K.B. Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 What are your goals, musically, for the following year? Do you want to master a new instrument? Do you intend to be signed to a commercial label? Do you strive to get posted on ocr (or to do so x# of times)? Do you want to improve your production skills enough so your sampled instrumentation sounds realistic? Do you desire to do something entirely groundbreaking within (or without) the known musical world? Do you want to be able to finally play Bloody Tears on the piano at full speed? (yeah, that last one is mine) Yes, I know this thread is strange coming from me, as I've capitalized on right about zilch of any innate musical talent I might have (and since I rarely post in comm). But a quest for quantification and associated curiosity wouldn't let me be. I'm curious how individuals of such varying levels of talent, experience, chutzpah, and luck gauge themselves. Are your goals professional? Or personal? Have certain types of goals worked for you while other types haven't? Have any hard/good luck stories to share with insight that stands to benefit others? And most importantly: -how to you plan to achieve your goal(s)? -how will you measure your progression? My thought is for this to be open for anyone who cares to thoughtfully post, regardless of ability level. This is not a self-help thread. This is a declaration and explanation of goals (with, if you desire, reasons for past successes/failures). And it does not matter what your affiliation (or lack thereof) with ocr is, so long as your goals are musical in nature. We're early for New Year's, but Christmas break is fast approaching for many, so I figured it'd be best to get them noggins working early. Quote
suzumebachi Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 I have a lot of goals. To finish a full Shael Riley & the Double Ice Backfire album. To finish a full Mozyiac album. To create, co-write and produce a hip-hop album with MF Snakes. To produce a techno unts unts unts album for injury. To co-headline a UK tour with SRTDIB. All of these are easily within the realm of possibility. But it's hard to find time to work on them. My goal for 2010 is to find the time to do ALL the things I want to do. If it takes withdrawing from society and living in a dungeon for a year, so be it. Quote
Moseph Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 Complete my master's (composition). Get into a good doctoral program (still composition). Get into any doctoral program, even. Quote
SoulinEther Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 Personal. Becoming more... knowledgeable and prolific with composition. Considering how I'm not quite far in either aspect, I have a long way to go. Quote
Sir_Downunder Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 To actually try and learn guitar for real and not ass-fart around it. I've been plodding on and off for two years and gotten little to nowhere. So that's my goal for 2010. If I actually achieve that....... well, that's another story Quote
Gollgagh Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 finally learn some damned music theory I've been a violinist for two thirds of my life it's high time to learn why music works how it does Quote
Diodes Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 Not sure I have any new goals for the new year, just continue on my existing ones: - Get better at singing, in particular, more ctrl over vocal mechanism. Re-started voice lessons a couple of months ago, will continue with this. - Get better at guitar. This just needs practice and lessons if I have questions. - Get better at producing/making music. Need to spend more time making music on the computer. - Finish some of my remix ideas. - Write more original music. - Promote my music and Flickerfall and our album more. It's a lot, but music is my priority and I can and will make at least some progress in all of those things, a year is a long time In fact I did some of each of those things in '09 so here's to continuing that in '10. Quote
1337 1 Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 -Learn FL Studio better (which I kinda do now that I have to use it for what I once used audition for, courtesy of me being unable to use Audition on my new computer) -Create some ORIGINAL music for once, as opposed to the endless remixes I seem to make -Find a song I can remix to a suitable, ocremix quality. Not necessarily make one, but at least find one. And above all: -sticking to my goal of not releasing anything until I finish university! ^^ My goal for 2010 is to find the time to do ALL the things I want to do. If it takes withdrawing from society and living in a dungeon for a year, so be it. Should I be worried that this sounds like me when uni is on? Quote
JH Sounds Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 EDIT: I might as well put my 2009 accomplishments here, too. -Released three albums (if you include an EP) -Got four OLR mixes posted, fifth pending -Got one R:TS mix accepted (afaik) -Contributed to an album project -Made approximately 1.5 gillion OHC entries As for 2010, I'm trying to get an original album done, though I don't have any specific goals for it at the moment. Quote
Xenon Odyssey Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 Get all of the pieces I've written over the past couple of years actually played and recorded like I've wanted to. Get my sequencer chops back after losing them by having mauscript stuffed in my face. Write more awesome musicz. Secure some type for future for myself that doesn't involve taking out massive loans to go to college. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 Get a remix posted. My guitar tone should be good enough by then. (my current guitar tone for the curious) Quote
The Vagrance Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 1. Make music 2. Don't not make music Quote
Palpable Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 Finish track for an upcoming project (I'll possibly end up starting on that this year) Make at least 2 non-project OCReMixes. I'll be lucky to finish one of my own remixes this year, and I have so many ideas, damn it! Make at least a couple Flickerfall songs, ideally a cover and an original Keep practicing the guitar so that I can be a musician who can actually play music Quote
Vilecat Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 I have a lot of goals. To finish a full Shael Riley & the Double Ice Backfire album.Please do tell when it's done as soon as you guys are ready to distribute it <3!Musical goals? Keep listening to more music, and keep my damn libraries classified. I'm not a remixer, I'll stick to visual arts <3 Quote
sefirosu Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 I want to get a ReMix subbed, even if it doesn't get posted... I've had one in progress for the past year and I think I'll finish it some time next year. I also plan to learn how to play the viola. And, of course, continue listening to music (the day I stop is the day I die). Quote
Nase Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 1. Make music2. Don't not make music yup, works for me. Well, maybe pick up some books on advanced theory and learn how to modulate into other keys and shit without trial and error/sheer luck. Independent hands on piano wouldn't hurt either. And maybe get rid of that annoying early stage carpal tunnel syndrome that i've had for 2 years now; keeps me from playing guitar for more than half an hour. But yeah, most importantly, steady output. Quote
k-wix Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 Get the Megaman 9 Remix Project finished. Quote
WillRock Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 finish all my project tracks EDIT: oh snap... I have about 8 project tracks to do Ok, 2 project tracks then Quote
Salluz Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 What are your goals, musically, for the following year? Do you want to master a new instrument? Do you intend to be signed to a commercial label? Do you strive to get posted on ocr (or to do so x# of times)? Do you want to improve your production skills enough so your sampled instrumentation sounds realistic? Do you desire to do something entirely groundbreaking within (or without) the known musical world? Do you want to be able to finally play Bloody Tears on the piano at full speed? (yeah, that last one is mine) Become more awesoem at singing/rapping/other vocal things; get signed or be indie; master guitar AND piano; I shall get at least one remix in; my beats already sound real; I want to be revolutionary in whatever way that I can. Maybe lyricism, I don't know. OMG I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO PLAY BLOODY TEARS AT FULL SPEED TOO! Yes, I know this thread is strange coming from me, as I've capitalized on right about zilch of any innate musical talent I might have (and since I rarely post in comm). But a quest for quantification and associated curiosity wouldn't let me be. Ok.I'm curious how individuals of such varying levels of talent, experience, chutzpah, and luck gauge themselves. Are your goals professional? Or personal? Have certain types of goals worked for you while other types haven't? Have any hard/good luck stories to share with insight that stands to benefit others?Both.And most importantly:-how to you plan to achieve your goal(s)? -how will you measure your progression? I don't know. I have been trying.My thought is for this to be open for anyone who cares to thoughtfully post, regardless of ability level. This is not a self-help thread. This is a declaration and explanation of goals (with, if you desire, reasons for past successes/failures). And it does not matter what your affiliation (or lack thereof) with ocr is, so long as your goals are musical in nature.Well, I've gotta get even more serious.We're early for New Year's, but Christmas break is fast approaching for many, so I figured it'd be best to get them noggins working early.Yes, Christmas album. Quote
Diodes Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 Make at least a couple Flickerfall songs, ideally a cover and an original What we are doing Flickerfall songs too? Crap, add that to my list as well. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 Oh and expand my music collection as always. Quote
Kizyr Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 For once I actually have some musical goals. Though I'm well-behind anyone else here. - Learn to play, and get good at, the ocarina - Improve my ability to learn things by ear (I'm better at simple melodies, I'd like to work up to picking up chord progressions next year) - Get a keyboard - Actually start work on one of two remix ideas I have in mind Those are sorted in order of most to least likely. KF Quote
Level 99 Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 I'll list these in just a random order: 1) Revive my solo musical project using the new knowledge I've acquired since I last worked on it to start fresh and hopefully finish with a product I'm happy with. The hardest thing to achieve will be vocal quality, since I'm not yet ready to give up myself singing on the songs but don't think I'm able just yet to get my voice to sound listenable enough. 2) Become a posted OCR ReMixer. Well, this is technically still pending though I have a mix subbed from March that is to-be-posted, so informally I have already achieved this. 3) To finish all of my project tracks that have WIP dates in the coming year. 4) To learn the banjo, re-learn the violin and flute, and get a nylon acoustic guitar. 5) Fix up some of my older guitars for proper use and make a mix using my first guitar ever that sounds listenable. That last one will be a MAJOR challenge. 6) Make at least one chiptunes-style song. Trying to get a little more outside my musical comfort zone. Quote
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