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This is the sweetest song ever. I have always loved the music from the game and this captures a good element of that. Good Job People!



It's nice to hear someone remix some of the other great music in that game, besides the menu theme. I figured this would just be another remix of the menu song (which was awesome, don't get me wrong, but that seems to be the only song people remix from OMF 2097), so I was pleasantly surprised when I heard it was my other favorite song from the game.



Never played the game, but damn, this song fucking kicks ass. I can't really find anything to criticize here.

Someone should definetly make a DWI for this.


This is a pretty darn good mix, but unfortunately, I thought it was a bit too repetitive. I know the original didn't give a ton to work with, but this just seemed to repetitive.

Strong opening. Really, really good. It captured the mood nicely, and it was very intense. The break off is very nice as well... after it returned to the original tune, I was waiting for the overlap... but the second half of the song seemed really repetitive to me. I'll listen to it a few more times, and hopefully my opinion changes.

Good stuff, but not in my playlist just yet.


great mix.

it reminds me of the day i went to kenny chou's (aka C.C.Catch) house in queens ny. hmm that must have been like '95? boy how time flies. I remember him showing me how he pitch bend riffs on the korg and being like wow.. hahaha.. sigh.. those were the days.

im just glad someone still remembers these rare pc game musics. one must fall was probably the most commercial of the mod scene music composers. I wish i was good enough back then. ^_^


Quite frankly, OMF2097 was my first fighter. I was in elementry school when I saved my allowance to buy it at $40... my friends and I -mastered- this game. DJPretzel doesn't give it enough credit. This game has plenty of things going for it. The simplicity of the controls was definitely in it's favor, and I still appreciate it over Street Fighter systems to this day. (For those curious, instead of having six buttons, it had two: punch and kick. Heavy punch/kick was back+punch/kick, mid was nuetral + punch/kick, and light was forewards+punch/kick)

Enough about the game (which is now released as freeware! Go find it somewhere!)... this music is perfect. I've listened to a few OMF remixes before, and quite frankly... haven't been really impressed. This impressed me. It's driving, has the melody I remember from the game, and it captures the SPIRIT, the FEELING of playing as a 40ft tall death robot. Even the "slow" part doesn't let up... it's more like an aural representation of that zen state you get in when your combos are just perfect, and you know you're going to win... you don't think, you just OWN.

Well done! Nice work! Don't stop mixing, you've got some great stuff here!



This mix is one of the pinnacles of mixing. I've never played the game before, but I've downloaded the original .MOD soundtrack, this mix completely does the original justice. This is my favorite style of music (hardcore) and DAMN! THIS MIX KICKS ASS! I'm on DSL here at school, I'll have to download it at home on 56K, but hell, it's worth it! DOWNLOAD NOW!


Holy Hell!

I'd never have expected this mix to pull through after trying so hard everytime (3 times in total), I kinda gave up on it. (This mix is like 4/5 months old!)

It's GREAT to see that people are enjoying it to this size, I honestly never expected it to work out like this. I am so friggin stunned right now.

Thanks everyone for those kind words, I'll make the next mix even better!


I honestly thought I downloaded this from OCR before (I've had it for several months now) but this mix is the shit. Possibly my favourite OCRemix, period. Lots of changes in instrumentation, never gets boring. I NEED MORE! :D


Just to correct the intial review OMF was never a series, the sequal was never completed and although OMF exists it had nothing to do with OMF 2097. It is also the only decent beat em up to make it to the PC and absolutely screamed quality at the time of release. I still play it.

Anyway awesome remix 3 thumbs up


Excellent, excellent work.

I downloaded this song, listened to it once, and just kinda forgot about it.. but it still remained in my playlist.

Randomly late last night, it came on again I totally loved it. I listened to the song on loop for, no joke, about an hour straight. It just totally hit me. Great song.

I never played the full version of OMF. I did, however, get quite addicted to the shareware version, oh-so many years ago. I don't think I recognized the song at first listen, but last night I totally got taken back to the game.

Excellent, excellent work.


Very, very good remix. I can't stop listening to this. Good beat, good remix. I think DJP is confusing OMF with some other series, because there's only two games in it, one of which was just released. Plus, the original game kicked ass, and there's barely an argument about that.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Great stuff. I loved all of OMF:2097's tracks.

OMF:BattleGrounds has very crisp electronica all to it's self, if anybody really enjoyed this they should find them, they are at the game's home page. Too bad no-one ever played the game.


OMF2097 was the Best Damn PC Fighting Game Ever, with one of the catchiest soundtracks ever in Epic lineup... I still frequently listen to the s3m version of the original game's music :) The remix is quite interesting, it's close enough to the original but is far more energetic. Very cool. I like it a lot. I'd hope to hear more of OMF remixes (the intro/menu music begs to be remade!)

  • 2 years later...

This is one of the best ReMixEs ever written. It has a great energy, the title doesn't lie: you MUST dance. I always find myself headbanging when I listen to this ReMix. And that happens quite often :P

The calm sections here and there are good to recover a bit, and be ready to dance again.

Absolutely recommended.


I find myself listening to this in the car... Got a decent system, and most people expect me to be blaring rap or something crappy... This is usually what I put on when I pull into work, or and right beside someone at a red light. Absolutely love the song.

  • 3 weeks later...

To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure if anyone else had even heard of this game; I only had a Shareware version of it, but found it highly entertaining. Like djp, however, I felt that the music was the best part of OMF, so I was surprised and happy to see that someone had actually remixed it. This one is definitely staying in my playlist. I love the way it goes back and forth between two technically different songs from the game, and yet if you hadn't heard of OMF or Ocremix, you wouldn't be able to tell it was inspired by video game music at all. That's the kind of stuff I value the most here.

Very, very well done.

  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

This remix title always makes me laugh. I always thought it was really pretentious, like "what is this remix telling me what to do?", but I get it now with the name of the game. Very clever. :<

Overall, it's really treble-heavy to me (kindof surprised no one else mentioned that), but the arrangement is really nice, and I really like the synths used. Progression is good and the breakdown is really effective. It has a super crisp gated synth that i love, and some nice pads.

Great track from an obscure title, nice work. :-)

  • 4 months later...

This tune takes me back to the good ol' MS-DOS days. I almost feel dirty saying I'm old enough to remember firing this game up, but the track DEFINITELY hits the nail ...with a hammer... into the wood, securing it into place? Analogies are dumb. AWESOME dance track. I'm a synth whore, and this song satisfies.

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