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OCR00419 - Legend of Zelda "Link's Underworld Pressure Cooker"


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Legend of Zelda 'Link's Underworld Pressure Cooker'

Maybe this is just the genre or the type of sounds used, but I'm not taking well to this song. It could also be that I love the Zelda Underworld theme, and this is just not how I envisioned it as a mix. It just seems to me that the drums, although very well done and in time with the song, don't fit. That, and it seems that everything is just all mushed together. Underworld is not supposed to be a pretty sounding song in the first place, but I expected something a little more spooky, and a little less harsh. Sorry, wRenchpilot, but this one can't stay on my playlist. If somebody does appreciate this one, speak up.

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Ginnsu, have you ever heard Rimco's "Gannon's Hollow"? It's an incredible remix of the Zelda Underground theme, and it's relatively short, so it doesn't tend to drag the way Pressurecooker does. The Underground theme is a very short loop, so trying to turn it into a 4 minute song is generally going to end up with a tedious song. If you haven't heard "Gannon's Hollow", you have to get ahold of it somehow. That song wipes its ass with my face.

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  • 5 months later...

Pressurecooker is a very good name for this song. Anybody who can listen to this song for the whole length without getting the slightest bit annoyed has my compliments for their patience and tolerence. That being said I do like the song in general, I think you picked the right instruments to use, but I would have liked the song a whole lot more if it had just been shorter.

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  • 3 months later...

Shouldn't I be, hm, I don't know, running away? That's what my brain is telling me, anyways, but the rest of me seems to think there isn't anything wrong. The long and short of it is, I've already tuned it out, more or less. The original underworld/dungeon theme was easy enough to tune out, and so is this submission. Nice try, though.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Ginnsu, have you ever heard Rimco's "Gannon's Hollow"? It's an incredible remix of the Zelda Underground theme, and it's relatively short, so it doesn't tend to drag the way Pressurecooker does. The Underground theme is a very short loop, so trying to turn it into a 4 minute song is generally going to end up with a tedious song. If you haven't heard "Gannon's Hollow", you have to get ahold of it somehow. That song wipes its ass with my face.

In case anyone wants to hear it, I'm hosting Gannon's Hollow here:


The synths might be too harsh or something for some people, but I really like this version. It still might be worth a listen for those who wanted something more out of the Zelda Underground theme. Maybe you'll be a fan too.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Jesus tap-dancing Christ. It does the exact same thing for 4 and a half minutes... :banghead:

But in all seriousness, I don't care how interesting your drum loops are. If you don't change up the tune sometime, the piece dies. I felt like I was sitting in front of my NES again, driving myself insane trying to beat the final dungeon, and muting my television because the music was so fucking annoying.

The blunt and fatal truth: Too repetitive. Waaay too repetitive.

The non-specific but morale-boosting truth: It's a great idea, just execute it more creatively.


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  • 7 months later...

This is a good remake of the Zelda 1 Dungeon Theme. The sounds fit the mood perfectly, yet, I have to agree with everyone else in saying that it is repetitive. By around 2:26 it got quite "boring" because it was the same thing we heard just a minute ago, and at that point I think you should've just faded it out or added a bridge or something SIGNIFICANTLY different. Good stuff tho. 7/10

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

Okay, so maybe it could've gotten more variation, but at least there is some extra icing on the cake i.e. you've got this single tune that prevails throughout, but you still have other cool sounds that build and build to this complex mixtutre of stuff at the end and it still keeps its composure and the main tune is never lost, which is good. The beginning is fun, it gets you into the mood quickly at least.

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  • 5 months later...

that flute at the end was way off-tune. in some parts it doesn't sound too bad being off-key with the rest of the song, but I wonder if it changes keys and becomes more off-tune at some parts, because it seems worse.

I liked the sound of it before that though. At least it was good enough that I didn't care about repetition.

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  • 2 years later...
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  • 1 year later...

Okay, so it's almost too easy to pick on this for being repetitive. And make no mistake, I'm giving this one low marks because of it. But I'm also here to defend it.

I can understand this mix in the way I can understand other examples of ultra-repetitive loops (I'm a fan of videogame music, which should speak volumes). The amount of time spent droning on that same loop actually pays off once the small amount of variation starts to enter in at the end. It's like light at the end of the dungeon, so to speak. There's meaning to the madness in this one, I believe, and I think it belongs here on OCR.

However, it is such an annoying song. It is more annoying than the source, because I find the source much easier to set aside and lose focus on. There's something about the loop that seems awkward and unfitting that the original seemed to avoid.

I didn't like the looping cycle at all, and that's pretty much what this mix is about. So I'm not a fan. I think it's more than a straightforward remake, but the margin is quite tiny. Lots of room for improvement.

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