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Mega Man X series: Maverick Rising - History


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I have some tracks to master but not nearly enough,

It seems people either haven't gotten the mass PM that was sent or are dragging their feet.

I got some from Dominic Ninmark that I have yet to get to, but after this weekend I will have 0 calls on my time and I think I've gotten to the point where I can play Terraria in moderation

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  • 2 weeks later...

The project is still going strong. Things are winding down in a timely fashion, and hopefully with some luck we'll have everything sent to the evaluation panel soon. Bear with us, we're working as hard as we can (at least Emu, sixto and cyril are!).

The biggest obstacle right now is mastering the album since we've had to master several tracks.

That's all I have for you for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Am I wrong in saying that everything is already done?

Or is there still a ton to master? Just want to get a feel for where you all are. From the looks of the front page, it seems as if everything has pretty much been wrapped up.

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