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... I dont see how this applies to the Final Fantasy games.

Most of them are so diffrent form each other anyway. 7 and 8 are the most close to each other, apart from sequels.

Yeah but there's a big difference between X and XI (and between XIII and XIV). Maybe the online will be the future of FF? Or maybe they'll change genre again? Or maybe the saga is DEAD.

Square-Enix is going to put an end to Tetsuya Nomura's endless Sony fanboyism and demand that he go multi-plat with Versus once they see the comparable sales figures for XIII on the 360.


I laughed so hard I scared the cat and a couple of neighbors walking outside. :lmassoff: I'll believe it when I see Metal Gear Solid 4 suddenly play on the 360

I'm dead serious that was too rich.

...How is a company trying to make profit funny?

Oh that's not what I was laughing about and you know it.

Seriously though there's nothing wrong with it going multiplatform, in fact it would make business sense to do so. However I just happen to have enough doubt that it would never happen. For whatever reason I can't say, I simply don't see it happening. For some reason to think otherwise makes me laugh; much like a certain group trying to convince others that the world is actually flat. :lol:

Much like what happened with MGS4, whether it was shit to some or not, a lot of people were looking forward to it and to see it not go multiplatform..?

Well if this does get ported then great, if not then yeah nothing much to it.

I've read an article on a site that says that this will be the last Final Fantasy of its kind. Anyway, I think that the series is dead after X.


Basically, what I'm hearing is "If this game doesn't make enough of a profit we are moving away from the traditional Final Fantasy model." I imagine this is less gameplay related and more of the fact that the Final Fantasy model is spending 3-4+ years on a single 40+ hour product and selling it. As opposed to say something like Gears of War, Assassin's Creed, or Modern Warfare, where the model is to only spend 2 years on the product, make it only a 20 hour or less game, sell MORE copies than Final Fantasy sells, and then just make sequels out the ass every few years. Also, he has noticed that Final Fantasy is becoming niche and lacks mainstream appeal. Square-Enix doesn't want to be Atlus. Final Fantasy is profitable, but it could be MORE profitable which is how these corporate types always see things.

...he has noticed that Final Fantasy is becoming niche and lacks mainstream appeal...
Look at the history of the series, most notably at it's halfway/breaking point...the engines remained basically the same on every platform until 4th generation (PS2) when they wanted to screw with the formula. Now, I enjoyed 10 and 12 at least as much as I enjoyed 7 and 9, so that's not necessarily a bad thing. But you're right...

...the series has become niche because it's not a constant anymore. Like I said a while back...in the last eight years, there has been one TRUE FF game released, where that would be inconceivable just a decade ago.


Well I'm looking forward to it, from the trailers it seems to be worth playing. It seems that the characters are pretty interesting, and that (unlike in 12) the story focuses on how the characters interact and develop, which is always the most interesting part of any story to me.

On the other hand, this game seems to have taken forever to develop, and it's been delayed a bajillion times by now. I'm pretty sure that's not a good sign.

And of course, although I like the new battle theme, nobody can really replace Uematsu.

Versus 13 seems interesting as well. If FF13 itself is any good, Versus 13 might just be a PS3 system seller for me.


FF hasn't become niche as much as it's become an entirely different monster altogether. Direct sequels, spinoffs, total genre shifts, etc. have completely diluted the FF brand to the point where you can be a fan of Final Fantasy and never even play the main series. FF13 may be the first "real" FF to be released in 4 or 5 years, but in that time we've had something like 4 on the DS, 3 on the Wii, and 2 or 3 on the PS3.

All this branching out has inevitably given Squeenix some ideas for where to take the main series, especially since the current route is proving almost comically slow and expensive. They're nearing the wall where a game's sales cannot overcome the time and money sunk into it, and they know it.

FF hasn't become niche as much as it's become an entirely different monster altogether. Direct sequels, spinoffs, total genre shifts, etc. have completely diluted the FF brand to the point where you can be a fan of Final Fantasy and never even play the main series. FF13 may be the first "real" FF to be released in 4 or 5 years, but in that time we've had something like 4 on the DS, 3 on the Wii, and 2 or 3 on the PS3.

All this branching out has inevitably given Squeenix some ideas for where to take the main series, especially since the current route is proving almost comically slow and expensive. They're nearing the wall where a game's sales cannot overcome the time and money sunk into it, and they know it.

The spinoffs and so forth is an excellent way for them to cut creative costs. In addition, the global world has proven that there is an appetite for franchise characters, spinoff stories and merchandise.

Arguably, the name "Final Fantasy" is one of the most valuable brand names in the video game industry right now.

Also, they will probably use Final Fantasy XIII-mania to kickstart interest in Final Fantasy XIV, which is where they can make real year-over-year profits.

Every year, they say that they'll never release a normal Final Fantasy game ever again... but then we saw X-2, XII, and now XIII, in addition to all of the FF VII spinoffs :)

I hope the Afro guy with a baby chocobo is a playable character. I don't want to play through the game as some generic Cloud-Strife Chick. I wanna play through as Choco'fro guy!

Uh, he is. There's 6 permanent party members, and you can see them all at the official website. Sazh is most certainly one of them.

Uh, he is. There's 6 permanent party members, and you can see them all at the official website. Sazh is most certainly one of them.

And Each of them has their own Eidilon (Summon)

Fang for Bahamut!! :-P

Look at the history of the series, most notably at it's halfway/breaking point...the engines remained basically the same on every platform until 4th generation (PS2) when they wanted to screw with the formula. Now, I enjoyed 10 and 12 at least as much as I enjoyed 7 and 9, so that's not necessarily a bad thing. But you're right...

...the series has become niche because it's not a constant anymore. Like I said a while back...in the last eight years, there has been one TRUE FF game released, where that would be inconceivable just a decade ago.

People would buy a rotten turd if it was labeled Final Fantasy. That has nothing to do with it. The audience for FF and JRPGs har remained largely the same, but the rest of the industry has outgrown them.

need info

don't know a damned thing about it other than the name

Final Fantasy Agito XIII

FF Agito XIII is a video game for the PlayStation Portable which, alongside Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII, makes up the compilation Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy XIII so far. The game is not a sidestory to Final Fantasy XIII; it is part of one story which will have shared themes and myths around which all the Final Fantasy XIII games will be centered. Agito is Latin for "to put in motion" (more accurately, "I put in motion"). While a release outside of Japan has not been announced, Hajime Tabata is trying to appeal to the North American players in his direction of the game.


The game's plot is thought to be "massive" and is still being finalized as of June 2009. The game is set in a magic school named Peristerium School of Magic, and will gradually expand to the larger world outside of the school. It is described as an online RPG, but not "massively multiplayer".

To be fair Squall and co didn't wear uniforms because they were supposed to be incognito. Of course Zell screwed that up (temporarily). But yeah, since people HAD the costumes it was weird that it was never an option later on to wear what you like. Squall, Quistis, Rinoa, Zell, and Selphie all had alternate outfits.

Magic cards, anime, swords, school uniforms, and stylized guns.

Yup, they're going after North Americans, alright.

The last time a company tried to make a game that tried to appeal to Western audiences, they came up with Aion.

Aion flopped because it couldn't decide between whether it wanted to be a super hardcore game, or a soft, casual game and gave everyone some kind of half-assed thing in between.


charlie was sarcastically assessing the apparent inconsistency with the design of the characters and the statement that

Hajime Tabata is trying to appeal to the North American players in his direction of the game

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