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OCR01179 - Final Fantasy VI "Agony of Obscuration"


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This remix is the first FF6 remix I've heard in a long time that I've really enjoyed. The repetition got me curious, and the different instruments (and implementation of said instruments) compliment each other nicely. Very cool.

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I can remember hearing this on the WIPs, seems most of the popular WIPs usually make it all the way to submissions. Glad this one made it. This is some great electronica composition; given that OCR doesn't get them very often anymore. I can't remember what comments I made on this the first time, but I do give it my seal of approval for what its worth. :D

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Not bad! While not as subdued as the original, this mix still sticks to its source and is easier to make out than K. Praslowicz's other Shadow's Theme remix (recommended for any electric guitar fans). Makes me think of a modern-day ninja infiltrating a corporate headquarters in downtown Tokyo. I'll recommend it, so anybody out there who doesn't listen to anything unless Tacitus says its good can go ahead now...you poor, poor souls.

Sorry Ricecell, this isn't Cyan's Theme. That piece of music has woodwind and strong strings in the background. Just FYI.

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The production here is tite (as that punk Larry Oji would say): there are a lot of very cool, subtle effects like the feedback noises that pop up with the chime synth, as well as some cool background ambiance. The drums are nice as well, and do a good job of backing everything up without really getting in the way. The guitar effects are great - and though I figured out right away that it wasn't a real guitar, it's still sonically cool and really adds to the atmosphere of the mix.

There are really minor complaints I have: I didn't really dig the bass, and I think the low synth at 2:29 might've sounded a little better shorter. Mainly, my complaint is that the piece is more focused on achieving a certain sound than really expanding upon the original. There's no problem with that at all, but because there's not as much depth to the arrangement, it leaves me with more indifference than usual - more like "hey that's pretty cool" instead of "OMG AWESOME!11". But I don't think it was Mr. Baranowksy's intention, either.

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I wasn't fooled by the guitar, but I love the texture just the same. This song's texture is definitely its strong point, and I like the variation in the different sections of the song. The EQ and levels are well done, except the chime synth with the delay/feedback on top of the guitar synth sounds a little cluttered to my ears. I'm not sure if I like or dislike that.

The arrangement isn't phenomenal, but this is one of the most listenable and interesting OC Remixes of FF6.

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Excellent work, Mr. Baranowsky. Very mellow, though there's just enough edge there to remind you what you're listening to. It's still a theme that'd slit its momma's throat for a nickel. :) Love that whistling synth in the background. Gets me all nostalgic over here.

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very hip-hoppish, and somehow fitting. i love what you did with the main melody.

I believe there is Cyan's theme there. I think it's about time somebody did a remix on Cyan's theme. Thanks D!

did you register just to make one post?

and even what you said was incorrect.

oh well. it's shadow's theme, and while cyan's theme r0x0rbates my b0x0rz until they tangle with my s0x0rz, shadow's theme reigns supreme.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Wicked song. As some have said, not exactly expanding on the original. It's just got the beginning of the song's melody and it plays that over and over, but it still delivers. First post yes, but I've downloaded over 150, and listened to over 200 maybe. I dunno, who's counting? This song is up there in my top 10. I just grabbed me and became a favorite that I see myself clicking first to start my playlist. Excellent job Dan.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I must say, that while this is a good piece, it is rather depressing. When I downloaded this I was hoping to get that triumphant sounding Shadow's Theme that takes place in the end credits of the game when Shadow realizes he needs to stop running. So as far as music goes, it was okay, but before this I thought anything related to Shadows theme was the number one of all time. This remix fails to deliver. :cry:


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  • 1 month later...

You don´t need to be so fired up dude, I have actually played the game, so I recognized this right away, but that thing about Cyan, I´ve forgotten how his theme is, but as the original I think they can sound alike, Shadow´s theme is after all a careful guitar with a flute and that western instrument that goes "boing" all the time.

And yes, Daniel, this was a great remix, did not only bring the sad storie of Shadow, but also his darker secrets. Nice beats, awesome guitar, what more can I say? Everyone was scared of him in the game, if he got this one as theme, they´d be terrifyed. Good work, DB. :D

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  • 5 months later...

Very cool remix. I love the laid back feel to it and it just all seems so right. Nothing seems forced, guitar sounds great. One of my favorite remixes out there, and I've listened to quite a few--and by quite a few I mean 1-1250 plus some.

4.5/5 sporks.

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  • 1 month later...

Listen to the background noises. Just one little section of Shadow's theme is repeated many times in this one, but if you just lay back and ignore that fact, you'll hear the greatness in the cooperation of the other sounds, which actually could be said to be there only because of the one repeating Shadow part. Plus, someone mentioned the high sounding whistle sound in the background reminded him/her of the original.

So it's basically a completely different direction from the original, with good composition, yet still mysterious (and cool) like Shadow. Perhaps stick in the words Mysterious and Cool to replace I Must Listen To Conservative Remix of Shadow's Theme Or Else Fail, and your expectations will not suffer if you float the latter way. Actually, I'm thinking of Shadow's theme every second I listen to this because of that repeating line from the original.

Cool and mysterious composition based on Shadow's theme. I can honestly say this is a really soothing piece at the same time, too. Nothing harsh sounding at all, even during the shreddy "guitar" part.

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