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All the new content in VGDJ is still subject to change. As it stands it seems that Game Flames is not too popular, so it may go away in place of something else. Only time will tell on it. Me personally, I was not satisfied with the way this particular Game Flames went. I was rather tired from work when I recorded it, and I think it shows.

Like I said, all new stuff is subject to change.

Next episode is set for Friday, September 11th, at ~2000 (~8PM EDT).

I've noticed that Brush adds some perspective to the show; at one point he gushes about a particular remix, and the Aversas just chuckle faintly in response. :-P

Haha, actually we reacted a lot more to what he was saying there, but I had to cut out a lot of stuff this past show because it was getting reallllly long. ^_~

In fact, that may explain what someone else had perceived as awkwardness between us, because it's not always possible to edit things out in a way that sounds completely natural. We didn't feel awkward at all recording it!

Haha, actually we reacted a lot more to what he was saying there, but I had to cut out a lot of stuff this past show because it was getting reallllly long. ^_~

In fact, that may explain what someone else had perceived as awkwardness between us, because it's not always possible to edit things out in a way that sounds completely natural. We didn't feel awkward at all recording it!

Bah, just leave it in! 2+ hour episodes are awesome.


Beautiful episode! Great to hear VGDJ is back up and running!

Looking forward to the next one!

P.S. I have to agree with what some others have already said- Russian Remix Roulette would be a pretty nice to have back on the show.

Besides that amazing work and keep it up!

Personally, I wouldn't mind both (although the Game Flame would need to be slightly more refined), but, if I had to choose, RRR is going to have be it.

Yeah, same here. I feel that the RRR will give newcomers as well as everyone else a nice sampling of music outside of the weekly reviews.


Is it impossible to do both? Seems to me like the RRR takes little effort, compared to other things on the show. (Although, finding dice to roll noisily on the table can be hard ;) It's not like you guys are airing the show live either, so it's not like you have a fixed length to adhere to.


Yeah, I'm with Kanthos here. I quite like the Game Flames segment, though it does need some polishing. Sadly, if I have to pick one or the other, the Roulette wins out due to it's history with the show, but I hate to have to do that, honestly. At any rate, you guys did an awesome job on your first episode back. I said earlier in the thread that I missed VGDJ, but, after hearing it again, I think that may have been a bit of an understatement. Thank you so much for bringin' it back and keep up the nice work, guys!


One reason we didn't bring back the RRR initially is because the new OCRtist spotlight will feature at least one full song from the artist being interviewed. Considering this will often be a song that isn't new at all, we figured it would be a good replacement. Only reason we didn't play a song all the way through on #68 is because the interview was also a project director interview so we had a lot of clips to play.

Still, we'll take all feedback into consideration...


A VGDJ "movie" trailer complete with sound bites and a "plot."

In a world were men have no remixes...


One team must bring the mix back to the people.

Pixie: "This is our one chance to make a difference"


The Remix Queue: "Fools!, you cannot pass my judgement! Toyota Disco II will be the best remix EVER!!! Bring forth the "UNTZ UNTZ" MUAHAHHA!"

Other Guest Voice "Oh christ Jesus no!!"

Explosion 2: Electric Boogaloo

Zircon: "Cmon guys when can do this, keep them beats tight!"

Gunshots in crowded mall!!

With Andrew Aversa starring in his finest action role, and Jill Aversa as you've never seen her before.

Brushfire: Allright boys this it! We are gonna storm the Queue and take back what is ours!!

See the podcast that has DJ Pretzel saying: "Wow, the internet is great!!," and what Another Soundscape calls "acceptable, and barely passes my judgement."

Zircon, Pixietricks, and Brushfire are VGDJ: The Movie, Rated PG-13. Start Saturday @ 10 PM

Also coming soon coming soon VGDJ The Movie: The Game coming to a Commodore 64 near you.


I need two d00ds who wanna be the guest voices!!

PM to inquire within.

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