djpretzel Posted April 10, 2004 Posted April 10, 2004 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Trenthian Posted April 10, 2004 Posted April 10, 2004 oooooo pretty... Ok, the drums are little weak, just about the only thing wrong with this WONDERFULLY enjoyable mix. Long, full of rock. above average guitar work. A LOT of respect is being given to the source material. Geeze. Quote
Global-Trance Posted April 10, 2004 Posted April 10, 2004 OMG I loved this game when I was young and this brings back so many memories. I love everything about this ReMix. With every wailing of the guitar in thie ReMix, my head flashbacks to stabbing the bad guys in this classic Konami game. 10/10 from a trance addict that has a soft spot for well made rock. Quote
fisherman Posted April 10, 2004 Posted April 10, 2004 FIRST POST! MWAHAHAHAH! Nooooo! Damn you, I wanted it! *pouts* HOLY CRAP! This rocks my fro off! You might say, "ah, you don't have a fro." You'd be right. 'Cause this song just rocked it off! Considering it's 2:20 AM right now and I just got home from work, I zconfidently say that this is the best idea I've heard all day! Konami + 80's hair band = *drooooool...* Everything is flawlessly executed, I love it. It all works perfectly, sound quality is good. It's not just good guitars, either, the drumset is phenomenal too. And the synth, helicopter, siren and howl at the beginning fit the genre like a glove. But guitar rock this IS. Mad props to goat on this one. MAD PROPS, I say!! Quote
Blake Posted April 10, 2004 Posted April 10, 2004 O_O *drools* This is so wicked dude keep it up. Quote
Nobleheart Posted April 10, 2004 Posted April 10, 2004 All I have to say is this... Goat, you are the man! This is a very passionate and potent remix. The best parts of this is the beginning to 1:30 and around 4:06. Those are some excellent emotion smashers for me. I love Rush N' Attack (As tough as it is, since I have never beated it) and I'm very happy this piece. Excellent work! Quote
Julio Jose Posted April 10, 2004 Posted April 10, 2004 oooo god damn the krem della krem is where i am. This song is 1337 man. I love the whailing guitar. It makes me want to go stand on my roof and jam on a invisible guitar with an amp sitting beside me. Nice job. Oh and a little message to you all, if you truly love this rock and roll hardcore action, check out X Japan. Simply, amazing. must see Quote
bouncerboy15 Posted April 11, 2004 Posted April 11, 2004 Damn this mix rocks. Never heard such a good mix in a while. This mix brings me back some ass kicking memories. 10/10 Quote
Plumber in Paradise Posted April 11, 2004 Posted April 11, 2004 I've never liked 80's rock. But I do like this piece. I like it because it's BETTER than 80's rock. It has more complex and melodic stuctures. The real action starts after the 3 minute mark. It's hard to put so many guitars in a song and make it sound good. Anyone trying to do so should consult this mix. Quote
ZeroSky Posted April 11, 2004 Posted April 11, 2004 HOLY CRAP... This is nothing short of brilliant... This is by far one of the best remixes I've heard yet. Had I not already known what this was, I seriously might've thought it was something from Gary Hoey, it's extremely excellently done, and does have a similar sound to his style... Also, if I'm not mistaken, at around 3:12 it changes to the theme from the final level of the game, which combines my two favorite themes in this game into one excellent remix... This always used to be one of my favorite NES games, so it's great to see it get some coverage here... VERY nice... Quote
cluthu Posted April 11, 2004 Posted April 11, 2004 With all the metal mixes posted over at VGMix and now this here at OCR, goat's quickly becoming one of my favorite remixers. Symphonic, break-beat and trance are all well and good, but, as djp alluded to, 'balls to the wall' rock remixes tend to be few and far between, so kudos to goat's excellent remix skillz. Quote
PlatformerMastah Posted April 11, 2004 Posted April 11, 2004 WHOA! This ReMix is rocking! Truly amazing work here. Check it out. Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 Dude, you should play in a real band. No doubt your drummer would love you. Man, if I could meet someone with you particular ideas, I'd play til my hands fell off or my drums broke down, whichever came first. Anyway, this is damn fine stuff. Quote
Jogilius Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 The first 40 seconds aren't that impressive but after that... geez, I just can't help putting on a wide smile! The combination of nice sounds and the nostalgy from a yet unremixed tune... oh, baby. Quote
EvilHorde Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 Oh man! I love the game, I love the music, and I definetly love this remix! Intro is great, awesome build-up. And the legendary riff at 0:43 is SO AWESOME! You should´ve used it more in the song. But I´m not complaining cause this remix kicks so much ass. Excellent guitarwork, great sounds all around, and a great feeling. Very energetic. A great adrenaline rush. AWESOME! 5/5 Quote
GreenMaster8 Posted April 13, 2004 Posted April 13, 2004 Damn, I loved the game, and wow, the remix--kick ass. I found myself jumping around my room doing a pitiful air guitar to the sweet sounds jamming from my computer. I love the song, for I'm a huge sucker for a sweet-ass guitar riff. You seemed to put in enough to send me into an 80s remniscent rock craze. Keep up the kick-ass work, man! GreenMaster8 Quote
gog Posted April 14, 2004 Posted April 14, 2004 Very nice guitar, goat does not disappoint. The wails of this man's axe brings wailing to my very soul. The drums could definitley be better in my opinion, they sound a little canned but what can you do without studio space and an actual drummer? Excellent work, and congrats on your recent marriage. Quote
goat Posted April 14, 2004 Posted April 14, 2004 congrats on your recent marriage. ??? can you cite your sources on this one ??? ??? I hope this isn't a jab at my most recent remix on vgmix ??? ??? I *can* say anything marriage-related happened before I started remixing ??? ??? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? *checks house for wandering gogs Quote
gog Posted April 15, 2004 Posted April 15, 2004 Hehe, no jabs intended, just typing random shit. I'll have to check out that mix tho Quote
SirLouie Posted April 16, 2004 Posted April 16, 2004 Great way to capture the spirit of warfare. Drums reminded me slightly of goat's NoFleshAllowed mix of Castlevania 2, but that's just his style, I guess. Excellent job revamping the 8-bit triangle bass to crunch guitars! Another quality goat mix. Quote
chocobojoe Posted April 27, 2004 Posted April 27, 2004 OH MY LORD. This has got to be one of the best mixes on this site. You take catchy themes from an underrated game (with great music) and turn them into a MASTERPIECE!!! I absolutely love that game and that theme, and you've made them infinitely better. *bows ten thousand times to your greatness* Quote
Blaster Atoms Posted June 1, 2004 Posted June 1, 2004 this mix will kick your ass from here to "rush-ia". Quote
mrplaid Posted June 20, 2004 Posted June 20, 2004 This is the absolute pinnacle of all that can be achieved at OC Remix. It is by far my favorite remix. Recently, any time I've told anyone about this site I've pointed them towards this mix. I haven't seen anyone yet who isn't floored by it. Download this right now if you haven't and prepare to have your ass caved in. Quote
Corporal Eschebone Posted September 5, 2004 Posted September 5, 2004 This is concrete evidence that goat > thuo. Quote
A-RoN Posted October 1, 2004 Posted October 1, 2004 OH MY LORD. This has got to be one of the best mixes on this site. You take catchy themes from an underrated game (with great music) and turn them into a MASTERPIECE!!! I absolutely love that game and that theme, and you've made them infinitely better.*bows ten thousand times to your greatness* I couldn't agree more. I especially like the ambience he throws in. Helicopters, guns firing every so often. goat's still the man. Quote
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