anywhere to (legally) stream it?

the second season is much, MUCH worse

the second season is much, MUCH worse

Third season is super good. As in Aang good.

Anyway, few more anime series to add to my watched list. Just finished one called Silver Spoon. I highly recommend it. It's really good. It's one of those slice of life type shows where the main character Hachiken goes to a high school devoted to agriculture solely to get away from his parents in the city.

I watched one episode of Psycho Pass, saw where it was going, and gave up on it. I can see how some might like it, but I didn't feel like finishing it.

Also, I forgot to mention that I watched Soul Eater. Kinda weird. I will say that it is a master of payoff. The fifth to last episode had me dying of laughter.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Just finished Gurren Lagann. I have never seen a show that has so incredibly amped up the ridiculous several times each episode and just kept on going all the way to the final episode.

Also, started watching Bleach and Rurouni Kenshin. Bleach is surprisingly good. Rurouni Kenshin has some really good moments, particularly when Kenshin visits the Yakuza in one of the early episodes.

Edited by Abadoss

Gurren Lagann and Rurouni Kenshin are definitely two of my favorites - especially the former. It took me a while to get convinced to watch it, but I was glad I did in the end. I was not expecting the show to go nearly as far as it did.

I could never really get into Bleach, though. It struck me as a bit amateurish in terms of the plot, to be honest. Like, it seemed like everything was written to make fun of shounen battle series, but it took itself way too seriously along the way (unlike Gurren Lagann, which was clearly over the top on purpose).

Just finished Gurren Lagann. I have never seen a show that has so incredibly amped up the ridiculous several times each episode and just kept on going all the way to the final episode.

Also, started watching Bleach and Rurouni Kenshin. Bleach is surprisingly good. Rurouni Kenshin has some really good moments, particularly when Kenshin visits the Yakuza in one of the early episodes.

Gurren Lagann and Rurouni Kenshin are definitely two of my favorites - especially the former. It took me a while to get convinced to watch it, but I was glad I did in the end. I was not expecting the show to go nearly as far as it did.

I could never really get into Bleach, though. It struck me as a bit amateurish in terms of the plot, to be honest. Like, it seemed like everything was written to make fun of shounen battle series, but it took itself way too seriously along the way (unlike Gurren Lagann, which was clearly over the top on purpose).

I recently made the mistake of telling some friends of mine that I never got through Gurren Lagann because I found the first half of the series to be unquestionably terrible. Now I've committed to watching the series in its entirety with the goal of dissecting it episode-by-episode and delivering a paper explaining why I think it's a bad show, while my friends are hoping that getting through the series in its entirety will make me change my mind.

I haven't yet seen Rurouni Kenshin, though it comes highly recommended. I did see the first live-action film, which was really good, so I mean to get around to it.

Bleach is absolutely worth it, in my opinion, IF you have the patience to wade through the heap of shonen tropes and cliches. It's got the obnoxiously long fights, the unbearable mid-fight monologuing, the constant powerlevel one-upping, blah blah blah blah blah.

But from the visual style to the subtext, it has some of the most incredibly well-crafted characters you'll find in anime, and is one of the thematically strongest series I've ever watched, topped off with a rather superb sense of humor throughout.

It's a series I'm so glad I watched once, and have fond memories of, but doubt I will ever have the patience to sit through again. What's good about Bleach isn't just good, or great. It's phenomenal, it's deep, and it's intelligent. And it's buried under a mountain of mediocrity by way of tropes, cliches and conventions of the genre.


I liked Bleach waaaaay back in the beginning when it was Yu Yu Hakusho redux. Average punk-ish high school kid gets ghostbusting powers more or less by accident! Cute afterlife girl must bludgeon him into using his newfound powers for good! Also one of his schoolmates has powers that are similar, but not the same, and he tags along too (while insisting that he's better in every conceivable way).

Theeeeeeen the Soul Society arc started, the pacing slowed from "average-ish" to "glacial", then decided that that was too fast so shifted down to "tectonic". By the time they started introducing ten thousand characters, each with completely unique and equally boring personalities, backstories, powersets, and fighting styles, I stopped watching because they spent all their time focusing on that instead of doing anything interesting. I liked the show when it was Ichigo & pals fighting ghosts and grim reapers -- why the hell did they decide to introduce a baker's dozen different squads (each with its own theme), plus a captain and a lieutenant (at least) for each, plus each of those having a weapon (which is also a character) and those weapons each having a unique special ability (if not more than one)...

I want to see kung-fu ghost samurai fighting, goddamnit, not need to memorize a spreadsheet just to remember who's who and what the hell they're doing.


Rurouni Kenshin's good as long as you pretend that season 3 didn't exist (MAGIC EXISTS NOW GUISE)...because the third part of the manga was adapted as Samurai-X, so the anime writers had to devise new material. And the last OVA of Samurai-X is terrible and even the creator of the manga hates it. The manga is awesome, one of the most well-paced shonen mangas I've ever read. It's no wonder One Piece turned out so well - the mangaka for that series was a friend/understudy of the author of Rurouni Kenshin's!

I'd avoid Bleach and Naruto like the plague. Terrible pacing. Hell, I found Naruto's pacing terrible in the manga, let alone the 100+ episodes of filler the show itself apparently has.

I love the hell out of Gurren Lagann. Such a ridiculous, ridiculous show. Of course, if you've seen FLCL, Panty & Stocking, and/or Kill La Kill, it'll seem sane by comparison. Which...those are all good shows too. Kill La Kill literally weaponizes the pandering otaku fanservice so prevalent in the modern anime scene right now and uses it in a shonen show.

I love the hell out of Gurren Lagann. Such a ridiculous, ridiculous show. Of course, if you've seen FLCL, Panty & Stocking, and/or Kill La Kill, it'll seem sane by comparison. Which...those are all good shows too. Kill La Kill literally weaponizes the pandering otaku fanservice so prevalent in the modern anime scene right now and uses it in a shonen show.

I don't know. Kill La Kill is definitely ridiculous (and really good), but it had some coherency to it. Gurren Lagann is batshit insane. Need I mention the final battle? :P

Gurren Lagann is batshit insane. Need I mention the final battle? :P

x'D!!!!! Oh man. Gurran Lagann is awesome to me. Kamina's hilarious. Just started watching it so I'm not that far along in the series yet.

Bleach is really good too. I like where the manga's going with the series. Same with On Piece and Naruto (which is nearing its end).

I hope they make an anime out of UQ Holder, that's great as well.

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