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Heroes vs. Villains (OC ReMix vs. The Bad Dudes) - History

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Compiled list of every suggestion thus far (plus one FF6 suggestion to include the franchise somewhere):

[Ace Attorney] Phoenix Wright / Godot or Dahlia

[Adventures of Bayou Billy] Bayou Billy / Godfather Gordon

[Altered Beast] Centurion / Demon God Neff

[battletoads] Battletoads / The Dark Queen

[beyond Good & Evil] Jade / The Domz

[bust a Groove] Hiro / Robo Z

[Castlevania] Simon Belmont / Dracula

[Cheetahmen II] Cheetahmen/Dr. Morbis (o.k. I don't really know how this one'll work out but still...)

[Chrono Trigger] Crono / Lavos

[ChuChu Rocket!] ChuChus / KapuKapus

[Comix Zone] Sketch Turner / Mortus

[Contact] Terry / Mint

[Day of the Tentacle] Purple Tentacle / Red Edison

[Donkey Kong Country] Donkey Kong / K.Rool

[Double Dragon] Billy and/or Jimmy Lee / Shadow Master

[EarthBound] Ness / Giygas

[Fatal Fury] Terry Bogard / Geese Howard

[Final Fantasy V] Bartz/Exdeath

[Final Fantasy VI] Locke / Kefka

[Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance] Ike/Black Knight

[Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland] Tingle / Uncle Rupee (I'm pretty sure not much people here completed this :P )

[F-Zero GX] Captain Falcon / Black Shadow

[God of War 2] Kratos / Sisters of Fate

[Ghouls 'N Ghosts] Arthur / Firebrand

[Gitaroo Man] U-1/Gitaroo Man / Zowie

[Grim Fandango] Manny Calavera / Hector Lemann

[Henry Hatsworth and the Puzzling Adventure] Henry (Pompous Adventurer's Club Theme/Adventure Awaits) vs. Weaselby (Dirty Tricks/Weaseljuice)

[Kid Icarus] Pit / Eggplant Wizard

[Kingdom Hearts] Sora / Xemnas or Xehanort

[killer7] Harman Smith / Kung Lao (erh, don't know if there are character's themes in the soundtrack...)

[Kirby] Kirby / King DeDeDe

[Knights in the Nightmare] Maria's Theme / Melissa's Theme

[Langrisser II] Erwin / Kaiser Bernhardt

[Lost Vikings] Vikings / Tomator

[Maniac Mansion] Bernard / Dr. Ed

[Mario] Mario / Bowser (SMB3, SMW or SM64)

[Mega Man] Mega Man / Dr. Wily

[Mega Man X] X / Sigma

[Metal Gear Solid] Solid Snake/Liquid Snake/Revolver Ocelot

[Metroid] Samus / Mother Brain

[Monkey Island] Guybrush Threepwood / LeChuck

[Ninja Gaiden] Ryu / Jaquio

[No More Heroes] Travis / Jeane or Henry

[Okage Shadow King] Ari / Belioune

[Okami] Amaterasu/Orochi/Yami

[River City Ransom] Alex and Ryan / Slick

[shadow The Hedgehog] Shadow/Black Doom

[shantae] Shantae/Risky Boots

[shining Force II] The Shining Force (Sir Astral) / The Devil Kings (Zeon)

[sonic the Hedgehog] Sonic / Dr. Eggman

[starCraft] Terrans / Zerg

[star Fox] Fox McCloud / Andross

[street Fighter] Ryu / Sagat

[street Fighter III] Alex / Gill

[streets of Rage] Axel / Mr. X

[super Mario Bros. 2] Mario / Wart

[super Mario RPG] Geno / Smithy

[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles] Turtles / Shredder

[Tetris] L-Block / Square (Theme A / Theme B?) - Tengen / Nintendo?

[Tetris Attack] Yoshi / Bowser

[Threads of Fate] Rue / Doll Master or Valen

[Viewtiful Joe] Joe / Jet Black

[X-Men] X-Men / Magneto (Sega Genesis)

[Yoshi's Island] Yoshi / Baby Bowser or Kamek

[Ys] Theme of Adol / Theme of Dark Fact

[Zelda] Link / Ganon


I'd like to point out in every case that you pick a hero and a villain with a definable theme. Some of the above listed are bad guys without a real specific theme that matches them. Like Kid Icarus - the Eggplant Wizard doesn't really have a main theme. There's the dungeon theme, but he's not the boss of the dungeon, just one of the bad guys. To be correct it'd need to be Kid Icarus vs Medusa, the last boss... but I also know she's not the first thing you associate with the game, so it might not work so well.

Just bear it in mind. On my end, I'd like the suggest the following, both with themes that to my knowledge have little or no coverage:

[Maniac Mansion] Bernard / Dr. Edison

[God of War 2] Kratos / Sisters of Fate


Honestly, why NOT have OCR do the entire heroes side while the Bad Dudes do the villains? Not for the purpose of segregating the community, but for the sheer thematic epic potential of it.

There would be friendly rivalry between mirror tracks obviously, with one guy trying to out-do the other, but more importantly I'm curious to see how the cohesive wholes will compare with each other. I'm part of the contingent who believes OCR's recent albums just simply don't have the same cohesion that the Bad Dudes' projects have. It would be thrilling to juxtapose the different philosophies the two sides have in creating compilations. I've read so much discussion between different parts of the community about what VG remixing is "supposed" to be, and here is a chance to channel those beliefs into a creative effort. What we'll get, I hope, is not a polarization of remixing philosophies, but an understanding that all these different styles enhance rather than deter each other.

Imagine the potential matchups: Taucer vs zyko, djpretzel vs Mustin, zircon vs Mazedude. It's enough to give any fan of the community wet dreams.

Honestly, why NOT have OCR do the entire heroes side while the Bad Dudes do the villains? Not for the purpose of segregating the community, but for the sheer thematic epic potential of it.

There would be friendly rivalry between mirror tracks obviously, with one guy trying to out-do the other, but more importantly I'm curious to see how the cohesive wholes will compare with each other. I'm part of the contingent who believes OCR's recent albums just simply don't have the same cohesion that the Bad Dudes' projects have. It would be thrilling to juxtapose the different philosophies the two sides have in creating compilations. I've read so much discussion between different parts of the community about what VG remixing is "supposed" to be, and here is a chance to channel those beliefs into a creative effort. What we'll get, I hope, is not a polarization of remixing philosophies, but an understanding that all these different styles enhance rather than deter each other.

Imagine the potential matchups: Taucer vs zyko, djpretzel vs Mustin, zircon vs Mazedude. It's enough to give any fan of the community wet dreams.

Awesome post. And I appreciate the praise. I don't feel this would be fair to either Bad Dudes or OCR to make it exclusive either way, but if enough people are in support of it, then it's something to be considered.

'Preciate the love. No matter what, it's going to be a great project.


Some suggestions:

First, I highly support OCR = Good Guys and Bad Dudes = Villains. I mean shit, they're BAD Dudes, right? Seems like a perfect fit there.

Second, I think when it comes down to games, it might be best to put the more recognizable stuff as top priority. I mean, it'd be awesome to have some nice obscure stuff, but speaking on a personal level, it's hard to care about songs that aren't as recognizable as opposed to songs you can indentify with.

Can't wait to see the results here.

I'd love to see EarthBound and Gitaroo Man get some coverage here.

Honestly, why NOT have OCR do the entire heroes side while the Bad Dudes do the villains? Not for the purpose of segregating the community, but for the sheer thematic epic potential of it.

it's a good idea and i'd like to see it happen, but it might be difficult if a baddude wanted to do a hero track and didn't have any ideas for a villain track. forcing or constraining tracks on people may not result in the best outcome, but i suppose there's already a decent constraint with the hero/villain pairs


Then again, I think variety can't be a BAD thing. There'll be mixes of songs that HAVE been mixed a billion times before (Chrono Trigger anyone?), but I think throwing in a few tracks here and there that no one recognizes much might not only be enjoyable but, in the best scenario, might actually get people interested in overlooked games with great music (kinda like that Langrisser mix recently posted).

Some Masafumi (sp) Takada stuff would be cool, too.

But in Killer7, who's the REAL villain, huh? Huh?

I'm kinda the guy to prefer an open, non-restricted selection of songs myself.


Perhaps the best way to handle this is to enforce a strict ratio - at least one undermixed game for every overmixed game. Exactly what is "overmixed" and "undermixed" will probably generate some controversy, although "number of remixes already in existence" is an easy threshold.

Actually, this could be something to market about the project: the battles no one hears about, finally brought to attention alongside the likes of Mario and Sephiroth in this epic album showdown. There aren't many projects which aren't focused on a specific (and pretty much always popular) game, so when something like this comes along I always want to hear (and eventually contribute) tracks from games which have never/rarely seen prominence.

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