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Let me just say, when I first started listening to this, it sounded like it would be long and borring, but then around 0:37 It started getting good.

And then I'm started to get the hang of the tune, and now I remember it, you see, I don't play MegaMan 2 that much, so I only have 2 OCRs of it.

But this one is a very good one, I gave it a 5/5 on my iTunes/iPod.

And so I give this a 9.5/10 Very UBER!

This is my first rating of a remix btw >_>;

Keep up the good work. =D


That solo choral patch used is amazing, and really makes this song something special.

A lot of Dr. Wily Castle 1 remixes are heavy, fast, and generally all the same and usually boring. But this one and Dr. Wilys wedding are both really awesome, since their slow style really deviates from the original.


I really liked this stuff, I don´t think that anyone has mentioned how tasteful the dynamics of the piano is. So I´ll do that...

Very tasteful dynamics in the piano.

The rhythmic flangered pattern in the background is sweet also. Reminds me of my old Roland JV2080, which I swapped for a classical guitar. Hard decision!

And if the author of the mix reads this: What IS that vocalpatch?! I absolutely adore it and would like to lay my hands on it.

Very nice job



Suomipoika r0kr0k! 8)

Well, actually the megaman 2 wily 1 -remix I like the most is perhaps the mosh pit remix, and Wily's wedding, being more like this one, is also a bit better than this, but this isn't bad either.


I enjoyed the heck out of this one -- definite keeper. This definately gets an A+ for feel. Sound choice and overall style are just top notch.

The repetitiveness really didn't bother me at all, although I do agree with DJP that the key change at the end was a kinda iffy. It's not a bad concept, but it's too sudden; there's nothing there musically to introduce the key change.

Great stuff!



Are we sure the remixer is male? I mean, the name is Joni, and the handle is SEDUCTION. Just wondering if this wasn't one of those flubs made just because there are so few female remixers...


Though I may not have mixed this song down exactly the way he did, and it indeed could have been cut down just a tad, this one of the most original remixes on the site.

The delayed piano is briliantly utiltized and it's quite amazing to see someone actually succeed in remixing this MM tune after so many have tried, with few succeeding. This is excellent work, and I hope he remixes more in the future.


I gotta disagree with DJP on the comment of repetitive. I ravenously listen to the MM remixes, and I will admit some of those do get redundant, but this one is not one of them. It has great flow, overlays enough different stuff around that it doesn't seem to repeat but more to just continue bringing new things as it progresses.

Hot stuff, gimme s'more ;)


Being the first megaman remix I've ever heard, I review this song as unbiased as there is possible.

I love it, the singing style thing in there is perfect, along with the piano and flange-synth. This is a masterpiece, it just sounds in parts like it's missing something, like the main instrument isn't held down long enough.

But I love it.

As I said to a friend:

"this is the kind of music you have playing while making love to a fine piece of cheese."


definitely a solid remix. this is a tune you can love even if you've never even heard of mega man. the piano and choir voices are beautifully done. the key change at the end would not work at all IF the choir voice didn't lead it, but with the voice i think it works just fine.


It's true, that one choral part is very distinctive.

It stuck out the second I heard it.

I wasn't particularly feeling it myself though.

It does fit in with the rest of the song quite nicely, but it just sounded like a cheesy ghost wail to me.


I've been slacking when it comes to reviewing lately.

I really like this. Really downtempo, which is so ideal for the mood I'm in at the moment - that kind of, getting late on a Saturday night, had a few beers, just sitting in the dark enjoying the setting mood.

I don't know if it's my familiarity with the MM2 soundtrack that's doing it, but this song is really easy to follow in your head. When I heard it for the first time, I could almost predict what sounds would be coming up. I'm not quite sure how I feel about the choral part, not because it sounds bad, but because it's kind of a tease. You know, you get that really rippin' bit at the beginning and you're left wanting to hear it throughout the song, and all you get is a little more towards the end. But listening to the piece a few times, it makes sense, and all in all, it comes out really nice.

Gold star.


Meh i dont really play megaman games...mabye the formula got to old for me or something so i dont know the original song of this.

Other than the actual song it sounds like something you'd hear at the begining of an anime cartoon or something. The name Seduction is also a great name because when this song stopped i just wanted to keep listening. A nice slow tempo with a good piano when it kicks in. Its also one of those beats that get stuck in your head so one day when your just messing around you'll start going "do do do doo DO DO!" Normal I dont like these kind of slow tempo songs but im going to make an exception for this.

Final Score:8/10

Final Comment:Even of you dont like this style of music it STILL sounds good


I liked the voice sample very much. I've never heard anything like it.

And I liked the key change. Didn't bother me at all.

Everyone has already put in a better analysis than I could, and I don't really feel like repeating them, so I'll leave it at the most important thing:

It's a damn fine piece of music.


You know, I really suck at MegaMan games, but I must say this and that "Tickle my Wily" song are two of my favorite Remixes. Even if they are the same song done different ways.

Game music rocks. Remixes rock harder.


The piano has some dynamics behind it, but it's drowned out by the excessive delay and ends up sounding more mechanical than it should. The vocal sample is certainly unique, but I have mixed feelings about whether it meshes well with everything else or not - it's kind of akward and synthy, but it's interesting enough to be appealing. The orchestra stabs are too dark and attack a little too gradually, though: the sample being used doesn't fit in the way I think the artist intended it to. And the guitar sample isn't horrible, but it's somewhat mechanical and I think something a little more believable would work much better (or an actual guitar).

Some of the bass/drum work is pretty cool like around 3:05, but it's mostly just very repetitive. As is pretty much everything part being played: it has nice elements to it, but I really don't think it's a complete arrangement.

Nice piece. I'm not quite sure it justifies the length, but I like it. I think the Choral sample is fantastic.

I agree. I found myself losing interest in listining to it around 3 and a half minutes. of course, that could just be cause conan o'brien was on....


Great piece, I was reading Age of Apocalypse comics, and I just stopped reading and listened to this song when it came on.

SmackAHoe Tribe, do you play tribes?


When I first heard it was another Wily remix...I wasnt too sure if I should DL it. I mean, I love the original tune, but I'm tierd of the same ole remix to this stage...but when I heard it, i was pleasantly surprised! Great work! 8)

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