djpretzel Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Chris McGee Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Ass. Has. Been. Kicked. Prot is my new hero. Quote
irriadin Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 This is even better than the amazing WIP of this posted months ago. Amazing! Quote
TheRedBob Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Ah, been waiting for something like this a long time. Incredibly done. My favorite of Protricity's work so far, it'll be hard to top. This is so gonna be on repeat until the next mix gets posted. I'm really wondering how many mixes djp will post this fine night. Quote
StrikerObi Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Oh snap. Protricity is my audio Jesus. This is possibly his best yet. I absolutly love this game and his remixes from it all blow my mind. Quote
Bren Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Im Loving every second of this song. It really is a great mix to represent K. Rool's evil intentions. One of Ari's greatest, hands down. Quote
nodspaw51 Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Woah. Saw Prot's name up there and new I had to listen. This is an awesome beat. The buildup at the begining and then the drop and the the heavy stuff. Its all perfect. This sounds so professional. Man, this sis great. The accents on the background beat apply alot of force into the song. The pizzicato part is like perfect, and then it breaks into nothing but sweetness! This is a great song. I bet kids at my school would listen to this. I am really liking this piece. Chalk up another one for Protricity! Quote
Rodin Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Hooooooly Crap!!!! Best Prot mix in a good while! I'm going to go lie down now.... Quote
smh Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Besides having one of Ari's better mix titles... hooray! i can now go down into the OCR history books, having named this remix. Quote
Spacecow Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Hoooly shit. We really need more bombastic, wall-of-sound badass remixes like this. This blew me away. Good work, man. Quote
JadeAutomation Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 Ass. Has. Been. Kicked.Prot is my new hero. Amen. Love this mix. Quote
BananaSoup Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 it doesn't get much better than this. the song has so many different contrasting layers that work so well together. And the piece is by no means repetitive, breaking down and restarting as a new piece several times. I'm a big fan of Pro and DKC, and I am far from dissappointed. It's like it's my birthday!! Quote
SonicANS Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 damn... ...Protricity has done it again. It feels like a walk through hell [or more appropriately a battle to the death in Kaptain K. Rool's tower]. Truly ass kicking. Quote
ILLiterate Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Damnit DJP where you holding these kick ass remixes out on us? This ones just amazing in every single way. The drums,bass line,everything is just PEREFECTLY put into its place to make one bitch slapping remix. This turned one of the most boring songs i've heard in a game into something that completely kicks my ass over & over. Final Score:10/10 Final Comment:THIS is what high quality remixes are Quote
yoshi1001 Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Man, maybe the the new site design just makes the music sound better...nah. This again falls into the, "never played (that part of) the game but the remix kicks butt" category. Quote
Cell Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 This remix, like Protricity's other DK remixes, is brilliant, creative, and upbeat...I found myself bobbing my head unconsciously to this song...what can I say...unbelievable stuff.... Quote
Navi Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 Ok, first off, this mix single handedly convinced me to go and get the rest of Prot's DKC2 mixes. After a long night of listening to it, I can safely say that this mix is just plain cool. Notable intro. A nice string build up that adds more layers with every second. The dist. geet comes in nicely at :13, followed by the bass and precussion. However, the first real orgasm of the song comes after the drop at :28. At :44, the real punches come out. At this point, the mix oozes evil/cool. The title of the song does it great justice; Cruel Intentions fits so well into this song, it's scary. This song has so many good points (2:13, 3:52, 4:58, etc) it's hard to point them all out. Overall, an excellent job by Prot. This song never gets too long and never feels too empty. It will stay on my playlist for some time. Nice work. Quote
Nase Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 sheeeeer madness! quite the creative overkill, really. those distorted beat at the end...brutal. Quote
Putzy Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 With Protricity's talent and the great DKC2 source material you can expect it to be awesome. The best thing about Protricity's remixes is that his songs never stagnate. I don't think I have ever quit midway into one of his songs. It also helps that this song (as djpretzel mentioned) has very good transitions. Overall great work and I look forward to hearing more in the future. Quote
Sikkz Posted May 25, 2004 Posted May 25, 2004 This mix is exactly my style! Totally kick ass introduction with a kickass follow up that sends you straight in a sweet, deep trance. Incredible job! I'm quite a fan of Protricity since his work on the Relics of the Chozo project (wich made me spread tears of joy all over the place). Bottom line: this mix will be in my hall of fame for a long time. Quote
arias Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 Proticity, you are a living example that bastards can have talent. The song sounds very dynamic, and like someone said, never stagnates. It keeps me on my listening toes, and pleases much. Great work; I went to download your other pieces and they were pretty good as well. Quote
Moo2u Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 Ok first of all I have to say this: I am so glad someone out there loves teh DKC2 soundtrack as much as me! I really thought that no one in their right minds would ever think of remixing this song! But hey! Here it is! And it's something to hear! First of all, truely creppy atmaspher, which I love. The pizz stuff in the background is nice, and really reminds me of the original. And nice transitions too, from part to part, and even though the whole thing is over 6 minutes, I find myself saying "Man, I wish this was longer" which is exactly what a good musician of any kind should make his audiance say. Good work! Keep up with the DKC2 stuff! It seems to by your calling card for remixs. Quote
hhallahh Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 Good shit. 0_o; I found myself wishing that it had kinda stuck to one or two or three "moods", though, rather than having a transition every 30-60 seconds. But clearly, an awesome song, and it's rare that someone actually chooses a track that I would like to see remixed that hasn't been done a million times already. K. Rool theme was definately one of the good ones (it was good in DKC 1, too! Someone should have a crack at that.) Quote
Royal Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 This one is very nice. It kept me offguard most the time. The violins were great. Quote
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