Atomic Dog Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Which is better, the X360 or the PS3? If you haven't really ever played either, and you can afford both, which would you get? I really don't know much about either of them. I know that the Xbox is cheaper both in terms of the console itself and in the games, but that is really not an issue for me. I have no interest whatsoever in live gaming so please do not factor that into your value judgments. One person has told me that cross-platform games tend to be worse on the PS3. Can anybody verify that? Does the X360 controller suck just as much as the original Xbox controller? Because I fucking hated that and if the controller is pretty much the same, then tell me now because I won't bother with it. Put yourself in my shoes. I've got a wad of cash to blow, and I am totally ignorant about both systems. I've never even really played them much. Which way would you go? Quote
Nekofrog Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 The 360 is almost always the primary development platform for multiplatform games, therefor they usually look and run better. Media-wise they're on the same level minus the bluray drive, both are very good media machines capable of streaming video over the network directly to your TV. Quote
zircon Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Well, if you don't want to do anything online with multiplayer, most XBLA games become a lot less fun. That normally is a nice selling point of the 360. It has GREAT online play. All of the whining about stupid 12-year olds playing Halo is pretty dumb because you can simply disable voice chat anytime you want. I've never had a problem with that kind of thing. Online play is really necessary for fighting games like HD Remix, Street Fighter IV, BlazBlue or Marvel vs. Capcom, so hopefully you'll reconsider. The 360 controller is really nice - a lot more elegant than the traditional Xbox controller. I also agree with Neko that cross-platform games seem to do better on the 360, but this difference is USUALLY negligible. One thing to consider would be game library. With the PS3, you get Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet and inFamous, which are all great games. On the other hand, the 360 gets Gears of War, Halo, Fable, Dead Rising, etc. This is really up to personal preference, so check Wikipedia for the console exclusives to make sure you're not missing out on a game you really wanted. Quote
Equinox Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 if you don't want to waste money get a 360 or you're retarded Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 The only one title that's actually horrible (cross-platformwise) with reports supporting the claim had been for the recent Ghostbusters game. textures/visuals being wonky on the PS3 where as on the 360 it ran with no such issues; other then that I'd say most if not all multi-platform games run well on both systems. Not sure what is your gaming preferences (rpg/strategy/fps) but I've noticed more niche titles (Valkyrie Chronicles/Disgaea/Fat Princess 3 etc) on the PS3 where as the 360 tend to have a larger library of downloadable "LIVE" games (Castle Crashers in particularly looks like a lot of fun imo, especially with friends). Personally can't stand the 360 controller if only because of my greater preference to having a comfortable (read functional) directional pad for SF4/BlazBlue/SFIIHDRemix among other titles that uses it too. PC pretty much covers most of what the 360 can play if a title is not available on the PS3 as well. Always liked the PS2 controller and the PS3 feems pretty much the same, even with the buttons feeling very slightly "squishy" but responsive. Would help to know what kind of games you like to play. It seems like you prefer single player titles but what kind exactly. Personally I can't think of an RPG on the 360 that would stay on my mind... Quote
PassivePretentiousness Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Why get either of those if you don't have a wonderswan? Quote
Atomic Dog Posted August 7, 2009 Author Posted August 7, 2009 I'm pretty dedicated to action/adventure games and rpgs. First person shooters are pretty fun too. I don't care much for sports games, I get bored of fighters (Street Fighter, Soul Caliber, etc) quickly. But give me a game like Hitman or Max Payne or Splinter Cell or Prince of Persia and I'll play it for hours on end, repeatedly. I'm really itching to pick up the new Fallout - lucky me, it's on both systems. I've also been looking at that new Metal Gear. That's only PS3 though, I think. Quote
Neo Samus Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 My opinion is very close to Zicron and Neko's. But it all depends on your preference on games. I say do some research (pros and cons) of both systems and see which one come out on top for you. I've been looking into a 360 or PS3 lately ever since I got a new TV (42' LG 1080p LCD) and I have been making a list of pros and cons (like I said above) to see what would suit me the best. But I'm not planning on getting one for at least a few months. Quote
Nekofrog Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Atomic Dog said: I'm pretty dedicated to action/adventure games and rpgs. First person shooters are pretty fun too. I don't care much for sports games, I get bored of fighters (Street Fighter, Soul Caliber, etc) quickly. But give me a game like Hitman or Max Payne or Splinter Cell or Prince of Persia and I'll play it for hours on end, repeatedly. I'm really itching to pick up the new Fallout - lucky me, it's on both systems. I've also been looking at that new Metal Gear. That's only PS3 though, I think. If you like RPGs, then the PS3 is not for you. Quote
Ferret Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 PassivePretentiousness said: Why get either of those if you don't have a wonderswan? The X360 controller is already wireless--It uses 2 AA batteries for power. The button layout is similar to the original Xbox controller, with the addition of the left and right bumpers. Overall the X360 controller actually feels better than the older Xbox controller, though having an identical shape hurts it somewhat. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Nekofrog said: If you like RPGs, then the PS3 is not for you. Name one RPG on the 360 that's actually memorable/worth completing please that isn't already available on the PS3; I wont even bring up the Eternal Sonata issue. As for Fallout 3, you're better off getting it for the PC (imo) but I think the PS3 version got shafted on the expansions the game got for the PC/360 versions... Quote
Atomic Dog Posted August 7, 2009 Author Posted August 7, 2009 I was told that they're coming bundled with a special version or some shit to be released in October. Quote
Wideruled Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 i do have both consoles (actually every major recent platform outside of the DSI and PSPGO) I enjoyed my 360 and enjoy my PS3. the PS3 gets more use due to the fact that it has a a blu ray player, and its a wee bit better on the media streaming support (though i havent tried on the 360 in a while). I would recommend compiling a list of the exclusives that you want and see which platform has more of the ones you want to play. Get that one. or you could always do what i did, get one and in about 5 or 6 months get the other. That way you can have the best of both worlds Quote
Nekofrog Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Schwaltzvald said: Name one RPG on the 360 that's actually memorable/worth completing please that isn't already available on the PS3; I wont even bring up the Eternal Sonata issue. As for Fallout 3, you're better off getting it for the PC (imo) but I think the PS3 version got shafted on the expansions the game got for the PC/360 versions... Mass Effect Lost Odyssey Quote
Wideruled Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Nekofrog said: Mass EffectLost Odyssey blue dragon? Quote
Nekofrog Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 I can add some more onto the list that might eventually come to the PS3, but for NOW are only available on the 360. Fanboys can't admit it, the PS3 has almost nothing in terms of RPGs that are unavailable anywhere else. It has one RPG I think that is exclusive (valkyrie profile), and even THAT game didn't sell well enough to warrant a PS3 sequel, the PSP is getting it instead. Quote
Equinox Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Nekofrog said: Mass EffectLost Odyssey both of these games are epic win and lost odyssey deserves a lot more credit than what it gets these days Quote
Cecilff2 Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 I'd add Tales of Vesperia to that list too, but it looks like that one will be coming to the PS3 eventually. Quote
OverCoat Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Xbox 360 will RROD within a year PS3 has nogames Quote
Equinox Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 OverCoat said: Xbox 360 will RROD within a yearPS3 has nogames i've had my console well over two years, no rrod Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 I'd get the 360 just because the support for expansion packs etc tends to come sooner for 360 than it does for PS3. With the exception of MGS4 (which admittedly, is ridiculously good) the genres of games you mention are mostly multiplatform. Might as well get the system that gets bonuses first. ^Assuming you don't need the blu-ray player of course. Quote
DarkeSword Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Cecilff2 said: I'd add Tales of Vesperia to that list too, but it looks like that one will be coming to the PS3 eventually. With a crapload of new content added as well. I've got both, and they're both good systems. I just comes down to what games you want to play. From the games you've mentioned, I'd say just get a PS3 because you want to play Metal Gear. All the other games you talked about (PoP, Splinter Cell, etc.) are cross-platform anyway. Want RPGs? XBOX would be better, but Valkyria Chronicles should tide you over until stuff like FFXIII and FFvsXIII drop. Quote
K.B. Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 How the hell are you on a video game (and music) site without any knowledge of current games? I don't waste money on new systems ($750 over the past couple years has bought me a ps2 and a cube plus about 60 games for those two, psx, snes, and nes - including a half-dozen high-ticket items like Xenogears), but... if I were going to waste money it'd be on the PS3. I could live with a system with fewer games, but I could not justify my decision to spend a substantial amount of money on a piece-of-shit product. Which the 360 still is, or at least was not even a year ago when I did my research, with failure rates of their 'improved heat sink version' at nearly 10%. Yeah, fuck that. Verdict is still out on the library too, since Japan still loves their PS3 so they'll keep making games for it. You're welcome. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 From what you're saying in terms of games you enjoy AD, I'd say that your best bet is with the 360. I'd say the biggest pros for the PS3 right now would be the Bluray player(if you like to watch a lot of HD movies and own physical copies), as well as the fact that if you ever feel the inkling to try out online play, PSN is free. However, the first point is almost irrelevant due to the fact Xbox Live Silver is free and you can rent HD movies on Xbox Live(right now at 720p soon at 1080p) and download 'em relatively fast with a decent net connection. This assuming you're into digital content however. Of course you could ALSO do this on PSN, and I actually prefer the PSN Store myself from using it on my PSP. I'd rather pay with real money than points. If you're looking for Western RPGs, you can't go wrong with either console, although like it was mentioned before, PS3 usually gets the shaft on DLC. If you want some Japanese made stuff, then you're probably better off getting a DS or a PSP at this point. Your choice pretty much depends on 3 things: Games you want, media you want, and price you want to pay. Quote
Bahamut Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 I'm gonna guess money isn't so much an issue with AD. Although I own a PS3, I'm probably not really qualified to talk about it much because I've only owned a few PS3 games - I use mine to play mostly PS2 games, with the only other game getting significant play being Super Stardust HD from the PS Store. I will say though that I've gotten great amounts of gaming on the 360. Others mentioned Lost Odyssey & Tales of Vesperia for JRPGs, with Mass Effect (I haven't played my copy yet). Star Ocean 4 is on the 360 if you care about that series too. There's also a much better selection of games on XBLA than the PS Store. The blu-ray player is something great to have though, and probably would appeal to you. Heck, the PS3 is worth a purchase just as a cheap blu-ray player. Quote
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