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I don't really want to do this, but sometime tonight, I'm going to try disabling the Kigen's Anti-cheat server plugin to see if that improves performance.

Of all the server addons we have, that's the one most likely to cause slowdowns.

I don't really want to do this, but sometime tonight, I'm going to try disabling the Kigen's Anti-cheat server plugin to see if that improves performance.

Of all the server addons we have, that's the one most likely to cause slowdowns.


Would something like

be any better? Probably not now that I think about it. Oh well.

Would something like

be any better? Probably not now that I think about it. Oh well.

Kigen's Anti-Cheat is more about how it detects the cheat, not how it punishes it.

There's only been one detection I could see in the last few months.

Anyway, still had server-lag tonight with it disabled.

At this point it seems it is the server and not the plugins.

Fix the server.


FireSlash is the one who controls the hardware side, not me.

Anyway, we've known for a while that the big bottleneck is disk I/O. Which may or may not be directly attributable to the DB server for TF2Stats, which lives on this server. However, iotop doesn't report anywhere near the max of what the I/O system should support.

Anyway, I'm tempting to set up a temporary RED server on my other machine to see how it fares.

Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

- Added the Spiral Knights promotional hat

- Updated The Superfan, The Essential Accessories, and The Hero's Hachimaki so they can be painted

- Updated The Conjurer's Cowl and The Maul so they can be crafted and traded

Updating now.

Also, Spiral Knights is a free game, so... free hat for everyone?

Edit: Wait, isn't The Essential Accessories a Misc item? So there are paintable Misc items now?

Edit 2: Servers are back now.

Updating now.

Edit: Wait, isn't The Essential Accessories a Misc item? So there are paintable Misc items now?

The Camera Beard is a Misc item, and it's been paintable for a while.


As someone who likes both TF2 and Spiral Knights, I just got myself a new favorite hat. <3


Seems the latest TF2 update crashes my computer.

I had that problem the first time I launched TF2, but afterwards it appeared to work correctly.

No clue about what else to do to fix it though, other than the usual "verify integrity of game cache" thing.

Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

- Fixed some server replay publishing bugs

- Added a new ConVar "replay_fileserver_offload_aborttime"

- Any replay publishing thread that takes longer than replay_fileserver_offload_aborttime seconds will be killed

This happened while I was playing Spiral Knights, so I didn't get to it right away.


Unrelated to the update, there's a new blog post about the Asymmetry/Symmetry CP Contest. Some of the entries look pretty good. (Which I guess is to be expected, actually.)

Completely unrelated edit: I just realized that after only a week of playing following a month-long absence from the server, I've already reclaimed the global backstab award.

That ridiculous 14-stab round you had on Hightower the other night didn't hurt.

Pssh, I had a 15-stab round on degroot just the other night.

Seriously, though, I've been playing less Spy and more Pyro/Sniper/Engineer than usual, so I'm not surprised Paranoid has the backstabs award now.

P.S. I must be near Pyromancer by now...

I got that achievement years ago~!

It's one of two I've been missing for Pyro for years. The other being the one you need a Spy to help you farm because no one ever does the disguise kit taunt ever, except when trying to get the Spy achievement for it.

Incidentally, I have every achievement for Spy and Sniper; I'm down to one or two achievements for Pyro, Scout, and Heavy. I still have a ton of achievements for Engineer (at least one of which has been bugged for some time), Medic, Demoman, and Soldier.

I remember when Goldrush was a good map

...wait let me try that again

I remember when Goldrush wasn't entirely horrible

Sadly, it's been entirely horrible every time I've played it recently.

and then you crashed!

No, my ISP was being shitty as usual and dropped the connection. Seriously, every night around 10 it'll start dropping in and out and doesn't stabilize again for about an hour.

I'll be gone for the better part of this weekend, but when I get back I have half a mind to call them and ask WTF is going on.


Just a heads up. After I log off Friday night, I won't be on again until Sunday afternoon/evening sometime. So, if the server drops off the face of the planet or something, you'll have to bug FireSlash.

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