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At first, I knew there was something off about it, but I didn't realize that it was a microtone/tuning issue and not an intentional "classical dissonance" thing.

Either way the only section it really affects for me is the one at 0:52 (and when that part repeats, of course). The main-melody-over-guitar part is easily one of the most haunting pieces of a remix I've heard. . .helped in part by the fact that these are LIVE INSTRUMENTS. I have tremendous respect for someone who can not only play, but also manage to record an acoustic live instrument like the violin or cello.

Contrabass is cooler, though.


I am very fond of this piece! The adjusted tuning adds an incredible effect. We LaMonte Young fans certainly appreciate music that doesn't restrict itself to the twelve tones. It is not arranged classically, but is this really a classical piece to begin with? I believe the mood of the piece to be an unusual mission in outer space, and I believe that the mood was very well-performed in this arrangement.


I wanted to like this song. I really did. In fact, I'm still *trying* -- I've moved it onto my MP3 player so I can listen to it on the way to work.

It's just .... you know when you see a painting done by a high-school art student? You see the theme...you can make out the details...but the polish just isn't there? The sloppy brushtrokes take away rather than add to the effect of the work?

Same difference. It was a brilliant idea -- very Apocalyptica (And I prefer their stuff to the real thing for some songs!) It's just the little details that keep getting in the way of the final result. For example, there are moments when the notes are (unintentionally) out of step, and you can hear in the next notes the rush to catch up. The A-B transitions are very jarring, again not intentionally but almost as if they were recoreded separately and then pasted together as an afterthought. The guitar is very hard to hear, which may or may not be a problem with A) their recording equipment B) The MP3 encoding process C) My headphones, but I can almost hear how it's *supposed* to sound, which just adds to my effort to appreciate the work.

I would really hope that, should they get a spare afternoon, they put some practice in and really re-record this one. It's so worth doing *right* that it's a shame to release it as it is. The second time I listened to it, I was walking down Museum Mile on 5th avenue in NYC, and I had visions of a string quartet, in full performance regalia, on a wide open stage, with five thousand well-to-do ladies and gentlemen watching on from the darkness, slowly nodding their heads to the theme from Kraid's Hideout! High Culture, indeed!


It's not bad, but, I got a pretty decent laugh out of it...

At the very very end, on the last note, there's some sort of vocal-ness-thing.

And it made me smile.


I have to agree with Protricity here - I really don't see very much expansion on the original, and given that the mix has only a few instruments playing at a time and everything is always a little off (which can get really grating and irritating). The sound is definitely appealing and fits the piece, but I wonder how much better this could be if the instruments were tuned to each other and if the playing got a little more involved and expanded a little more on the original. Still, it's a good idea...it's just sloppy.

And that ending...ENRGH!11


This is my favorite song from the Metroid Series of games. It has such a unique sound, and it has been remixxed very nicely. Great work with it.


Infinitely creepy. This reminds me of a movie I probably never saw. Almost like a combination of some random halloween music and a happy Newfie fiddle song. This is the kind of stuff that gives kids nightmares.

Anyway, there's a bit of empty space at the begining that needs cutting. You know how much I hate waiting.

When I read DJ's review it made me expect less than this remix was but it was all worth it for when he hashed Protricity. lmfao.

DJP was nonetheless accurate in his hashing. When someone as great and infallible as I am eventually makes a semi-mistake (I suppose its bound to happen at least once after all these years), that it is truely an event.

To clarify, my NO had nothing to do with sound quality or tuning. Rather, I did not like the arrangement at all. Song is barely more than a cover, and while it works as that, this website is not for covers or genre changes, but for rearrangements and remixes.

If more attention was payed to the messy keys at 1:00, and more effort was put forth into rearrangement, this song would have been much improved.

Regardless, it was worth mentioning that the lacking attention to tune and recording indeed cut the song down a bit.

It's a mega-event! Like when electronics stores sell stereos at 75% off because the boss went crazy.


EEEK! I really can't stand the out-of-tune strings on this one. I mean, they are WAY out of tune, and painfully so. It's a shame because if they WERE in tune, it would sound nice ... Ugh ... That ending is horrid. Heheh. I can hear someone making an odd sound there at the end.

Funny, but not surprising, to see that Protricity thought the strings were fake. ;)


im sorry..

I must be a "loner" on this one.. But if you ask me .. This remix is terrible.. its off key. That guy's violin either needs some serious tuning or just plain dragged out and shot.

Of course me being a Big fan of the Kraid Music..

this has put me down .. alot.

I can't even stress what i just said enough nor go into details..


This remix is lame.

Violin needs help.



OK, wow, this pretty much sucks. Violin is horribly horribly out of tune and there's very little actual rearrangement. It's also painfully obvious that the violinist is rather mediocre. The parts where it's just the violin and the guitar playing the same notes over and over gets quite boring after a while - how about something interesting and new? When the cello gets in its a bit better, and sounds very "spooky", but a few seconds of something interesting doesn't save almost 4 minutes of crap. The ending is awful as well. Sorry to Select Start, but try (a lot) harder next time.

One good thing: their site is sort of cool.

*deletes song*


Of those I have listened to, this is the only remix of this song that captures the same mood I felt while I was actually playing Metroid all those years ago. That fact by itself is enough to make me say I like this remix.


Dunno why I like this song. People have pointed out numerous errors in tuning and playing, but it just really gets the mood right. I think people should stop being retro-audiophiles, but it's your opinion.

BTW, is it just me or does anyone else hear the metronome in the beginning?


Whoah this is a sweet mix. Reminds me of the orchestral work HAL used in SSBM! Combine that with the fact that this is my favorite Metroid song and you've got a dead ringer! This is the kind of work I wish to see implemented in a DKC2 Jib Jig remix. (Violins and other brass and wood wind instraments but with wind blowing effects and flapping pirate flag noises.) You've earned yourself a 10/10 Select Start.

EDIT: I don't see why people find this song so bad. The violin doesn't sound out of tune to me. Where's the love? :( Maybe it's just my speakers.


I actually liked this. It reminded me a lot of an old horror movie soundtrack or something. Yes, there are parts where the tuning problems sound bad, but for the most part it really puts the entire theme into a creepier perspective. Good stuff!


Great song... Interesting idea for how to arrange this song... but DANG, these people seriously need to learn how to tune their instruments. It hurts my ears at times to listen to this song.

Other than that... this makes a kick arse remix... I hope that there are more like it! (I happen to love orchestral/techno and piano remixes the best.


it's a pretty good arrangement, but damn, this has the one thing that really truly annoys me about music, it's outta tune. I'm one of those people who has problems playing my piano when it's slightly outta tune (when most other people don't even notice it). But it's still a pretty good arrangement though.


Just this weekend, I was privliged to have front-row center seating to see Select Start play live at JACON 2004. I had also seen them earlier this year, at Anime Express VII. All I can say is, this MP3 does not do them justice... While it is an excelent remix, they are FAR better in person. While they are out of tune, I actually think it lends itself well in some parts (for instance, starting at the 0:52 mark)... it gives it an eerie, haunting sound.

If you live in Florida, do yourself a favor and attend one of their concerts. I believe they'll be playing next at DreamCon (a sci-fi/fantasy/anime con in Jacksonville, Florida). You can find their schedule here.

I hope to see more of their remixes come up on OCRemix... especially their new acapello Mario theme.


at first when i heard the mix, it was bothering my ears...but after hearing it a couple times over, i started to love it. it's just a chilling mix that deserves unintentional praise, the tuning, although off, really works for this song...cept for maybe the strings at around 3'15


I dunno bout you, but the creepy atmosphere of this song gives me the mental image of Kraid playing the violin in his dark, creepy den. That's pretty dang weird, even for Kraid, but you have to admit, a big fat space monster on the violin is a creepy thought.

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