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I loved Super Metroid but I like this game better. A lot better. You don't get constantly stuck, the aiming is impeccable, the visor is better, it's more fun to beat up on enemies, the graphics, the music. To top it off, even the bosses are more epic and strategic than Super Metroid.

And don't tell me I know nothing about Metroid or anything like that, because I played and came close to 100% percentage on almost all the major exploratory Metroid games ever made. I think there's a lot of hate and jealousy for Shadow Complex, but I think Castletroid fans should just embrace it as a Super Metroid sequel as a delusion and love it for what it is.

This game is just better. I'm too numb right now, because I think I just played something better than Super Metroid.

On addendum, I still don't think most games can really touch Super Metroid in the whole 'iconic' aspect and its atmosphere obviously. That and the classic-ness of its bosses and all. But it's like playing the new Ninja Gaiden on the PS3. The old Ninja Gaiden on the NES is a classic too, but there's something just that extra about the new game. I just hope there's a Shadow Complex 2 in the making. Really one of the best games of the year so far, on any three consoles for me.


I have to stop playing this game for a while, because I'm starting to lose concentration with everything. I still can't believe how great it really is. Basically my only real complaint is that it doesn't have that Castlevania/Metroid history and the 3D/2D hybrid means sometimes targeting faraway enemies in the back-drop can be a bit iffy. But that's about it. There are so many passage-way exploits, I can imagine you can literally slice the map in two to beat this game. This game seriously makes SoTN and Super Metroid actually feel a bit claustrophobic in the way the exploration works. Very nice touch that most major rooms in this game has two or even three ways to enter.

Oh, and when that odd Tim-Burton Batman-esque music kicked into one of the rooms, the goosebumps were almost painful. Again, not the iconic stuff you find in Castletroids, but the music is very nicely done.


I'm not that far in the game yet (been playing for about two hours) but I gotta agree... it's incredible. It somehow gets the feel of Super Metroid down while simultaneously being really unique. The integration of 3D targeting and interaction is REALLY cool; I would have never really imagined it without playing this game.


What if I'm a Metroidvania fan instead? :mrgreen:

Always on the lookout for fresh old-school platform-adventure games,

with lots of exploration, secrets, and huge boss fights.

This one seems very promising, with a vast map, and a lot to uncover.

But it looks more like 'Metalgear meets Bionic Commando', than Metroid to me.

Whereas, it may have much more exploration and replay value than these two titles combined.

The plot doesn't seem very compelling, but that shouldn't be an issue.

Now, I need to get my hands on some x360...

On addendum, I still don't think most games can really touch Super Metroid in the whole 'iconic' aspect and its atmosphere obviously. That and the classic-ness of its bosses and all. But it's like playing the new Ninja Gaiden on the PS3. The old Ninja Gaiden on the NES is a classic too, but there's something just that extra about the new game. I just hope there's a Shadow Complex 2 in the making. Really one of the best games of the year so far, on any three consoles for me.

On that note, didn't Team Ninja pitch in on the production for this game or am I thinking of something else?

What if I'm a Metroidvania fan instead? :mrgreen:

Always on the lookout for fresh old-school platform-adventure games,

with lots of exploration, secrets, and huge boss fights.

This one seems very promising, with a vast map, and a lot to uncover.

But it looks more like 'Metalgear meets Bionic Commando', than Metroid to me.

Whereas, it may have much more exploration and replay value than these two titles combined.

The plot doesn't seem very compelling, but that shouldn't be an issue.

Now, I need to get my hands on some x360...

The plot is very Metal Gear-ish and you even don a robot ninja suit like Gray Fox or something. And some enemies actually fight like they're Bionic Commando, hanging off of the ceiling and tossing grenades at you.

But otherwise, this game plays so much like Super Metroid it's not even funny. But it's way more advanced than any 2D Metroid game ever was, due to the more sensitive jumping mechanic and the freeform aim with the right analog stick.

Some of the funniest moments was where you literally run just like Samus Aran later in the game. You really can't make a game more Metroid than this.

As for the sparse music, I agree unfortunately. But what is there is amazing at least. I just hope Chair is really into making a sequel or two after this game becomes a massive success. If they make a series of this caliber, I won't be afraid to say that there's finally a 2D exploratory game series that is better than either Castlevania or Metroid. Maybe they have a new classic in the making here.


I've just beat this game twice, and I'm probably going to go through it a 3rd time. So, what I want to ask, has anyone played it, and what do you think?

I honestly love it just as I love Super Metroid, Cave Story, and a few other great platformers...

I hope for more games to raise the bar for XBLA like this.

Gameplay is great, but it needs more music. I end up playing in silence throughout most of it. MY EARS NEED IMMERSION!!

Super Metroid > Shadow Complex just because of the lack of music. Still a great game though! Must Buy!


SC was pretty tight. Definitely way easy though. I really felt way overpowered during the second half of the game - combat was not difficult. Maybe I just got lost more than I was supposed to an got a lot of experience. There were a few situations I got into where I did something out of order and a room got locked I needed to get back into, or something happened to break the game and make me stuck until I reloaded. Kind of sloppy (hey - just like this studio's Advent Rising which was awesome but SO breakable and glitchy).

I've been playing Trials HD as well. That game is quite fun!


Just saw a gameplay video for this. Man, I'm pumped for this now! I'm so glad a PC release is on the way! Even just by watching the video, I love how immersive it seems. It's got a great sense of atmosphere about it.

And about the music... I haven't played through it yet, but sometimes the lack of music adds on to the atmospheric feel of it.


The thing about Shadow Complex in replays is that unlike SoTN or Super Metroid where the shortcuts and exploits are just that: exploits, not really meant to be exploited since some speedruns get into dead-ends, the 'exploits' in Shadow Complex is actually built in.

So it makes for a lot of cryptic, getting-advanced-guns-in-2-minutes thing possible. And when you DO run into a deadend, the game makes you know it. Creepy..


I am in love with this game. Right now I've beaten it 100%, did all the Proving Grounds stuff, got the joke ending, and now I'm attempting the Insurgent 4% run.


I heard it was just a ripoff of Super Metroid and wasn't as good. Also, there has been a sequel to Super Metroid for a long time. It's called Metroid Fusion, and it's officially recognized as the fourth game in the series. I just thought I'd mention that.

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