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OCR01185 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "The Darkness and the Light"

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Aha! See? Not heavy rock this time... :P

Aaaanyways... here we have yet another of my favourite remixes on this site... by one of my favourite remixers McVaffe! (Even though I very much HATE the McAfee virus scanner... and McVaffe's remixing name reminds me of it.)

McVaffe touches on one of those themes that I'm downright surprised there hasn't been more remixes of... the dark world theme! The song is just awsome in its original form and has a lot of potential for more uses... much like this remix shows in its first half.

Speaking of the beginning section of the song... the thai bell intro to this song really reminds me of that EXTREMELY over-remixed Chrono Trigger song for the floating land of Zeal. The intro is indeed appropriate... but it'll always give me that feel.

This song is so incredibly peaceful and easy-listening... its perfect for when you're just relaxing and taking it easy... or maybe just trying to catch a quick nap.

Every piece of this mix is well put together and very solid. There's no noticeable glitches anywhere at all. It's really a shame that this seems to be the last remix that McVaffe is going to submit here at OC... he really knows what he's doing when it comes to these arrangements.

I've had this song on my playlist ever since the first time I heard it, and I don't think it's going anywhere for awhile since it's one of, if not my favourite easy-listening songs in my collection. I'll just have to keep a lookout on McVaffe's homepage for any signs of new remixes.

This is one of those songs that I highly recommend to everybody!

  • 4 months later...

The TSUZUMI in the compound meter in the middle of the piece!!! I LOVE IT INSTANTLY!!!

This guy gets really creative in the variation of the melodies, and in the meters. Caught me by surprise. I can see this arrangement's namesake. Excellent work in modulating between major and minor and vice versa.

Interesting intro, and development of the arrangement.

LOVE the fact that you used one of my ears' most treasured sounds.

  • 8 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm a big fan of McVaffe, and his latest, hopefully not last, submission here does not disappoint. The beauty and grace of this mix leaves me in awe, and the song he used was perfect for the style used. This song stands among my top ten. Hmmm...I may have to upgrade that list for 20...50?? Crap.

  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...

First off: Bell at the beginning was like heaven. I don't know why, but that was sweet. I enjoyed the transition near the middle of the song and it really does sound like the darkness and the light. This may not be McVaffe's best ReMix, but it's definantly my favorite.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This mix is incredible, easily among the very best on the entire site. Both the dark world and light world themes are handled expertly, but the thing I really love about this mix is the piano in the transition, which is just brilliant. Absolutely freaking beautiful. Then it goes into one of the most well known, most stirring themes in all of gaming and you can't not smile.


Without a doubt, one of my favourite mixes on the site. It's one of those songs that goes far and beyond what you would come to expect from a mixer creating music for an unpaying fanbase.

A medley at heart; but you'd almost never know it. McVaffe uses polar opposites in approach (contemporary and classic instruments, flowing consistancy zagged with time signature switches, and the titular light and shade in sound) to draw us into every new section and to redesign our memories of these pretty familiar tunes. The three themes are married so well to eachother and to the distinct concept of the piece, it makes it hard the mix to beat in terms of medleys. I think the most important aspect of the whole thing is that it eventually comes full circle and brings us back to the initial context from the intro, cementing the mixes identity and ensuring that this isn't just a scrapbooking of three ideas McVaffe had while listenig to the LttP soundtrack. Each section bleeds into the other, further enriching the already top-notch arrangements of classic LttP tunes. In particular, the credits theme struck the strongest chord with me, accentuating the original's nuances with that equisite McVaffe piano performance.

If I could give this more of a glowing review, I would. Mixes that surpass this one are pretty rare(although it does still happen, so there is still a reason to keep on listening).

  • 5 months later...

Excellent sounds chosen, and the typical attention to detail. McVaffe has the (very prestigious, i'm certain ;-) )distinction of having the most saved remixes from OCR on my hard drive. Of course, he's done a ton of remixes, which certainly can't hurt things, but when they are all consistently so high quality, it's a lot more obvious why. Those in a lot of ways he plays it close to the source, there are always nice details and touches that make them distinctly his.

Good stuff, and well worth listening to. :-)

  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

This is the very mix that made me start remixing myself. I absolutley love the vibe, the production is really top-notch and the adjustment to the source are great: you can easily recognize everything but it is also very distinctive. And ofcourse, it has the McVaffe magic all over it. I still play this mix (the arrangement that is) on the piano quite often and it is still one of my favorite mixes. Great stuff!

  • 3 years later...
  • 1 month later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01185 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "The Darkness and the Light"

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