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Metroid Prime Series Remix Project: Corruption Of The Galaxy [Disc 1: Modular Upgrades]

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that did seem strange, skim reading owns me yet again!

anyway gl with this, after super metroid has received like 10 complete game remixes it was about time someone did it for prime

I figured if no one else was gonna do it, I'd have to be the one that got everyone on their feet and remix this game's music. I'll throw two or three tracks in for this project myself.

Oh btw, I'm working on a website but I don't have a host yet...


I guess it would all depend on the remixer

But for the Tallon Over World theme, is it theme 1 or 2?

Because theme 2 is incredible. I suppose a remix of both versions would be grand.

Looking forward to this project.

Good luck.

I guess it would all depend on the remixer

But for the Tallon Over World theme, is it theme 1 or 2?

Because theme 2 is incredible. I suppose a remix of both versions would be grand.

Looking forward to this project.

Good luck.

It's up to the ReMixer, but if multiple people want the track, then I will split it there and give one to the other, and, well, the other to the other other. If that makes sense.

You're right, age has no bearing on one's ability to request a bunch of songs from a popular game series and pretend it's a project.

Homes you need to cool it. Anyone is capable of doing a project. Stop being so hard on him. Let people dream. My project proved you don't need to be an official remixer to get a project rolling.


I've got an eye on Tallon Overworld theme 2, I love it. What's the timeline looking like? If I have enough time to get something good done then I'll be signing up.

You will literally never get a response from some people. At least that's my experience. I guess it depends.

I might be interested in contributing to this at some point. For sure I'll be interested in downloading it, haha. Good luck with it.

Yeah, some people don't check their PMs often - that's just the way it is. People also will turn down invitations too, which also happens. You have to have a thick skin about it, because often it's because of reasons on the other person's end and has nothing to do with you.


If no one has claimed it yet, I'd like to give Tallon Overworld 2 a shot (The one that plays later in the game, with the whistle-y synth in the background).

EDIT: This one.


EDIT 2: DERP I READ GOOD. I might give Menu Select and Space Pirate battle a shot as one song, since they both are kind of short sources. If a more talented remixer wants to give it a try, go for it.

Homes you need to cool it. Anyone is capable of doing a project. Stop being so hard on him. Let people dream. My project proved you don't need to be an official remixer to get a project rolling.

.. Yeah but we all know that you got blind on your side... .Who is an excellent remixer

This could be good. I wish I could help as Metroid prime was my segway to Metroid.


Still, it seems that quite a few boss tunes are missing... Like Thardus, Hive Totem, and Flaaghra, and a few others.

But I wish you all the luck in the world with this endeavor, and you should probably put an advertisement about this project in your sig.

Homes you need to cool it. Anyone is capable of doing a project. Stop being so hard on him. Let people dream. My project proved you don't need to be an official remixer to get a project rolling.

Summoning of Spirits proved that already. And before that, Digital Coma proved it with Kong in Concert. :-P

Anyone is capable of doing a project. Stop being so hard on him. Let people dream. My project proved you don't need to be an official remixer to get a project rolling.

This warms my heart and gives me hope. :-)

.. Yeah but we all know that you got blind on your side... .Who is an excellent remixer

Yeah, I mean it's not like I have a blood relative that's right next door, he's a judge, he's got 23 mixes posted, and his name is Shariq... that would be nice, though. :tomatoface:

And I just got bLiNd on the project. :P

And I just got bLiNd on the project. :P

Okay, can someone please make a scoreboard to see the rankings of who's doing how many insane number of concurrent project mixes? I'd like to see how many people stand with us in this kind of lunacy. Public project mixes only. *waits patiently for someone to actually go and make a tally*

If no one has claimed it yet, I'd like to give Tallon Overworld 2 a shot (The one that plays later in the game, with the whistle-y synth in the background).

Thank you!

That's the version I had just mentioned earlier.

I'm glad someone has taken interest in that track to remix.


The website is fully functional. Over the next couple years this project might/will take I'll improve the visuals, but right now I have all of the info up on there.

Guys, it's alright if you want tracks that's fine, but please wait till I say open recruitment has started to make WIP's... don't request tracks either, cuz they might be taken when open recruitment comes around.

HOWEVER, remember that I am allowing up to two remixes per track, so don't lose confidence if someone else takes a track.

IF YOU REALLY want on RIGHT NOW, show me a decent WIP or song you've made in the past that'll prove that I WANT YOU on the project. :P


Wow, that was a lot easier than I expected.

My words exactly. Though having the courage to launch and support such a project on your own, is commendable.

Over the next couple years this project might/will take

Quite unusual to see someone refering to a project lifespan in years from the very begining.

It's a realistic approach you have here, and shows that, at least, you have a vision.

I wish you luck on your endeavor Neblix.


I posted in a request thread that helped spawn an album thread. I feel all warm inside. Mmmm... mulled wine.

May this project successfully continue down the path of asskickery.

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