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Excellent stuff!

The chorus is just great. It really sticks on your head. A great song, and its nice to hear rap remixes here, which are quite rare. Everythings quite in order here, and its made well. Sounds like "real" RAP.

If you´d be rappin "I´m a caucasian", everyone would think its great and funny. But now, when the word is "nigga" all of a sudden people get offended. Don´t get me wrong, of course I understand that but hey, isn´t getting offended by it getting a bit old? Okay, now I´m off topic, so its back to the review, or whats left of it:



hahah Dhsu is very clever :)

i can't because it doesn't qualify as an arrangement (the reason it was moved from vgmix 1 to virt's personal space way back when)

i'll be putting zyko.com up very soon and you can count on Brothaz 4 life being one of the first things up there. also, if you tune into vgfrequency this saturday... you may or may not hear it... who knows




For all you anti-rap folks, try listen to the mix without listening to the lyrics. Try to listen to the harmony and not focus on the individual words. Because this is a really really good mix, even if you don't appreciate the hip-hop genre. AND, I have to say, it's a very unique sound to the genre too. I can't really think of anyone hip-hop/rap artist that might have been inspiration here. The closest I can think of is Cool Breeze. Or Atmosphere. Maybe.

Anyway, I really like it. As for the repetitive use of the word "niggaz" - who cares. It's just a word. If it'll make all the philistines feel better, make your own mix and use the word "honkey" a lot. I won't bust your chops over it, promise.

Oh, and this mix is EXACTLY what OCR is all about. Video game music taken to new and interesting places. Anyone can take an .nsf and throw in synth and drum loops. Few people can do it really well. But only one in a million can do something like this. It's interesting, it's creative, and frankly, it's pretty nice on the ears.

10/10. Good job ABG.

this is horrible and a disgrace to rap

i hope in the future you never do this again

and homie you are WHITE...you should neva EVA use that word


zyko's not white.

As for the song, I thought it was great. That chorus was the cheesiest thing I've heard in a long time - I love it!

And for all those people offended by some of the lyrics (omg teh N word!!!!1111): you people knew what you were getting into when you read djpretzel's disclaimer...if you didn't read it, that's you own fault. As for those who did read it, I have always followed one of the statements in it...

My personal take has always been that words themselves shouldn't be offensive - the ideas and intentions behind them should

And I'll close this by saying that I can't wait to remix this remix.



Wow, now we can all and come and personally thank you...?

I've been a fan of your work since the brilliant "Of Transformants and Brevity" you brought to us a while back. The funny thing about me is, I can't mmm...understand lyrics. Like, whenever I listen to songs on the radio, I can't understand what anyone is saying, so by default I have to judge songs by their melodical qualities anyway. Of course a certain word stood out (gasp! :roll:), if the 6-page (and counting) review thread wasn't any indication of that already.

So, a welcome change to the usual OCR fare, one that again broadens the definition of "remix" on this site, as you did with the FF7 one. Great job, I look forward to your future works!

In light of your last post...take care?


While my fellow remix-loving friend didn't seem to be overly impressed with the piece, and I couldn't care less for a lot of rap (the money/guns/girls shit is bland), I found myself hooked to this the very first time I played it. The music is slick and succeeds in not being too repetitive, and the rhymes are more creative and intelligent than one may expect. Also, while I wouldn't use the word myself, I don't see any problems with "nigga" being used in the song; I failed to notice any usage which meant to discriminate against anyone.

The song can be campy, especially the chorus, but that's yet another reason why I'm obsessed with it. That is rap I can go for. Huge props to zyko and Ubik for this; it's quickly become one of my top 5 remixes.


This remix is kinda catchy and it's growing on me. The only question I have is... Doesn't the word Nigga mean stupid? I think it says that in the dictionary...not sure, but if I'm right then your saying I'm your stupid your my stupid. If it means race then... your my black (white) I'm your black (white). Also it might mean friend (?). Trying to figure it out...heh. Other then that I guess the remix is fine. :)


I usually don't like rap, or at least most of the mainstream stuff, but this mix put a smile on my face (which borderlines impossibility) from the moment I hit "play".

Seriously though, this is one of my favorite mixes. Very creative stuff from a guy who sorta has the same name as I do.


Alright, I admit that when I first saw the name of this song on the front page of OCRemix.com, my first reaction was that someone took a classic game track and turned it into a 5-minute shpeil of "What I gots" and "What I can do".

And I just enjoyed the shit out of this track.

First off, I'm a fan of Outkast, Jurassic Five, and the like. I'm not a huge 50 Cent and G-Unit fan, but hey, what they do is what they love. There's no disputing that and there's no disputing Ubik and Zyko's work here as an innovative mixture of video game tunes and rhythmic poetry, as so many of you have put it.

Music is music, whether the lyrics are spoken or sung. You don't have to like it and you don't have to go along with it, but making music isn't just like pressing a button and there's your whole tune. If you want a quality track, you have to improvise and brain-storm. So I give the maddest of mad props to Ubik and Zyko for this track.

Additionally, I wouldn't mind hearing some other popular game tracks integrated into rap schemes. The "Game Over" theme from Friday the 13th (NES) comes to mind as a potentially great sample for a rap track. I'd like to hear more of this, definately.

- Aph -


Anyone see the episode of The Chappelle Show with the family who had the n-word for their last name? Now that will change your opinion of the word for sure! :lol:

Great remix. Props Ubik and Zyko.

Anyone see the episode of The Chappelle Show with the family who had the n-word for their last name? Now that will change your opinion of the word for sure! :lol:

Great remix. Props Ubik and Zyko.

Actually I think they were called the Niggars. Big difference =P


I HATE the Chappelle Show, but I DO remember this much:

"N-I-G, G-A-R! It's the Niggar family!"

...and boy, wasn't that a jolly tune to hear. But yes, in fact, it was Niggar, and NOT the n-word. Come on, Chappelle has FAAAR too much racial sensitivity to use the n-word in such a careless manner! :wink: Heh... I really do hate that show.


I like the beat, the lyrics and what's done with them is interesting, but if only he didn't repeat 'nigga 'till the end of time' at the end of the chorus or whatever. Every time I hear it, I keep thinking if only the second line was 'nigga for life', just like the title, I'd have considered this a solid rap tune about two badass Gauls, instead of an amature entry. But hey, what do I know.


Zyko himself said it right-on. Wish people could just get over the damn thing...

And DAMN the chorus is catchy! That beat is infectious too. I absolutely LOVE things like this where remixers take the original game stuff and take it in a /completely/ new direction, especially adding lyrics and such to it.

dark_inchworm wrote:

The song can be campy, especially the chorus, but that's yet another reason why I'm obsessed with it. That is rap I can go for.

I like d_i's perspective. I too hate the money/guns/bitches/blunts/weed rap, and this is my thing right here. Can I say again how much I love it? :D

Longinus wrote:

All I kept thinking was, "Christ, is this song in minor or major key?" I mean, COME ON. If it's minor, which it certainly sounds like 90% of the time, then stop throwing in the goddamn major third. Jesus! Just stop lol!

*laughs* For me, that's what MAKES the chorus so damn catchy! "Oh! Major 3!" And the modulation at the end? Absolutely kicks my ass.

this is horrible and a disgrace to rap

i hope in the future you never do this again

and homie you are WHITE...you should neva EVA use that word


I agree and disagree. This is not a disgrace to rap as the beat is pretty good.Ubik did a nice job. It's just zyko's lyrics that show concern in my honest opinion. There's an essence of gangsta feel in the mix as threats are uttered even though the chorus boasts of friendship between "nigaz". There should be only one subject. One or the other (love or hate) should dominate the lyrics. Instead, your threatening your enemies in the verses and your showing love in the chorus. That is messed up.

As for the Al Capwin's comment, you can't judge a rapper's color by his accent. Just so y'all know, Double A Ron is Phillipino and English and he raps white, I mean "pure" white. His style's his own. If both these people are black and rap white, who gives a dang! Let the men do their thing. zyko, brotha, just keep a focus if your gonna continue writing rap lyrics.


I have never ever listened to rapp or hip-hop before this tune, so it has brought something new into my cultural horizon.

I was simply wondering if anyone has a transcript of the lyrics, I'm having a hard time picking it out of the song when played, but I do want to sing when hearing it...

btw. calling this tune racistic, or having problems with a white man rapping is too misguided (in my humble white assed opinion).


and homie you are WHITE...you should neva EVA use that word


if you're so sure, kid, then say it in my face and not from behind your computer screen and then we'll talk.

otherwise, sit the fuck back down.



By the way, this is a great track. Both the lyrics and the actual music fit together very nicely. Well done Ubik and Zyko, I'd give thie ReMix a 9/10.

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