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OH MY GOD is right. Jeremy soule is one of my favorites mainly because of secret of evermore. I have a serious soft spot for that soundtrack, and for him to submit to OC is just amazing!!!!! This remix is absolutely superb (you dont even have to listen to it to know that ;) Jeremy has got the hookup studio with the most realistic orchestrations you will ever hear. And he is pure classical genius. so you dont need me to tell you that, this is just pure awesome. BTW i am remixing his greek temple theme from secret of evermore for project majestic mix. ANd if ur reading jeremy, i want it to be a tribute to you, hopefully you will hear it when im done.



Wow. I agree with everything bLiNd and DJP just said. This deserves to get insane amounts of attention, no matter how many Terra mixes have been done. Unlike the other two, though, I'd never heard the name before, not being particularly into RPGs. But this song makes me want to go play Icewind Dale or some other game he's composed for now. I am in serious amounts of awe at the moment. Russell Cox, you just got showed up ;-).

I should also point out that the link given (http://www.jeremysoule.com/master.htm) is a 404.


Wow...that was...wow...I can imagine maybe a century or two from now a bunch of people in tuxes (or their futuristic equivalent) crowding into an opera house in order to listen to music like this. Now there's a pleasant thought: composers of video game soundtracks being held in the same regard Mozart and Bach are held in today. With works like this, it's easy to see how it could happen.

Excellent work Mr. Soule! My hair literally stood on end at the finale! If you ever feel like submitting anything else to OC ReMix, don't be a stranger!


When the background strings cut in at about 00:42, i was simply stunned. This sounds like a profesional recording. 01:08 and we get some great precussion effects. It gets a little slow around the 2 minute mark, but then quickly picks up again with a great piano part. By this time, I was looking for my jaw on the ground because it had fallen off my mouth. This is one of the greatest orchestral pieces EVER, not only at OC, but in any original private production. Your hard drive will be like a late night corner without prostitues if you don't have this song: boring.


This is absolutely excellent work, and even though DJP (understandably) went crazy in his mix description, this one's pretty much everything he said it was, and to be honest, I don't even like the Terra theme, so I'm grateful for Jeremy's very dynamic arrangement here. For all the nitpickers out there, I suppose if you want professional work, turn to a professional, because this is indeed very refined and polished. The atmosphere here is pretty dynamic without being overbearing, and the strings are beautiful.

It's tracks like these that make it much easier to get people to give video game music a chance, and with that said, I'll be glad to show this off to people I know. Hopefully, Mr. Soule might provide OCR with one or two more tracks down the line that give us more insight on other fellow game music composers he's enjoyed. As long as they don't get buried in the proverbial submission pile though, right Dave? Hey, a close call is better than not hearing this track at all, so hopefully no one rags on you too much!


yeah basically i hate the terra theme. used to like it, but it just got overplayed.

the thing is, though, i don't like squash either. but there's this place in Reno, CA that is so good at preparing meals that even stuff i don't like still tastes really good.

i'm sure anyone reading this would understand where i'm going..



Great Blazing Heaven. I was breathless when I heard this, and I've listened to quite a few remixes, but none ever blew me away like this. I could have sworn I was listening to an actual orchestra here(I couldn't imagine that he could gather together an orchestra for just one pice, but who knows, it's that good). Wow, I wish he would take a few other pieces that deserve this treatment and work on them some time. I just love that he uses so many instruments and actually develops the music, you can hear the professionalism, all the years of experience and study being put into use here.


This is, hands-down, the single greatest mix of its kind on this entire site. I'm duly impressed! No other orchestral mix has reached the level that this one does - very dynamic, flowing, living, breathing music. The sound was amazing - but not only that, it was put to incredibly good use, and wasn't in the least bit stagnant like so many other orchestral mixes tend to be. Great stuff all around!

Jeremy Soule has a new fan!


You hear that? That's the sound of my jaw dropping to the floor at 1,700,000 miles per hour.

THIS IS FANTASTIC! I've always been a great fan of Jeremy Soule (I thought Dungeon Siege had top notch music...well I think he wrote the score for that) and man does this remix take the cake and beat up all other orchestral remixes on this site.

You hear that? That's the sound of Russell Cox being beaten up.

Honestly, this song gave me chills. It's a fantastic arrangement, PERFECT execution and is a MUST DOWNLOAD. MUST MUST MUST. Especially if you're a fan of any of the scores he's penned since the style is recognisable. Blah. I'm not making much sense, my mind has been exploded by sheer awesomeness.

I hope he does more (but probably since he's a busy guy he won't but here's hoping). Even if there are no more to come, this is most definitely worth a lifetime's waiting to hear.



Top Marks

This is a brilliant song, and there are elements in it that remind me of Neverwinter Nights and Morrowind too. Excellent stuff. I recommend anyone who likes epic-sounding pieces listen to this. I'd love to hear more of his remixes, or even just his regular pieces.


really glad to see this posted here. unlike some people i know who snob jeremy soule's work, i've been enjoying the soundtrack to morrowind immensely and have liked some of the ideas in neverwinter nights', i had even contacted him about that, and am thinking of remixing some morrowind tracks by him, once i figure out how to make something that can really stand the comparison.

i think this piece is a good mixture of elements from both of the soundtracks. it keeps a mysterious and enigmatic tone like a morrowind exploration tune while having some harsher, sudden punctuations like the action tracks in neverwinter nights.

this arrangement of terra's theme takes a filmesque approach and succeeds in quite a grandiose way. most would curse the skies that another terra remix is out but mr. soule shows his talent by providing something much deeper and elaborate than a melody variation. cleverly planned and - as always - benefitting from a beautiful instrumentation and professional production, this remix comes highly recommended!


Wow! I can't breathe! I never imagined that Terra's Theme could be so awe inspirieing!

I knew that Mr. Soule was a genius...but damn! My heart was melted instantaneously and was transported back to the world of my favorite FF of all time. Thank you Mr. Soule. You are always welcome here, and you piece not only shows your mastery of the art of composition, but your undieing love for music period.

Much Appreciated, much love, and big ups!


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