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I heard this a while ago from vgmix I think and thought it was quite tight. I've checked out some other Arkimedes tunes and like his style a lot. The "can't stop" voice may actually be his own, but vocoded, as I know Arkimedes does a lot of voicework and loves his vocoder in his other tunes.

Beats are tight, synths are good, this has style. Only a couple things bug me: this song feels like a series of buildups with no payoff. Also, I thought the drums could be in your face a bit more. Cool stuff.


excellent, its about time this got posted on ocr. I remember downloading this a long ass time ago along with ark's killer instinct mix. i suggested to my brother to use the killer instinct next time he goes to a swim meet cause his team is the wolves....anyway back to the mix. i gues its the same version that i downloaded and i still have the problem with the lyrics 'can't beat the beat' where it sounds like there is a really really high pitched noise. but other than that this is an excellent mix and should have been posted a long time ago.


This I like. Great synth, great flow. The voice samples fit pretty well towards the beginning and end of the mix. My only complaints are the voice samples towards the middle of the song got a little too loud, which disrupts the rhythm somewhat. And, as SuperGreenX said, it seems to be continually building towards something that isn’t there. That’s easily overlooked, though. I give it 5.5/7 Chrono Trigger Characters.



I'm wondering if he sampled from the original music here or not - the strings and some of the vox sound a lot like the originals, but with small changes... either way, this is a damn good mix - the only thing that bugs me is the lead at the intro, but hey, that gets better later in the song anyhoo.

Overall, excellent work.


First off, this a prety original mix. Way to make something outta pretty much Arkimedes. I often thought of ways to make mixes of sounds from Halo, but I never could have thought of something like this. The only thing about this mix that kinda annoys me is the "don't stop" part. It just gets a little old for me. Even so, a great mix.


The song is pretty solid so the fact that there's vocal really doesn't subtract much from it,only their alittle distracting from the song.But anyways before i lose track.....This is a great and crisp refreshing song for us halo players, it gives a whole new twist on to the muisc.And keeps you hooked through the whole song! Its sheer originality is simply great , along with its creativity.the Synth and every is great,as it was said before though, this song builds you up and as SuperGreenX says

.....with no pay off.
But all in all either way this remains to be a great song!

You can’t stop the beat!

Anywho, I always loved the halo theme. And this remix keeps what I loved about the Halo theme and ads that robot voice that I found interesting, after a while it just seemed that it had to be a part of the song. It never annoyed me I just found my saying “Can’t stop the beat” with it. It’s really good I can still feel the Halo theme yet it’s been added onto in a great way.


Yay, my first musically-geared comment!

Anyway, this mix is quite neat. Nice sampling, especially the digital voices that "Can't Stop" :wink: . HALO has the greatest and coolest theme song for remixing, and when everything builds up and then dies at 1:32, and then brings it some of that old HALO goodness with clips from the original theme, it's just perfect. I'm addicted, I "Can't Stop", hehehe.


This song is really good. I am a massive Halo fan, i always have Halo system-link multiplayers. I'm guessin you used samples from the actual song for the choir bit. I wanna get a cool soundfont that sounds like that choir though! GM Choir sucks. I was thinking of remixin this song, but i don't think i could do it as good as this, i'll have to try somethin else. This sound would sound amazin on the Halo soundtrack!


Rocked!! Loved it! :) I really dug the orchestral string build at 1:24 - 1:33 when it brings up the climax and just drops out leaving you wanting more! I guess you've really gota sample the actual choir from the HALO game a bit because there's really no sample library that can compare in quality.



I thought this was an amazing track (I get so much flak for using that word, but what the heck, it grew on me), that manages to strike a nice (not to mention rare) balance between maintaining the game's general feel and mixing in a sweet bit of originality for good measure. The vocals are quite inspired, I think, and complement the overall sound nicely, and its clear that the artist even made the effort of altering the original vocals at a few points. (or maybe it's just me, but I think it's a brilliant touch), and the aforementioned orchestral swell at roughly 1:25 really manages to draw you in, just as in the original piece. Also, the great blend of electronical/ochestral instruments make a truly unique piece you should certainly give a try, even if you've never played Halo. But seeing that the main Halo theme just so happens to be one of my fave songs ever, this one rings particularly well for me. Give it a download, and you might be surprised (and even get a slight feel for the musical goodness that is Halo.)

  • 1 month later...

My Favorite song (from my favorite game) where has this been all my life?? I seriosly regret ever buying a PS2 now... *runs away from all the X-boc lovers who got mad at me for buying that crappy peice of junk* AWESOME SONG!!! :D

  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

1:30 to 1:20 (BTW my winamp counts down not up) really recreates the halo feel. I think there are better vocals here than in halo itself. Wish sum 1 would make the strings theme tho :(

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Nice! Sound is good. Does a very good job of incorperating some of the original elements. Takes the music from the game and gives it new life. Amd don't blame PS2 for its being inferior. At least it puts out an honest effort and one or two good games. Very worth buying when it is older and cheaper.

  • 1 year later...

I wish there was more variation of the Can't Stop sample. I used to really like this song but it just got too annoying. Even making it seem like it started singing different pitches would be better! Like that "electronica" Bomberman mix with the constantly repeating sample. (How can anyone like that song? I know I would if that sample didn't repeat.)

Also, when the sample becomes more like a real voice at the end, there's too much treble on the S's or something.

  • 7 months later...

I saved this at first, but ended up deleting from my harddrive. Every time I listen to it, it sounds... more boring. No offense, it just didn't feel imaginative, or enthusiastic. It may diverge from the original Halo music a lot, but to me it sounds like typical, run-of-the-mill electronica. I don't have any problems production-wise, it's just bland, and the Can't Stop gets annoying. If I were a judge, I'd give this a NO... ah well.


This arrived back before I joined the panel, but this was a VERY creative and unique take on the "Halo" theme. I LOLed at Binnie's NO vote; he couldn't hear the source material, even though it's present at basically every point of the arrangement.

I saved this at first, but ended up deleting from my harddrive. Every time I listen to it, it sounds... more boring. No offense, it just didn't feel imaginative, or enthusiastic. I don't have any problems production-wise, it's just bland, and the Can't Stop gets annoying. If I were a judge, I'd give this a NO... ah well.

I'm glad you're not a judge then. :-D This one is overlooked and very inspired. Just because the track has some ideas that repeat doesn't mean the track is repetitive overall. I wish Jaron would have submitted his other material; he's got some great ones that never surfaced here, especially "Ticking Clocks".

  • 1 year later...

This is mixed a little strangely, and the can't stop line gets a litle old, but otherwise it's pretty cool. I'm unfamiliar with the original, but there's enough sortof confusion among the general reviews and such that I am guess it wasn't featuring a lot of the additional sounds. I thought the brief rapping section was pretty cool, but it should have been pushed forward- actually I think a lot of stuff in the mix was too far back. Nothing really stuck out to me, sonically. Some cool builds, and a nice choir sample (which is from the OST? I'm not sure).

Interesting, but it doesn't quite gel for me.

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