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Damn, if I lived anywhere near Pennsylvania, I'd love to go to one of these meetups...if only they'd do one here in Texas.

Hey, at least your not on another continent... :sad:

It's a shame I can't come, maybe once I get some money I'll see about dragging my carcass over when someone else decides to put a BBQ or do a meetup. When I come, I'll attempt to smuggle in some VB and kangaroo meat... :lol:

Congratulations to the both of you Jill and Andy for the new apartment, btw.


UPDATED the first post. Since there are so many people coming, I think it would make the most sense to just have the meetup in the 'burbs, at our apartment. This way we don't have to worry about all the public transportation nonsense, finding a restaurant that can seat all of us, etc.

So, here's the deal:

If you're driving...

We live at 1030 E Lancaster Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA. It's in a big apartment building (10 stories) called Radnor House, and it will be on your left up a hill/driveway if you're going WEST on Lancaster. You can park in any of the lots to your RIGHT once you start going up the hill. Just give me a call ( 215-531-0798 ) when you've arrived. Try to be there between 11:30 and noon, as we're going to go for a short walk to pick up the folks taking public transportation around noon.

If you're taking public transportation...

All trains and buses go to 30th St Station in Philadelphia. So, whether you're taking BoltBus, Megabus, NJ Transit, Septa or Amtrak, you'll probably end up there first. What you'll want to do is go to the SEPTA / Regional Rail area of the station (you can always ask an employee if you can't find it, but there are signs) and then buy a ROUND TRIP TICKET on the Septa R5 Westbound toward Paoli/Thorndale. This should run you about $6.50.

Try to catch the 11:19 train as it will arrive at Rosemont at about 11:49 - just a little early. If you miss this, the next one is at 11:49, which will of course arrive at 12:19... a bit late though.

Make sure you are taking a LOCAL train, not express! You will want to get off at Rosemont. The folks who arrived at our apartment building by car will all walk with us to Rosemont station to pick up everyone else (it's only a few blocks away.)

Please remember to bring $3-5 to help us cover the cost of the BBQ. There are a lot of people coming so we'll need to buy quite a bit of stuff. :P In case we eat earlier and everyone is hungry for dinner (or eat late and want to order a separate lunch), you will probably want some additional money to pay for that too. We probably won't be going bowling because of logistics, but if you want to be extra-prepared, I think it's around $10.


Wait... are you telling me that if I catch the 11:49 train that it will actually arrive at 12:09 PM because it's always 20 minutes late? Or did you mean to say that the next train is at 11:49 AM so that the people taking this train will be late compared to the people taking the 11:19 AM train? It could have been a typo since the 11:49 train is 30 minutes after the 11:19... and I am confused. I believe that I will arrive in the 30th St. Station at 11:45 PM which is cutting it a bit close to catch the 11:49 train... so I'm kind of hoping it that one arrives at 12:09 PM...

If you're taking public transportation...

All trains and buses go to 30th St Station in Philadelphia. So, whether you're taking BoltBus, Megabus, NJ Transit, Septa or Amtrak, you'll probably end up there first. What you'll want to do is go to the SEPTA / Regional Rail area of the station (you can always ask an employee if you can't find it, but there are signs) and then buy a ROUND TRIP TICKET on the Septa R5 Westbound toward Paoli/Thorndale. This should run you about $6.50.

Try to catch the 11:19 train as it will arrive at Rosemont at about 11:49 - just a little early. If you miss this, the next one is at 11:49, which will of course arrive 20 minutes late.

Make sure you are taking a LOCAL train, not express! You will want to get off at Rosemont. The folks who arrived at our apartment building by car will all walk with us to Rosemont station to pick up everyone else (it's only a few blocks away.)

Ok, very, very helpful.


Oh man... I'll be at class at noon. :( Any posssility I can show up later? (If I go; there's also a party in NYC a friend of mine wants to go to, as it'll be his birthday this weekend.)

UPDATED the first post. Since there are so many people coming, I think it would make the most sense to just have the meetup in the 'burbs, at our apartment. This way we don't have to worry about all the public transportation nonsense, finding a restaurant that can seat all of us, etc.

So, here's the deal:

If you're driving...

We live at 1030 E Lancaster Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA. It's in a big apartment building (10 stories) called Radnor House, and it will be on your left up a hill/driveway if you're going WEST on Lancaster. You can park in any of the lots to your RIGHT once you start going up the hill. Just give me a call ( 215-531-0798 ) when you've arrived. Try to be there between 11:30 and noon, as we're going to go for a short walk to pick up the folks taking public transportation around noon.

If you're taking public transportation...

All trains and buses go to 30th St Station in Philadelphia. So, whether you're taking BoltBus, Megabus, NJ Transit, Septa or Amtrak, you'll probably end up there first. What you'll want to do is go to the SEPTA / Regional Rail area of the station (you can always ask an employee if you can't find it, but there are signs) and then buy a ROUND TRIP TICKET on the Septa R5 Westbound toward Paoli/Thorndale. This should run you about $6.50.

Try to catch the 11:19 train as it will arrive at Rosemont at about 11:49 - just a little early. If you miss this, the next one is at 11:49, which will of course arrive 20 minutes late.

Make sure you are taking a LOCAL train, not express! You will want to get off at Rosemont. The folks who arrived at our apartment building by car will all walk with us to Rosemont station to pick up everyone else (it's only a few blocks away.)

Please remember to bring $3-5 to help us cover the cost of the BBQ. There are a lot of people coming so we'll need to buy quite a bit of stuff. :P In case we eat earlier and everyone is hungry for dinner (or eat late and want to order a separate lunch), you will probably want some additional money to pay for that too. We probably won't be going bowling because of logistics, but if you want to be extra-prepared, I think it's around $10.

ok when I think BBQ, I think beer. I'm not talkin about a keg, just a few microbrews or somethin. Anything going on with that? Or maybe they'll be too many underage people. Maybe BYOB?

Wait... are you telling me that if I catch the 11:49 train that it will actually arrive at 12:09 PM because it's always 20 minutes late? Or did you mean to say that the next train is at 11:49 AM so that the people taking this train will be late compared to the people taking the 11:19 AM train? It could have been a typo since the 11:49 train is 30 minutes after the 11:19... and I am confused. I believe that I will arrive in the 30th St. Station at 11:45 PM which is cutting it a bit close to catch the 11:49 train... so I'm kind of hoping it that one arrives at 12:09 PM...

Sorry, I meant that the 11:49 train arrives TO ROSEMONT at 12:19, which is 20 mins later than the meetup time. Not a big deal, though.

As for beer, unfortunately, we can't have any here. Our apartment complex specifically forbids it on the patio, and we'll obviously be eating out there. There's not really any way to sneak it either since we have to actually tell them that we're having a lot of guests over, and we're in plain view of the offices inside. :P


Damn, you shirk the boards for a couple of weeks and look what gets planned.

Unfortunately, I've been traveling a lot lately and need to stay put in order to find and start a job. If this had happened last weekend I would have been in the clear, as I was right in the heart of Philly. However, the friend I was there to see might be interested in coming. She listens to the OneUps, so she'd fit in well.

Class on a Saturday?

Wait, really? Somehow I read this as being on Friday. LOL

Sure! Would you be driving or doing public transit?

Never mind; apparently I can't calendar. :P This should work out after all. Btw, I will be driving.


Man... wish I knew about this. I need to come here more frequently...

I'd love to go (if it's ok and all) but I don't have the gas money to make it. I've been out of work with a messed up foot recently and I've been broke as hell.

If anybody is going through PA down 81S (or even the turnpike) or you know where Wilkes Barre is and might be somewhere near it. I'm bored. :D

If not, have fun you crazy kids. Somebody hug D-Rux and Moguta for me.


Will you be coming up for the VG Expo in October, joe_cam? OneUps are playing, and zircon will be giving a panel and playing in a band as well. :3

Hope your foot heals fast!

In other news, if everyone on the tentative list could try to let us know whether they'll be coming, that would be awesome. We're just trying to get a sense of how much food to buy tomorrow!


You know I'll be there pixie. I've been planning on going since talking to Mustin and hearing about The OneUps playing. This will be what, their third PA show? Haven't missed one yet! vgXpo last year, GameX this year and my wedding.

I'll def see you there. I'll be the one cuddling with Kunal and Mazedude. :D

Will you be coming up for the VG Expo in October, joe_cam? OneUps are playing, and zircon will be giving a panel and playing in a band as well. :3

Hope your foot heals fast!

In other news, if everyone on the tentative list could try to let us know whether they'll be coming, that would be awesome. We're just trying to get a sense of how much food to buy tomorrow!

Alright, beer or no beer, I'll be there.


With all the things in the world that are bad, know this:

I have something awesome cooked up my sleeves for this meetup.

It involves VGDJ, and everyone who is coming.

But secrecy is of the utmost importance. So don't let me catch any of youse mugs with illegal boots on the webs on Sunday.



A little change in plans...

But I am in Philadelphia as of this moment... making a post at a little later than 4 in the morning. My friend will be driving me to your place so I guess I should be there around 11??

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