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OCR01194 - Street Fighter II "Go Home and Be a Family Man"


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I agree...despite the overall mix bitrate, the actual work put in the arrangement and sound of each instrument is just fine. Brings back memories of kickin' Guile's ass over and over in front of that damned F-16 or whatever it was. Loved the guitars man, keep it up.

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I think i should just explain the reason for the odd pacing and "Boring" beginning.

The way I looked at creating this Guitar remix is that first I should demonstrate that I can play this song in it's entirety, note for note. This is Something I appreciatte hearing other people accomplish (Playing some of these songs with guitar can become exeedingly difficult as they were not writtin for guitar, and require odd/ball playing techniques, and loads of practice). Then I tried to move onto the more creative parts, Such as the harmonics and the solos. If I just had the creative parts as one suggested, I don't think it would have any of the magic that made me like the song in the first place. It might have new magic, but then how nostalgic is that ?

To all who oppose, I only have one thing to say to you.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Quite possibly my favorite rock remix on this site, just because it's Guile done right. For me, the song just screamed for electric guitar; I couldn't have picked a better instrument, nor better playing. Very well done guitar. Everything else just accentuates it, especially after about 2'50. Amazing work.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Dude, this has got to be, by far, one of the best OCRemixes I've ever listened to. Period.

You took a song that needed a guitar, you put the perfect guitar to it, and man, this just came out excellent.

I can't wait to hear other things from ya, dude, because this was just freakin crazy.

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Now this is how its done! An excellent rockin peice. I love guitar mixes *thats why I learned to play the instrument!* and this is some killer stuff. Out of all the BGM in SF2 I always though Guiles mix was deserving of a rock/guitar remix. And here it is in all its glory. It's everything I could have hoped for! An excellent mix for an excellent mix!

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  • 1 year later...

This remix is one of my three favorite remixes out of the 500+ I have downloaded. I have played classical and electric guitar, so I can appreciate the skill, for one.

I believe playing through the theme straight through once (with a few flourishes) was a great idea, because it establishes the piece and prepares the listener for the variations that come later. And it just plain rocks.

As far as the variations themselves go, I think they're excellent. Melodic/harmonic invention is great, and more creative than most I've seen here. At 3:09, the variation on the original motif is fantastic. At 3:25, it could have even gone on, with a key change into the original theme to finish the piece, but maybe that would've been pushing it.

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  • 2 years later...

Knowing the source makes understanding this mix better.

Anyway, I can't make up my mind on this one.

On one hand, it's laid back rock.

On the other, well... I dunno...

I like it, but it's not the most showstopping, blockbuster mix on here. It's still good and worth listening too.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...

While not being as dynamic production-wise as I'd expect, this mix knocks it out of the park when it comes to arrangement. Superbly creative, Guile's theme is established really early so we can be introduced to original material which gradually blooms back into Guile's theme. Quite a nice way to tackle the rock infusion that's happening here. I do love myself some slow, emotionally driven guitar rock. The original material does far outweigh the source material, but I wont tell if you wont.

Like I said, production is a little underpar. Things sound a bit washy listening on speakers, some samples are a bit on the nose, but overall, wow. Impressive use of the material to create something completely separate altogether. Creative stuff.

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